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A blood vessel that carries oxygen poor blood from heart to lungs
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Contraction phase of the heartbeat
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AP Ch-11

Anatomy Chapter 11

A blood vessel that carries oxygen poor blood from heart to lungs Pulmonary artery
Contraction phase of the heartbeat Systole
Located between the left upper and lower chambers of the heart Mitral valve
Saclike membrane surrounding the heart Pericardium
Sensitive tissue in the right atrium wall that begins in the heartbeat Sinoatrial node
Blood vessels branching from the aorta to carry oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle Coronary arterties
Disease of heart muscle Cardiomyopathy
Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein
Instrument to measure blood pressure Sphygmomanometer
A local widening of an artery Aneurysm
Cyanosis Bluish coloration of skin
Ischemia Can lead to myocardial infarction; Blood is held back from area; Can be caused by thrombotic occlusion; May be result of coronary artery disease
Angina chest pain relieved with nitroglycerin
Cardiac arrhythmia Fibrillation
Petechiae Small, pinpoint hemorrhages
Click-Murmur syndrome Mitral valve prolapse
Four separate congenital heart defects (1 term) Tetralogy of Fallot
Patent means Open
The cause of essential hypertension Idiopathic
Digitalis Drug used to strengthen the heartbeat
CK, LD, and AST are Fatty acids
ECHO High frequency sound waves are transmitted into the chest
Incision of a vein Phlebotomy
Removal of plaque from an artery Endartecrectomy
A Holter monitor is An EKG taken during daily activity
The pacemaker of the heart SA Node
sac-like membrane surrounding heart pericardium
The wall of the heart between the right and left atria Interatrial septum
relaxation phase of the heartbeat diastole
specialized conductive tissue in the wall between the ventricles bundle of His (or) atrioventricular bundle
inner lining of the heart endocardium
contractive phase of heartbeat systole
gas released as a metabolic product of catabolism CO2
specialized conductive tissue at base of wall between the 2 upper chambers AV node
inner lining of the pericardium, adhering to the outside of the heart visceral pericardium
abnormal heart sound due to improper closure of heart valves murmur
beat of the heart is called pulse
high levels of cholesterol in blood hyperCHOLESTEROLemia
surgical repair of a valve valvuloPLASTY
condition of deficient oxygen hypOXIA
pertaining to upper heart chamber ATRIal
inflammation of inner lining of heart endoCARDitis
rapid but regular atrial of ventricular contractions flutter
small hole b/t upper heart chambers (congenital) atrial septal defect
improper closure of the valve b/t the left atrium and ventricle during systole mitral valve prolapse
blockage of arteries surrounding heart leading to ischemia coronary artery disease
high blood pressure affecting the heart hypertensive heart disease
rapid, random, ineffectual, and irregular contractions of the heart fibrillation
inflammation of sac surrounding heart periCARDitis
inability of the heart to pump its required amount of blood congestive heart failure
congenital malformation involving 4 separate heart defects tetralogy of Fallot
congenital narrowing of the large artery leading from the heart coarctation of the aorta
a duct b/t the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which normally closes soon after birth remains open patent ductus artriosus
lesions that form on heart valves after infection vegetations
clots that travel to and suddenly block a blood vessel emboli
small,pinpoint hemorrhages petechiae
an extra heart sound, heart b/t normal beats caused by a valvular defect or condition that disrupts the smooth flow of blood through the heart murmur
listening with a stethoscope auscultation
heart disease caused by rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease
high blood pressure in arteries when the cause is idiopathic essential hypertension
high blood pressure related to kidney disease secondary hypertension
episodes of ischemia with pallor and numbness in fingers and toes Raynaud disease
local widening of artery aneurysm
pain, tension and weakness in a limb after walking has begun claudication
blockage of arteries in the lower extremities; etiology is atherosclerosis peripheral vascular disease
Created by: sev3414
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