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ch 22, 25, 26
Chapters Definitions
Question | Answer |
nephron | structural and functional unit of the kidney |
adipose capsule | fatty mass attaches to kindey and cushions it against blows. |
ureter | tube that carries urine from kidney to bladder |
urinary bladder | smooth, collapsible muscular sac that stores urine temporatory |
trigone | interior of the bladder has openings for both ureters and urethra |
urethra | canal through which urine passes from bladder to outside the body |
micturition | urination or voiding emptying the bladder |
Micturition Center | acting as an on/off switch for micturition signals parasympathetic neurons that stimulate contraction. |
urochrome | yellow pigmentation in urine due to hemoglobin destruction. |
nitogenous waste | end product of nucleic acid metabolism |
specific gravity | characteristic of urine ranges from 1.001 to 1.035 |
glycosuria | excessive intake of sugary foods |
proteinuria | hight protein diet protein in the urine |
ketonuria | presence of ketone bodies in blood. excessive formation and accumalation of ketone bodies |
hemoglobinuria | presence of hemoglobin in urine. transfusion reaction. hemolytic anemia |
bilirubinuria | liver disease obstruction of bile ducts from liver or gallbladder |
hematuria | bleeding urinary tract. blood in urine |
pyuria | urinary tract infection. renal infection or in flammation |
renal calculi | kidney stones |
anuria | abnormally low urinary output |
dysuria | difficult or painful urination. or painful discharge of urine |
cystitis | bladder inflammation. inflammation of urinary bladder |
stress incontinence | sudden increase in intraabdominal pressure forces urine through the external sphrinter (during laughing or coughing) |
overflow incontinence | urine dribbles from the urethra whenever the bladder overfills. |
urinary retention | bladder is unable to expel its contained urine |
catheter | small tube or slender rubber drainage tube inserted through urethra to drain the urine and prevent bladder excessive stretching |
nocturnal enuresis | bedwetting involuntary urination during sleep |
cystitis | bladder inflammation. inflammation of urinary bladder |
stress incontinence | sudden increase in intraabdominal pressure forces urine through the external sphrinter (during laughing or coughing) |
overflow incontinence | urine dribbles from the urethra whenever the bladder overfills. |
urinary retention | bladder is unable to expel its contained urine |
catheter | small tube or slender rubber drainage tube inserted through urethra to drain the urine and prevent bladder excessive stretching |
nocturnal enuresis | bedwetting involuntary urination during sleep |
renal plexus | reaborption of sodium Na+ |
renal corpuscle | consists of glomerular capsule and enclosed glomerulus. |
renal tubule | contains tubular fluid. where the wastes and fluid filtered by the glomerulus become urine |
collecting duct | fuse to form large papillary ducts. filtrate from nephrons |
juxtaglomerular apparatus | juxtaglomerular cels of arterioles. macula densa cells of distal tubule mesangial cells |
urine | contains metabolic wastes and unneeded substances. |
glomerular filtraton | a passive, nonselective process in which hydrostatic pressure forces fluids and solutes throguht a membrane. |
tubular reabsorption | movement of filtrate components from the renal tubules back into the blood. |
tubular secretion | movement of undesirable substances from blood into filtrate. the secretion of some substances into the urine. |
net filtration pressure (NFP) | responsible for filtrate formation, involves forces acting at the glomerular bed. |
glomerular hydrostatic pressure | chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood and across the filtraton membrane. |
glomerular colloid osmotic pressure | forces that opposed glomerular hydrostatic pressure. forces that drive fluids back into glomerular capillaries. filtration-opposing forces. |
capsular hydrostatic pressure | exert by fulids in the glomerular capsule. forces that opposed glomerular hydrostic pressure and drive fluids back into glomerular capillaries. |
glomerular filtraton rate | rate of filtrate formation by the kidneys. |
obligatory water reabsorption | water follows salt. |
transport maximum | number of carriers in the renal tubles availabe to ferry each particular substance. |
osmolality | total concentration of all solute particles in a solution. number of solute partciles dissolved in one leter of water and causes osmosis. |
dieresis | excretion of unusually large quanity of urine. an increase excretion of urine. |
