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Guide Questions

Order of mediastinum from anterior to posterior Sternum > Thoracic duct> may sympathetic trunk sa last
Left vagus nerve is found in what side of trachea or thymus? Left
What is between sternum and pericardium? Anterior mediastinum
What is the covering inside costal and thoracic chuchu pleura Costal Layer
Normal Characteristics of Pleural Cavity? Slitlike spaces or b. with significant amount of pleural fluid; other choices can collapse readily, air-filled inside
Normal tracheal diameter? 2.5 cm
Normal trachea length? 11.25cm
Mucosal lining is innervated by? Recurrent left laryngeal nerve
Posterior of trachea Esophagus
Anterior of trachea Azygous vein
Posterior mediastinum is between chuchu vertebral column
What kind of cartilage is the trachea? hyaline cartilage
carinum ends in T4 and T5
costodiaphragmatic recess between: costal and diaphragm
(Question is more on description of CM recess) costomediastinal recess is blabla: Superior or anterior
Expiration the trachea will: rise about one vertebral level
trachea bifurcation (concept of question is about its movement during respi) stay static??? or batsa kmo answer
Sympathetic fibers of Bronchi: Constriction of arteryy orrr Cardiac acceleration??
Which of the following is true about bronchus chuchu
After lobar bronchus, what segments divide? tertiary bronchus? may choice din na segmental bronchus (ans ur best choice)
node between primarum and secondrum?? Embryo of heart Q
Apex of the heart is located in Lateral edge of 5th costal cartilage in midsternum
Lower third brachio artery
superior most of the the root of the lung: superior lobar
Root of lungs is attached with pulmonary ligament
define segmental brocnhus
base of the heart left atrium
what divides the Atrium and auricle posterior atrioventricular groove
what supplies the bronchu w/ deoxygenated blood pulmonary artery
What separates bronchopulmonary segment? respiratory epithelium or connective tissue
What is true about chuchu Lungs expand vertically vand transversely
Space between visceral and parietal pleura: pleural cavity
Auricle muscle bundles of muscles musculi pectinati
What is not included in the inferior mediastinum thymus
Epicardium is what kind of layer Visceral
Purpose of pleural fluid movement, cushion
What is right border of the heeart right atrium
heart chambers are divided by anterior interventricular groove
in between secondum and promisum Fossa Ovalis
What is Conduction system that sends signals to moderator band Q is something like that
Loudest beat in the apex (Case question) hint is on Costal space location mitral valve
Valve in right opposite of 4th intercostal tricuspid valve
Systolic is Ventricular contraction
RCA right ventricular wall (E)
Circumflex posterolateral
Vessel that Accompanies bronchopulmonary segment bronchial artery
Abnormality about chuchu: ASD
trachea begins at: lower border of cricoid cartilage
Wife wakes up cold clammy hands and weak Low glucose
increase/decrease ang CO2 Sa brain -
hypocapnia and hypercapnia
B2 airways
what crosses blood brain barrier sodiumxata
petit mal
border of blood brain barrier
norepi to epi hydroxylation
parasympathetic and sympathetic fxn, specific to what
Acetylcholine, is it preganglionic parasympa?
Norepi, is it postganglionic sympa?
Sympathetic, intestinal relaxation or intestinal motility
All are sympathetic except sweating
What breaks down acetylcholine
functions and purposes of hypothalamic nuclei
Purposes of sleep neurotransmitters
Sympathetic nerves and which do they cross Sympathetic nerves and which do they cross
Eye CNs for their motor movement
Created by: Rie4Silver
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