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respiratory system

st430 predictor test

which structure is called the windpipe and is supported by rings of cartilage? trachea
which of the following respiratory tubes is primarily composed of smooth muscle and determine the flow of air to the aveoli bronchioles
which nerve innervates the diaphragm? phrenic
as part of the respiratory structures, the oropharynx and laryngopharynx: carry food and water to the esophagus
which of the following is the first step in inhalation? firing up the medullary inspiratory neurons
which of the following best describes the visceral and parietal pleura? are serous membranes that line the pleural cavity
which of the following occurs on exhalation? all are correct
the pneumotaxic center and apneustic center are located within the: pons
how is most oxygen transported through the blood? attached to hemoglobin
which substance greatly reduces the attractive forces among the water molecules lining the alveoli? surfactant
which of the following events occurs last? movement of air into the lungs
laryngospasm is most likely to cause: acute respiratory obstruction
the phrenic nerve fires. which event occurs next? the diaphragm contracts
intra-alveolar surface tension is caused by: water
the lungs are located within the: thoracic cavity
central and peripheral chemoreceptors (aortic and carotid bodies): more than one of the options are correct
the alveoli: are the primary site of respiratory gas exchange
surfactants: prevent collapse of the alveoli
laryngospasm and epiglottal swelling is most apt to cause: upper airway obstruction
activation of the beta2-adrenergic receptors of the airway: causes bronchodilation
which of the following will cause the intrapulmonic pressure to become less than atmospheric pressure? increase in thoracic volume
which of the following are the accessory muscles of respiration (used in forced exhalation)? internal intercostals and the abdominal muscles
which structures has the thinnest wall? alveoli
the respiratory passages are lined with: mucous membranes
contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles: change thoracic volume
which of the following occurs on inhalation? all are correct
which of the following structures is located both in the thoracic cavity and mediastinum but not in the pleural cavities? heart
boyle's law forms the basis of: ventilation
what will happen under the following conditions: the pO2 is 95mm Hg (arterial blood ) and 40 mm Hg (tissue)? oxygen diffuses from the blood to the tissues
the central chemoreceptors are primarily sensitive to blood levels of: carbon dioxide and [ H+ ]
frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal: are paranasal sinuses
which of the following represents a correct airflow? bronchi to bronchioles to alveoli.
surfactants are found within the: alveoli
the diaphragm: all are correct
at plasma PCO2 increases, ventilation increases
the olfactory receptors: are located within the nasal cavities and nasal septum
the trachea: contains C-shaped cartilaginous rings
the Hering-Breuer reflex: prevents overinflation of the lungs
which of the following is the major regulator of respiratory activity? PCO2
what is the primary concern with laryngospasm and swelling of the lips and tongue? acute upper airway obstruction.
which of the following structures controls respirations? medulla oblongata
which of the following contributes to the wheezing of asthma? constriction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle
hypoventilation decreases the respiratory excretion of: carbon dioxide
a preterm infant is most likely to develop respiratory distress because: a deficiency in surfactant
hypoventilation is most apt to: induce acidosis
which group is incorrect? structures of the bronchial tree: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli,
when the muscles of respiration relax, thoracic volume decreases and air moves out of the lungs
which of the following describes boyle's law? an increase in thoracic volume decreases intrapulmonic pressure
the nares, nostrils, and nasal septum: are located in the upper respiratory tract
dyspnea means: difficulty breathing
pleural membranes: are serous membranes
"clubbing" of the fingers is a response to: chronic hypoxemia
what causes a boy's voice to "break" or change at the onset of puberty? testosterone causes the vocal cords to thicken
which of the following is the dome-shaped muscle that is the chief muscle of inhalation? diaphragm.
contraction of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles: is responsible for inhalation
what is the effect of an overdose of an opioid (narcotic)? depresses the medulla oblongata and depresses ventilation
surfactants: are secreted by cells within the alveoli
kussmaul respirations: refer to an acidosis-induced increased respiratory activity
bronchiolar constriction is most likely to cause: wheezing
which of the following is most related to the relaxation of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles? decreased thoracic volume
the epiglottis, glottis, and vocal cords: are structures of the larynx.
which of the following is a structure located within the lungs? primary bronchi
hypoventilation can cause: hypoxemia and acidosis
Which event occurs in response to an increase in thoracic volume ? Air moves into and through the respiratory passages
which of the following is true of the lower respiratory tract? contains the respiratory organs in the chest
cartilaginous rings: Prevent the collapse of the trachea
in which structure is the Po2 104 mmHg? alveolus
oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the: pulmonary capillaries
When the number of alveoli decreases, patches of alveoli collapse. the result can be: all are correct
the respiratory tract: contains conductance, resistance, and exchange structures
which of the following is necessary for the lungs to remain expanded? the intrapleural pressure must be negative
Where is blood oxygenated? Across the alveous/pulmonary capillary membrane.
inspiratory and expiratory neurons: are located within the respiratory control center in the brain stem
the pleural membranes are serous membranes
the collection of mucus in the lower airways is most likely to cause: atelectasis
the water molecule is polar, meaning that each end of the molecule has an electrical charge. because of this characteristic, water: has a high surface tension
which respiratory muscles are located between the ribs? intercostals.
which of the following is most related to the transport of the respiratory gases by the blood? oxyhemoglobin, carbaminohemoglobin
a stab wound to the chest causes the lung to collapse because: intrapleural pressure becomes greater than the intrapulmonic pressure
severing the phrenic nerve: stops ventilation.
the lungs contain the: structures of the bronchial tree
which of the following best describes eupnea? normal, quiet breathing.
which of the following is most likely to stimulate coughing that may be accompanied by a life-threatening bradycardia? suctioning of the lower airways
which of the following is an upper respiratory structure? larynx
which of the following structures prevents entrance of food and water into the respiratory passages? epiglottis
in reference to a normally expanded lung, the: intrapulmonic pressure is greater than intrapleural pressure
at which point in the respiratory cycle is thoracic volume the smallest? at end of exhalation
the epiglottis: prevents food from entering the trachea
what happens when the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax? air moves out of the lungs
which of the following is most likely to cause pulmonary edema? left ventricular heart failure
which of the following represents a correct anatomical sequence? oropharynx, laryngopharynx, larynx
firing of the intercostal and phrenic nerves: causes a skeletal muscle response that increases thoracic volume
a deficiency of surfactants in the neonate: makes it difficult to expand the lungs
stimulation of the phrenic and intercostal nerves causes the release of which neurotransmitter into the neuromuscular junction? acetylcholine
boyle's law states the relationship between volume and: pressure
ventilation: has two phases: inhalation and exhalation
anatomical dead airspace is most associated with which structure? trachea
the trachea branches into the right and left: bronchi
the diaphragm: is skeletal muscle
which of the following statements is true of the right bronchus? food and small objects are likely to be aspirated into the right bronchus because it's more vertical and larger than the left bronchus.
Created by: editsuchan
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