renal clearnace | the volume of plasma that is cleared of a particular substance in a given time (usually one minute). |
ptosis | both kidneys drop to a lower position. problem lead to urine unable to drain, backs up into the kidney and exerts pressure on its tissue. |
hydronephros | water in the kidney. backup of urine from ureteral obstruction. |
pyelonephritis | infections or inflammations that affect the entire kidney. |
hemodialysis | progresses renal disease. usues an artificial kidney apparatus for removal of waste products. |
intravenous pyelogram | assessment of renal blood vessels for obstructions viewing of renal anatomy. determination rate of excretion of the contrast medium. |
polycystic kidney dieases | both kidneys begin to enlarge as blisterlike cysts containing chloride-rich fluid accululate. |
diuretic | chemicals that enhance urinary output. |
partial pressure | pressure exerted by each gase. directly proportional to the percentage of that gase in the mixture. |
oxygen toxicity | partial pressure of oxygen is greater than 2.5 to 3 atm. excessively hight oxygen concentration generate harmful free radicals. |
oxyhemoglobin | combination of hemoglobin-oxygen. |
deoxyhemoglobin | hemoglobin released oxygen. reduced heomoglobin. HHb |
hypoxia | inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissue. |
carbon monoxide poisoning | leading cuase of death from fire. odorless, colorless gas that competes w/ oxygen of hem binding site. |
bicarbonate ion | regulaton of blood pH. |
carbonic anhydrase | enzyme that reversibly catalyzs conversion of carbonic acid (H2CO3) |
hyperventilation | increased depth and rate of breathing |
hypoventilation | decreased depth and rate of breathing |
apnea | breathing cessation. discontinuance breathing |
hypoxic drive | insufficient oxygen during respirator, causing boost of carbon dioxide. hight CO2, low oxygen, and low pH |
nitrogen narcosis | hight levels of dissolved introgen in the blood. breathing air under high partial pressure of nitrogen. |
acute mountain sickness | combination of reduced air pressure and lower oxygen concnentration at high altitudes. |
emphysema | alveoli walls break though. enlarge alveolar chamber. inflammatory material blocks gasflow into alveoli. |
chronic bronchitis | due to obstructive pulmonary diseases. increased airway resistance. |
asthmas | not able to get air out when trying to breath. shortness of breath |
tuberculosis | infectious diseases caused by mycobacteria. |
cystic fibrosis | cuases thick sticky mucus to build up i the lungs. mucus clogs repiratory passages. |
aspiration | inhaling or drawing something into the lungs or respiratory passages. |
spirometer | measuring device for evaluating losses in respiratory function |
bronchoscopy | insertion of tube through the nose or mouth to examine the internal surface of the bronchi. |
cheyne-stokes breathing | abnormal breathing patern (seen before death). bursts of tidal volume breaths. increase then decrease in depth. |
epistaxis | nosebleeding. excessive nose blowing. |
pneumonia | infectious inflammation of the lungs. fluid accumlates in alveoli. |
stuttering | vocal cords of larynx out of control and first syllable repeated. |
sudden in fant death syndrome (SIDS) | unexpected death of healthy infant during sleep. |
rhinitis | inflammation of the nose. inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose. |
sinusitis | inflammation of the sinuses. |
laryngitis | caused by inflammation of larynx. |
valsalva's maneuver | attempting to forcibly exhale while keep the mouth and nose closed. |
heimlich maneuver | emergency technique for preventing suffocating when airway(windpipe) becomes blocked by food or object. |
pleurisy | inflammation of the pleura. |
pleural effusion | fluid accumulation in pleural space (pleural cavity). leakage from |
atelectasis | lung collapses. air enters the pleural cavity. rupture of the visceral pleural. |
pneumothorax | the presence of air in the intrapleural space. "air thorax" |
infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) | inadequate pulmonary surfactant is produced. |
lung cancer | lungs cells become abnornal. cells invade nearby normal tissue and destroy organ structure. |
hyperbaric oxygen chamber | administer oxygen at elevated pressure. oxygen at a level higher than atmosphere pressure. |
respiratory zone | actual site of gas exchange respiratory bronchioles. alveolar ducts. alveoli |
conducting zone | respiratory passageways for air to reach gas exchange sites. |
olfactory mucosa | contains smell receptors |
respiratory mucosa | secretes mucous, traps dust, bacteria, debris. |
paranasal sinuse | sinuses lighten the skull. together with nasal cavity, they warm and moisten the air. |
