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A & P Tissues MGCCC

A & P Tissues

What are the 2 types of Merocrine Glands? Serous and Mucous
What are the 3 types of Exocrine Glands? Merocrine, Apocrine and Holocrine
Glandular Epithelium consist of? Secretory columnar and cubodial epithelia
What does Transitional Epithelium do? Lines the urinary bladder and system to provide an expandable lining.
What is Stratified Squamous Epithelium? Thick tissue consisting of many layers, forms outer layer of skin.
How many types of Stratified Squamous Epithelium Cells are there? 2, Keratin and Non Keratin Cells
What is a Keratinized Cell? accumulated by the older cells of the epidermis which causes them to become old and die.
What do Non-Keratinized Cells line? The mouth, throat, vagina and anal canal.
What is Pseudostratified Columnar? appears to be layered but is not- nuclei are located on many levels, cells posess cilia and are found in respiratory and reproductive system.
What is simple columner epithelium? elongated cells with nuclei located near the basement membrane. occurs in uterus, stomach and intestines. Absorption.
What is the main role of Microvilli? Increase Surface area
What do goblet cells do? secrete protective fluid onto tissues.
Simple Cubodial Epithelium? consist of a single layer of cube shaped cells, nuclei are centrally located.
Simple Cubodial lines...? ovaries and kidneys
Simple Cubodial's function? Secretion and Absorption
Simple Squamous Epithelium? consist of a thin layer of flattened cells.
Simple Squamous line....>? air sacs
What occurs in Simple Squamous? diffusion
What are tissues? groups of cells which perform specialized structural and functional roles.
4 major types of Tissue? Epithial, Connective, Muscle and Nerve
What Epithelial Tissues do? cover all the body surfaces inside and out and are the major tissue of glands.
What is a basement membrane? located in the non living underside of the epithelium which heals rapidly and provides a protective barrier for the body.
Epithelial is responsible for...? Secretion, Absorption, Excretion and Sensory reception.
What are Exocrine Glands? secrete products into ducts opeining onto an internal or external surface.
How many types of Exocrine glands? 3
What are Merocrine glands? release fluid through the cell membrane and do not lose any portion of the cell during secretion.
What are examples of Merocrine glands? Salavary, Pancreatic and some sweat glands
What are most glands? Merocrine glands
What are the 2 catagories of Merocrine glands? Serous and mucus
What do serous glands do? secret serous fluid which is water and has high enzyme concentration.
Example of serous gland...? Digestive tract.
What do mucous glands do? secretes thick layer of mucous which is rich in glycoprotein called mucin.
What is mucin? glycoprotein
Example of mucous glands...? Digestive tract and respirtory tubes.
What are Apocrine Glands? Lose small portion of cell during secretion.
Examples of Apocrine Glands...? Mammory and some sweat glands.
What are Holocrine glands? release entire cells filled with secretory products.
Examples of Holocrine glands...? sebacous glands ( oil )
what are endocrine glands? secrete products into tissue, fluid or blood.
What is an example of endocrine glands? hormones
What are the most abundant tissue? connective
what are connective tissues function? binds structures together, provides support, serves as frame work, fills spaces, stores fat, produces blood cells, protects against infection and helps repair tissue damage.
What are resident cells? present in stable numbers in connective tissue
What are fibroblasts? secretes protiens into the matrix to produce fibers
what is the most common resident cell? fibroblasts
what fibers are produced by fibroblasts? collageneous and elastic
what are collagenous fibers? thick thread like componets of collagen that make up tendons.
what are other names for collagenous fibers? dense connective tissue or white fibers.
what are elastic fibers? composed of microfibers and a protein called elastin.
where are elastic fibers found? vocal cords
what is another name for elastic fibers? yellow fibers
what are macrophages? responsible for phagocytosis which allows them to clear the body of froeign particles and change shape
what is phagocytosis? ability to change shape and engulf an object.
what are mast cells? widely distributed in connective tissue and are located near blood vessels.
What do Mast Cells contain? Heparin- which prevents blood clotting and histamine.
what are Wandering Cells? appear temporarily due to infection.
what are examples of wandering cells? white blood cells
What are loose connective tisses? forms thin delicate membranes which contain collagin and elastin fibers.
what do loose connective tissues do? bind skin to underlying organs, fill spaces between muscle, lay beneath epithelium, provide nurishment for epithelial cells.
what serves as a protective cushion for joints and organs? adipose tissue
what is adipose tissue made of? fat
what is adipose tissue? specialized form of tissue found beneath the skin and in between muscles.
what is a heat insulator and storer of fat? adipose tissue.
what are fibrous connective tissue? dense tissue that conatins many closely packed thick collagenous and elastic fibers
what binds body parts together? fibrous connective tissue
what is slow healing and has poor blood supply? fibrous connective tissue.
what is cartilage? rigid connective tissue which supports protects and provides framework.
what are cartilage cells called? chondroytes
what occupy small chambers called lacunae? chondroytes.
what is a perichondrium? a fiberous connective tissue which encloses the cartilage.
what doesnt have a blood supply? cartilage.
what are the 3 types of cartilage? Hyaline, Elastic and fibrocartilage.
what is hyaline cartilage? has fine cartilage fibers and is found in the soft part of the nose.
what is the most common type of cartilage? Hyaline
what is elastic cartilage? has a dense network of fibers and is more flexible. found in the ear and larynx.
what is fibrocartilage? tough tissue with many collagenous fibers. found between the vertibrae and in the knees and pelvus.
What is bones function? probides internal support, protects vital organs, serves as an attachment for muscles and forms red blood cells.
what is the most rigid connective tissue? bone.
cytes = ? cells
what are osteonic or Haversian canals? are tiny longitudinal tubes which are surrounded by hin layers of bone matrix called Lamellae
what are Lamellae? Thin layers of bone matrix.
what are osteocytes? bone cells
what are canaliculi? small tubes in the matrix which connect haversian canals.
what is blood? is made of cells suspended in a blood plasma.
how many types of blood cell are there? 3, erythrocytes-red, leucocytes-white and thrombocytes-platlets.
erythrocytes function? carry oxygen
leucocytes function? immunity
thrombocytes function? clotting
Reticuloendothelial connective tissue? made mainly of macrophages which injest and destroy foreign partlicles.
what are the 3 types of muscle tissue? skeletal, smooth and cardiac
what is skeletal muscle? attached to bones and can be voluntary controlled. tissue has light and dark striations ( called striated)
example of skeletal muscle? deltoid
what are smooth muscles? lack strationa nd is found in the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, uterus and blood vessels. are involuntary.
what are cardiac muscles? occurs in the heart and is striated. has inter related disks is involuntary.
which muscle is voluntary? skeletal
which muscles are involuntary? cardiac and smooth
where is nerve tissue found? in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerve cells.
what are peripheral nerve cells called? neurons.
what has the greatest control over the bodies responsiveness? the nervous system
what is the first step of tissue development? when the sperm and egg form a zygote.
what is a zygote? the first cell of a new individual.
how many layers does an embryo have? 3, endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm.
which systems are located in the ectoderm? integumantary
which systems are located in the mesoderm? muscle, skeletal, reproductive, urinary and some resp.
which systems are located in the endoderm? cardiac and some respiratory.
what are the steps of tissue repair? Inflammation, Organization and regeneration.
what is a negitive aspect of tissue repair>? scarring which can limit mobility or function of tissue before it was damaged.
Created by: meganmoore
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