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Anatomy Terminology

Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism

Midsagittal Plane more specific term to describe a sagittal cut resulting in a relatively equivalent left and right portions
Sagittal Plane vertical plane separating left and right sides (mid and para)
Coronal Plane (frontal plane) vertical plane separating front and back portions of the body/parts
Anatomical Position - standing with eyes facing forward - arms down by the side - palms of the hands facing forward to the front - toes facing forward
Pathology study of the nature of diseases and of the structural and functional changes imposed upon the organism as a result.
Physiology study of the functions of living organisms and their parts
Biology study of living organisms
Anatomy study of the structure and organization of living organisms
Parasagittal Plane more specific term to describe a sagittal cut without equivalent left and right portions
Transverse Plane (horizontal plane) horizontal plane separating top and bottom halves of body/parts
Superior above
Inferior below
Anterior toward front
Posterior toward back
Proximal toward center of body/point of origin
Distal away from the center of body/point of origin
Superficial located closer to surface of body
Deep located further from surface of body
Caudal closer to tail
Rostral (cranial) closer to head
Dorsal pertaining to the back
Ventral pertaining to the front or belly
Lateral to the side or farther from midsagittal plane
Medial toward the middle/center or closer to midsagittal plane
Peripheral pertaining to periphery or composing secondary part
Central pertaining to center or composing primary part
External situated outside
Internal situated inside
Extrinsic external, coming from outside
Intrinsic internal, completely within
Prone body lying face down
Supine body lying face up
Contra- referring to opposite side
Ipsi- referring to same side
Infra- below
Supra- above
Extra- outside
Intra- inside
Ecto- outer
Endo- inner
Pre- before
Post- after/behind
Macro- large
Micro- small
Intra- within
Inter- between
Sub- under
Super- above
A- non/without
Ab- from/off/away from midline
Ad- to/toward
Apex- summit/top
Di- two/twice
Uni- one/single
Bi- two/double
Dys- bad/difficulty
Hemi- half
Homo- same
Hetero- other
Hyper- excess
Hypo- under/less
Myo- muscle
Para- beside
Peri- around
Os- pertaining to bone
Poly- many
-arthria articulation
-ectomy removal of a structure
-itis inflammation
-kinesia pertaining to motion or movement
-phagia eating
-phonia pertaining to voice
-pnea pertaining to respiration (breathing)
-sclerosis hardening of a structure
-scopy viewing (usually by means of an instrument)
-tonia pertaining to muscle tone
-mysium pertaining to muscle
-osteum pertaining to bone
Edema excess fluid/swelling
Mastication process of chewing
Abduction separation of two structures
Adduction bringing together of two structures
Deglutition swallowing
Extension stretching out
Flexion bending
Tensor process of tensing a structure
Levator process of raising a structure
Oblique situated in slanting or diagonal direction
Crest (elevation) narrow ridge of bone
Process (elevation) general term for bony prominence
Condyle (elevation) rounded or knucklelike eminence that articulates with another bone
Tubercle (elevation) small rounded projection
Head (elevation) enlargement at one end of a bone beyond constricted portion
Tuberosity (elevation) large round projection
Spine (elevation) sharp projection
Trochanter (elevation) very large bony projection
Fissure (depression) deep groove
Sinus (depression) cavity within a bone
Foramen (depression) opening or perforation in bone or cartilage
Neck (depression) constriction near one end of a bone
Fossa (depression) hollow or shallow depression
Sulcus (depression) groove
Meatus (depression) tube-like passageway
Fovea (depression) small pit-like depression
Myofibril muscle filament contained in muscle fiber (contain sarcomeres) (cell of muscle fiber)
Sarcomere smallest functional unit of a striated/skeletal muscle fiber most basic units of myofibrils ("organelle in cell")
Sarcolemma delicate elastic membrane which surrounds every striated muscle fiber ("cell wall/skin")
Sarcoplasm specialized plasm where myofibrils are embedded ("cytoplasm")
Myoglobin protein which increases diffusion of oxygen into muscle fibers and contributes to their color
Perimysium sheath of fibrous connective tissue surrounding each fasciculus separating groups of muscle fibers ("small hose/tube")
Epimysium connective tissue surrounding group of fasciculi ("medium hose/tube")
Fascia sheet of dense connective tissue which encloses muscles and groups of muscles ("large hose/tube")
Synarthrodial immovable joints
Amphiarthrodial joints that yield slight movement (cartilaginous)
Diarthrodial freely moving joints (synovial-6 types)
Joints bones join other bones at joints as do some cartilages, ligaments hold joints together
Periosteum fibrous membrane surrounding the outer surface of bone (around bone)
Perichondrium fibrous membrane surrounding the outer surface of cartilage (around cartilage)
Isometric muscle tenses but doesn't shorten, creates force but not movement
Isotonic muscle shortens but tension remains constant, muscle only shortens with isotonic contraction
Postural Muscle Tone steady contraction of muscles that are necessary to hold different parts of the skeleton in proper relation to the various and constantly changing attitudes and postures of the body
Hypertonicity too much muscle tone
Hypotonicity lack of or diminished muscle tone
Parallel Muscle Architecture fasciculi are parallel to the long axis of the muscle
Radiating Muscle Architecture fasciculi converge from a broad surface to a narrow point
Penniform/Pennate Muscle Architecture fasciculi converge obliquely along the length of the tendon (lesser range of motion, but greater power)
Origin and Insertion -attachment which is usually fixed or engages in the lesser movement -structure acted upon
Geometric Names name is based on the shape of the muscle
General Form muscle name is based on appearance
Location where the muscle is located in the body
Descriptive Terms based on descriptive terms ie. major, minor, external, internal (usually paired muscles)
Number of Heads at Origin number of connection points at the origin of the muscle
Function what the muscle does
Greater Force Created when muscle is at resting length, if a muscle has too much tension or is relaxed too much it doesn't work as well
Fasciculus bundle of muscle fibers
Created by: anastazia4
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