auditory tubes | tube links to pharynx to the middle ear. |
larynx | houses the vocal folds, voice box. |
surfactant | decreases or lower surface tension. type II alveolar cells. |
tidal volume | narmal quiet breathing narmal. inspiration and expiration value 500ml. |
inspiratory reserve volume | amount of air inspired forcibly beyond tidal volume. b/w 2100 to 3200ml |
expiratory reserve volume | amount of air exhaled forced from lungs after a tidal expiration. |
residual volume | air remains in the lungs. prevent lungs collapse. |
vital capacity | total amount of exchangeable air. sum of tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume |
total lung capacity | sume of all lung volume around 6000ml |
total dead space | sum of nonuseful volume. alveolar dead space and anatomical dead space. |
forced vital capacity | measures amount of gas expelled when takes deep breath and forcefully exhales max and rapid. |
forced expiratory volume | determine aount of air expelled during specific time interval of forced vital capacity test. |
minute ventilation | total amount of gas flows into or out of the respiratory tract in 1 minute. |
alveolar ventilation | amount of air enter alveoli for gas exchange. |
dorsal respiratory group (inspiratory center) | pace-setting |
ventral respiratory group | help activate muscles of forced expiration. |
pontine respiratory group | fine-tune the breathing rhythm. prevent lung over inflation. prevent jerky breathing. |
inflation reflexes | prevent excessive stretching of lungs |
central chemoreceptors | sensitive or detect changes in pH |
perifpheral chemoreceptors | monitor PCO2, PO2, pH of arterial blood. aortic body and carotid body |
aortic bodies | receptor in aortic arch sensitive to changes O2, CO2, pH levels on blood. |
carotid bodies | receptor in common carotid artery sensitive to changesO2, CO2, pH levels on blood. |
hyperpnea | abnormally deep or rapid respiration. unchangied respiratory rate as during exercise. |
cough | take deep breat, closing glottis. forced air superiorly fro lungs. |
szeeze | expelled air directed through nasal cavities. |
hiccup | sudden inspiratons result from spasms of diaphragm. |
yawn | deep inspiraton. jaws wide open. |
universal solvent | variety of solutes dissolved in water |
electrolytes | chemical substances that dissociate(dissolved) in water. Capable of conducting electrical current. |
metabolic water | body water produced by cellular metabolism. |
insensible water loss | water vaporized out of lungs in expired air. Diffuse directly through the skin. |
thirst center | stimulates by hypothalamus |
obligatory water loss | cannot survive for w/o water intake. |
sensible water loss | fluid loss through wound, drainage, GI tract, and urination. |
antidiuretic hormone ADH) | causes kidney to conserve water. excrete concentrate urine. |
aldosterone | diminish urinary output. increase blood volume. reabsoprton of sodium. |
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) | reduce the water, sodium and fat on the circulatory system. reduce blood pressure and blood volume. |
parathyroid hormone | release when calcium in blood declines. increase concentraton of calcium in blood |
calcitonin | release in response to calcium increases in blood. acts to decrease calcium concentration in blood. |
dehydration | water ouput exceeds intake over a period of time. body in negative fluid balance. |
hypotonic hydration | overhydration. |
edema | swelling. accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space, leading to tissue swelling. |
diabetes insipidus | excessive thirst and excretion large amounts severely diluted urine. |
addison's disease | hypoaldosteronism. loose tremendous NaCl and water. |
hypernatremia | excessive sodium. dehydration. |
chemical buffer | 1 or more molecules acts to resist changes in pH when strong acid or strong base is added. |
alkaline reserve | amount of bicarbonic ions reserved in blood |
volatile acid | acid freely turn into gas and eliminate by the lungs. H2CO3 converted to CO2. |
metabolic (fixed) aicd | metabolic acids generated in body. eliminated in urine. phosphoric, uric lactic acids, ketone bodies |
respiratory acidosis | CO2 accumulates in blood. higher PCO2 and low pH |
respiratory alkalosis | lower PCO2 and High pH |
metabolic acidosis | low pH and low HCO3- |
metabolic alkalosis | high pH and hight HCO3- |
respiratory compensation | change in respiratory rate helps stabilize pH of extracellular fluid. |
renal compensation | change in rate of H+ ion and HCO3- secretion or reabsorption by kdneys in response to changes in plasma pH. |
forced vital capacity | measure amount of gas expelled after deep breath and forced exhale. |