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3.03 Nervous System
Nervous System Medical Terminology and key terms
Term | Definition |
arach- | spider |
cephal/o | head |
cerebell/o | cerebellum |
cerebr/o | cerebrum |
crani/o | skull |
encephalo | brain |
endo- | within |
-esthesia | sensation, feeling |
-graph | instrument used to record an image |
hemi- | half |
hydro | water |
mening | membrane covering the brain |
myel/o | spinal cord |
neur/o | nerve |
-oid | like, resemble |
pleg/o | paralysis |
psych/o | mind |
-us | structure |
blood-brain barrier | inability of some substances to penetrate the brain tissue |
cerebral ventricles | four cavities within the brain that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid |
convolutions | elevated folds on the surface of the cerebrum that increase the surface area of the brain |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident; stroke |
Dementia | loss in at least two areas of complex behaviors |
Fight or Flight response | body perceives danger and is prepared to run away or stand and fight; heart rate increases, mouth becomes dry, and pupils and bronchi dilate |
Gyri | convolutions in the brain |
Lumbar puncture | a needle is inserted between two vertebrae to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid |
Neurotransmitter | a chemical messenger that carries, boosts, and balances signals between neurons (ex. Acetylcholine) |
Paralysis | the loss of the ability to move (and sometimes to feel anything) in part or most of the body, typically result of illness, poison, or injury |
Stimulus | something that can elicit or evoke a physiological response in a cell, a tissue, or an organism |