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3.01 Digestive Syste

NC Health Science I Digestive System

Tongue Secondary Structure; Located in mouth; Skeletal Muscle; Physical Digestion
Teeth Secondary Structure; Located in mouth; 20 Baby, 32 Adult; Physical Digestion
Palate Separate oral and nasal cavities; Hard and soft part
Uvula Posterior part of the soft palate; Forces food to go down to the esophagus
Pharynx Common passageway for food or air
Mouth First part of the digestive system; Primary Structure; Physical and Chemical DigestionContains the teeth, tongue & salivary glands
Esophagus Second part of the digestive system; Primary structure; Tube that connects mouth to stomach
Stomach Third part of the digestive system; Primary Structure; Physical and Chemical digestion
Fundus of the stomach top of the stomach
Body of the stomach middle part of the stomach
Pylorus of the stomach Bottom/end part of the stomach
Cardiac Sphincter of the stomach Junction of the esophagus and stomach; Keeps stomach acid in stomach
Pyloric Sphincter of the stomach Junction of the stomach and small intestines; Controls flow of material out of the stomach
Small Intestines Fourth part of the digestive system (3 different parts); Primary Structure; Chemical Digestion and Absorption of nutrients
Duodenum First part of the Small intestines
Jejunum Second part of the Small Intestines
Ileum Third Part of the Small Intestines
Large Intestines Fifth Part of the Digestive System; Primary Structure; Elimination of waste products
Cecum First part of large intestines; place where chyme is deposited from small intestine
Appendix Finger–like projection found in cecum
Ascending Colon Large Intestine located on right side of abdomen
Transverse Colon Large Intestine located across the top of the abdomen
Descending Colon Large intestine located on left side of abdomen
Rectum Large Intestine where stool is collected until released
Anus Last part of the large intestine; Location where stool is eliminated
Salivary glands Secondary structure; makes and releases saliva; You have 3 of them; Chemical Digestion
Pancreas Secondary Structure; Located behind the stomach Makes digestive enzymes and insulin
Liver Secondary Structure; Located in the abdominal cavity; Makes bile and glycogen; Metabolizes alcohol and tylenol
Gallbladder Secondary Structure; Located in abdominal cavity; Stores bile; You can live without it
Chemical Digestion Breaks food down chemically; Mouth, Stomach, Small Intestine; Saliva, Stomach acid, enzymes and bile
Physical Digestion Breaks food down physically; Mouth and Stomach; Teeth, Tongue and Peristaltic movement in stomach
Absorption Nutrients from food going into blood stream; Small Intestines; Villi
Elimination Removal of waste products from the body; Large Intestines; Anus
Electrolytes & Vitamins Absorbed into the bloodstream and very important to maintain health
Cholecysitis Inflammation of the Gallbladder; Pain after large fatty meal; Removal of gallbladder
Cirrhosis Liver not functioning; caused by alcohol, tylenol or Hep. B; No cure, but can treat symptoms ; Liver transplant
Constipation Hard stools; Infrequent Bowel Movement; Tx–High Fiber foods, laxatives, inc. fluid intake
Gastroenteritis/Diarrhea Caused by a virus; s/s=vomiting and/or diarrhea, fever, chills; Tx–IV Fluids, rest
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Caused by overeating, smoking; AKA Heartburn; Tx=antacids
Hiatal Hernia Caused by a weakness in the diaphragm; Stomach goes up into the chest cavity; Tx–surgery
Hepatitis A, B, or C; Caused by a virus; A=transmitted by food; B & C=transmitted by blood and body fluid (STD); Tx–treat symptoms; Prevention for Hep. B=Vaccine
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) s/s=constipation and/or diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating; Tx=long–term chronic management
Peptic Ulcers Sores in the stomach; s/s=abdominal pain\ncaused by bacteria; Tx–medication to block the acid
Created by: jamiesheets1984
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