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nwc predictor test

st430 A&P Spinal cord & Peripheral nerves

which of the following is least related to CN VIII? wernicke's area
the roman numerals that designate the cranial nerves indicate: the order in which the nerves exit the brain
the baroreceptor reflex controls: blood pressure
which of the following is least descriptive of the olfactory nerve? moves the tongue
the somatic motor branch of the peripheral nervous system: is an efferent branch of the peripheral nervous system
which of the following is least true of the spinal cord? the adult spinal cord extends the length of the spinal activity
the fifth cranial nerve, called the____ nerve, is a mixed nerve that detects sensations from the scalp, face, and teeth. trigeminal
sensory information is carried by the cochlear branch of CN VIII to the: more than one answer above
an intramuscular injection into the buttocks is given in the upper outer quadrant in an attempt to avoid injuring which nerve? sciatic
which word best describes the following: spinothalamic, pyramidal, corticospinal? tracts
which group is incorrect? cranial nerves: vagus, facial, median cubital, oculomotor
sensory nerve fibers travel from the periphery to the spinal cord through the: dorsal root
damage to which nerve prevents extension of the hip and flexion of the knee? sciatic
which group is incorrect? spinal nerves: phrenic, axillary, sciatic, vagus.
which of the following is true about the pyramidal tract? it descends to the medulla oblongata, where most fibers decussate and descend on the contralateral side of the body
which of the following is not descriptive of the optic nerve? move the eyeball
a piece of dirt blows into your left eye, embedding in the cornea. which of the following is not part of a reflex that is activated? the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve carries sensory information to the primary visual cortex.
a patient has suffered an injury to the right cerebral hemisphere and has left-sided paralysis. which word best explains this? decussation
which large nerve emerges from the distal end of the spinal cord and innervates the lower extremities? sciatic
what is described: cervical (8) thoracic (12) lumbar (5) sacral (5) and coccygeal (1) ? spinal nerves
the major function of the spinal cord include: acting as a sensory and motor pathway and reflex center
which of the following occurs last (patellar tendon reflex)? the effector organ contracts
an area of skin innervated by a spinal nerve is called a : dermatome
which of the following is the best description of a motor tract? descending tract
unlike most cranial nerves, this cranial nerve innervates organs in the thorax and abdominopelvic cavity vagus
which of the following nerves is often "deadened" or anesthetized for the purpose of childbirth? pudendal
which of the following is the most serious consequence of a damaged or anesthetized glossopharyngeal nerve? impaired: gag reflex and aspiration of food and water into the respiratory passages
damage to which cranial nerve causes blindness? II
a spinal cord injury at the level of C2 causes quadriplegia and an inability to breathe
the tenth cranial nerve, the______nerve, "wanders" outside the head are and innervates the heart and gastrointestinal system vagus
to achieve spinal anesthesia, a -caine drug is injected into the: subarachnoid space
identify the disorder: clusters of vesicles develop along cranial or spinal dermatomes; herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia shingles
the babinski reflex is elicited by: stroking the sole of the foot
both the trigeminal and facial nerves participate in the ______reflex corneal
spinal nerves: are mixed
which of the following is least related to the olfactory nerve? motor, causing flaring of the nares
which of the following is most descriptive of the phrenic nerve? motor nerve supplying the diaphragm
which group is incorrect? plexuses: cervical, brachial, lumbosacral, cauda equina
a surgical patient is given a curare like drug intravenously, thereby blocking his NM receptors. you would expect this patient to require assistance breathing
a hammer strikes the achilles tendon to elicit which stretch reflex? ankle jerk
if this reflex is not working, a person is in danger of choking on food. gag
damage to which nerve causes crutch palsy? axillary
the dermatome is most related to which of the following? spinal nerve distribution
which of the following is true of the spinothalamic tract? sensory for touch, pressure and pain
which of the following is true of CNs III, IV, and VI? all: move the eyeballs
at which structure are spinal nerves grouped and sorted? a plexus
a gag reflex is meditated by which nerve? glossopharyngeal nerve
the pyramidal tract: is also called the corticospinal tract
which of the following is located within the spinal cavity? cauda equina
which of the following is least descriptive of the phrenic nerve? primarily afferent fibers
damage to the common peroneal nerve causes: foot drop
which of the following is the major motor tract? pyramidal
a person with damage to ________ has the weakest blink the facial nerve
which of the following is least related to tic douloureux? impairment: bone conduction deafness
which of the following is descriptive of cranial nerve VII? vestibulocochlear
ptosis of the eyelid and dilated and fixed pupils reflect pressure on which nerve? oculomotor
the first, second, and eighth cranial nerves: are sensory nerves
which of the following is not true of the median, radial, and ulnar nerves? emerge from the cervical plexus
which reflex is stimulated by stroking the sole of the foot with a sharp object? babinski
the douloureux, or trigeminal neuralgia, is characterized by intense facial pain
which of the following is true of CN I, II, and VIII? all are: sensory
the ulnar, radial, and median nerves supply the: forearm and hand
all nervous reflexes: require a sensory and motor arm
excess pressure on this cranial nerve affects pupillary size and the activity of the levator palpebrae superioris III
which reflex is concerned with the regulation of blood pressure? baroreceptor
a lumbar puncture is done by inserting a needle into the: subarachnoid space
ptosis of the eyelid and fixed/dilated pupil are indicative of: excess pressure of the oculomotor nerve
the ovulomotor, trochlear, and abducens are cranial nerves that: innervate the extrinsic eye muscles ( move the eyeball)
which tract arises within the spinal cord and ascends to the diencephalon? spinothalamic
which of the following is not true of Bell's palsy? spasm: sternocleidomastoid bilaterally
a person with _____is most likely to require eye drops in order to moisten the cornea bells palsy
a dilated and fixed pupil indicates pressure on which cranial nerve? cranial nerve III
the _______nerve (tract) carries sensory information toward the brain spinothalamic
to which of the following do these characteristics apply: light touch, pressure, pain, and temperature? spinothalamic tract
if phrenic nerve were cut or severed, the patient would not be able to: breathe
to evaluate this cranial nerve, the person is asked to stick out the tongue and the nurse notes any deviation in the position of the protruded tongue. hypoglossal
Created by: editsuchan
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