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A&P chap 5 tissue

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supports and forms framework of the body. vascularized, extracellular matrix-ground substance-has blood supply Connective tissue
entire gland and its products are secreted-sebaceous glands (hair)/glands that release entire cells Holocrine Glands
glands that lose small portions of their glandular cell bodies during secretion-mammary glands ceruminous Apocrine Glands
glands that release fluid products by exocytosis-salivary pancreatic glands Merocrine Glands
looks like multiple layers, but really isn't; located in the trachea Pseudostratified
example of epithelial covering; one layer thick, allows for absorption (lining of digestive tract) Simple Covering
delicate network of interwoven fibers that function as a net (stroma) to support free blood cells (lymphatic tissue, bone marrow) Reticular Tissue
covers the body surface and organs, forms the inner lining of body cavities and lines hollow organs Epithelial Tissue
consists of several layers of cells, superficial cells are elongated, where the basal layers consist of cube shaped cells Stratified Columnar Epithelium
secrete a protective fluid called mucus onto the free surface of the tissue -wax producing cells Goblet Cells
loose-all other tissues and cells in the body are either bordered to or are embedded in it -tissue gives shape around other tissue Areolar Tissue
fat- cells in fluid gel matrix, protects, insulates and stores fat Adipose Tissue
loose connective Soft
blood and lymph - connects all components of the body Vascular
is composed of protein fibers and a ground substance consisting of nonfibrous protein and other molecules and fluid Extracellular Matrix
oil (sebaceous secreting sebum) Simple Branched Alveolar
sweat (sudoriferous) <- think of odor, stinky Simple Coiled Tubular
is composed of a single layer of elongated cells whose nuclei are usually about the same level, near basement membrane, can be ciliated or nonciliated Simple Columnar Epithelium
appear stratified or layered, but they are not. Layered effect occurs because nuclei are at 2 or more levels in a row of aligned cells Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
column shaped, stratified located in male urethra (long narrow) entire length of digestive tract, nucli located at the base Columnar
cube shaped, common in glands and their ducts, walls of kidney tubules and covers the surface of the ovaries Cuboidal
middle covering, lines the ventral cavity of the body and covers the organs in that cavity; is a friction reducer Mesothelium
inner covering, lining of blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart Endothelium
consists of a single layer of thin, flattened cells, fit tightly together, somewhat like floor tiles, and their nuclei are usually broad and thin Simple Squamous Epithelium
flat and irregular, thin flattened cells Squamous
found in the urinary tract, highly modified stratified squamous epithelium Transitional
located near blood vessels, release heparine-for prevention of blood clotting, and histamine which promotes some of the reactions associated w/ inflammation and allergies Mast Cells
specialized for phagocytosis to fight infection (if too large, body will eat) function as scavenger cells that clear foreign particles from tissues Macrophages
large star shaped cells that secrete fibers into the extracellular matrix of connective tissue (gives strength to prevent breaking through fibers) Fibroblast
defined as a group of cells that are similar in structure and function Tissue
multiple layers, allows for wear and tear (heel of your foot) Stratified
non striated, involuntary muscle, walls of hollow organs, lacks striation, are shorter than those of skeletal muscle and are spindle shaped each w/single, centrally located nucleus Smooth Muscle
striated, voluntary muscle, forms muscles that usually attach to bones and are controlled by conscious effort Skeletal Muscle
gastric Simple Branched Tubular
mammory glands Compound Alveolar
bulbourethral glands (sperm nourishment) Compound Tubular
striated, involuntary muscle, intercalated disks-contain gap junctions to allow passage of ions and form a binding site between fibers-only in the heart Cardiac Muscle
intestinal Simple Tubular
glands that secrete their products into ducts that open onto surfaces such as the skin or the lining of the digestive tract Exocrine Glands
movement tissue; are contractible; they can shorten and thicken Muscle Tissue
bone break down Osteoclasts
glands that secrete their products into tissue fluid or blood (hormones) Endocrine Glands
are groups of epithelial cells that make and secrete a product Glands
bone building Osteoblasts
consists of a single layer of cube shaped cells, usually have centrally located, spherical nuclei Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
consists of many layers of cells making this tissue relatively thick Stratified Squamous Epithelium
bone maintenance Osteocytes
osseous tissue formed by osteocytes, built by osteoblasts, and broken down by osteoclasts Bone
pinna of the ear-maximize movement and springs back; is more flexible than hyaline cartilage because extracellular matrix has a dense network of elastic fibers Elastic Cartilage
consists of two or three layers of cuboidal cells that form the lining of a lumen Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
between segments of the spine; shock absorber for structures subjected to pressure, very tough tissue, has many collagenous fibers Fibrocartilage
forms the ends over long bones, shock absorber; supports, protects, provides framework ends of bones, nose, and rings in walls of respiratory passages Hyaline Cartilage
formed by chondrocytes; rigid connective tissue; provides support, frameworks, and attachments; protects underlying tissues, forms structural models for many developing bones Cartilage
cartilage and bone Hard
containing flexible white protein, collagen forming structures like: tendons, ligaments, the capsules (shell) of certain organs ie. kidneys - binds body parts Fibrous (Dense Regular) Connective Tissue
main component of the nervous organs (brain, spinal cord and nerves) in charge of impulses Nervous Tissue
impulse transporting cells (do thins w/out thinking)highly specialized Neurons
information away; carry information away from cell-changes in their surroundings and repond by transmitting nerve impulses along cellular processes Axon
information gathering; brings information into cell Dendrite
cell body; determines what to do with information Somite
support cells-do not transport impulses, nourish, insulate and protect neurons - cleans up after neuron (cell to cell communication) Neuroglia
Created by: tbutcher
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