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Exam 1

Chapter 1 Human Diseases, A Systematic Approach, 8th ed., Zelman

Health Condition in which the human body preforms its vital systems normally
Homeostasis Relatively stable conditions even with unstable environments
Disease Any deviation from normal structure or function of body (ex-not normal amount of insulin)
Pathology Study of disease – structural/ functional changes
Pathologist Studies changes caused by disease
Signs Evidence of disease by physical examination (visual, test)
Symptoms Indications of disease the patient says (says they have pain but looks normal)
Asymptomatic No signs or symptoms (chlamydia)
Syndrome Abnormal structure or function (AIDS)
Disorder Abnormality not characterized by physical abnormality
Diagnosis Process of identifying disease or disorder. Interviews can be used
Physical Exam types (to diagnose) Inspection, palpation, Auscultation, Percussion, vital signs
Inspection Visual examination of external surface of body, movement and posture (reflex with knee)
Palpation Feeling the body with hands to see tenderness/texture of body (tumor)
Auscultation Listening to lungs/heart/intestines frequency/quality of sounds (wheezing of lungs)
Percussion Producing sounds by tapping parts of body size/consistency/fluid of body parts
Vital signs Pulse, respiratory rate, temperature
Imaging Technologies (to diagnose) Electrocardiography, radiography, Computed tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, Nuclear medicine
Electrocardiography Reading hearts electrical impulses
Radiography X rays for internal structures
Computed tomography (CT) Computers and x rays to create 3d images of internal structures
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Analyzes tissue responses of magnetic fields
Ultrasound Analyzes low frequency sound waves with tissues to create moving images
Nuclear Medicine Radioactive materials cause contrast in body to see structure of organs
Prognosis Predicted course and outcome
Acute Sudden onset and short duration Terminal-Will end in death
Chronic Comes on slower and last longer (asthma, cancer)
Remission Period of time when signs or symptoms of disease subside or disappear
Exacerbation signs and symptoms grow more severe
Relapse disease returns after it appears to be cured
Complication related disease that develops in someone that already has a disease (bed sores from fracture)
Sequela aftermath of a disease (rheumatic fever causes permanent damage to heart)
Leading cause of death in USA Diseases of heart, followed by issues from a sedentary lifestyle
Mortality number of deaths that occur within people with a certain disease- #of deaths due to a certain disease/people with the disease
Morbidity number of cases of a disease in a population- #of NEW cases of disease/total # of people in a population
Incidence # new cases in disease in a population
Prevalence %population affected with certain disease in a specific time frame - # of people with a disease in a certain time frame/total people in population in time frame
Epidemiology uses statistics -study of occurrence transmission, distribution, and control of disease
Leading causes of death in low income countries communicable diseases, maternal and child health
Etiology Cause of a disease
Pathogenesis how the etiology leads to physiological changes in body resulting to disease
Idiopathic cause of disease is not known
Chief Causes of Disease Hereditary, congenital, degenerative, inflammatory, neoplastic, metabolic, traumatic, nutritional
Hereditary abnormality in genes or chromosomes
Congenital disease exists at or from birth can be heredity or development in uterus
degenerative function or structure of specific organs deteriorate over time
inflammatory Autoimmune, Allergic-abnormal immune function
neoplastic abnormal growth leads to tumors
metabolic disruption of normal metabolism (food to energy)
traumatic physical or chemical injury
nutritional over or under consumption of nutrients
Risk factors environmental, chemical, physiological, psychological, genetic
Environmental pollution, living close to highway
chemical exposure to chemical toxin, ex. working at nail salon
physiological ex. high blood pressure/sugar
psychological ex. anxiety
genetic abnormality in genes or chromosomes
risk factors Poor Nutrition, Lack of Physical Activity, Tobacco Use, Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Health promotion and disease prevention Be Physically Active, Eat Wisely, maintain a Healthy Weight, Be Tobacco Free, Limit Alcohol, Get Recommended Screening Tests and Immunizations, Manage Stress
Palliative provide comfort and relieve pain ex terminal cancer
Pharmacologic drugs- can relieve signs and symptoms or cure
Surgical correct physiological abnormalities
Psychiatric/Psychological treatments used for mental disorders
Types of Treatment for Disease Palliative, Pharmacologic, Surgical, Psychiatric/Psychological
Created by: LemonLinds
Popular Medical sets




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