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Anat Skeletal Muscle

Anat Skeletal Muscles Marieb

frontalis covers the frontal bone, cranial aponeurosis to the skin of the eyebrows; raises eyebrows
occipitalis covers the posterior aspect of the skull and pulls the scalp back
orbicularis oculi frontal bone and maxilla to the tissue around eyes; blinks and closes the eyes
orbicularis oris from mandible and maxilla to muscle around the lips; closes and protrudes the lips
buccinator maxilla dn mandible near molars to orbicularis oris; holds food in mouth, helps in chewing action
zygomaticus zygomatic bone to skin and muscle at corner of mouth; smiling muscle
masseter temporal bone to the mandible; closes the jaw
temporalis temporal bone to the mandible; closes the jaw
chewing muscles masseter and temporalis
facial muscles frontalis, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, buccinator, zygomaticus
neck muscles platysma, sternocleidomastoid
anterior trunk muscles pectoris major, intercostal, abdominal girdle
posterior trunk muscles trapezius, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, deltoid
platysma sheetlike muscle covering the anterolateral neck; produces downward sag of the mouth
sternocleidomastoid origin in sternum and clavicle, insert into mastoid process of the temporal bone; prayer muscles
pectoralis major fan shaped muscle covering upper part of the chest, origin is sternum, shoulder girdle and first six ribs, inserts on proximal end of humerus
intercostal deep muscles found between the ribs; internal and external intercoastals both used in breathing
abdominal girdle muscles rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus adbominis
rectus abdominis run from pubis to ribcage, to flex the vertebral column; compress the abdominal contents, involved in forced breathing and childbirth
external oblique lateral walls of the abdomen, from the last eight ribs interting into the ilium; flex the vertebral column and rotate the trunk
internal oblique fibers run at right angles to the external oblique; rise from iliac crest and insert into last 3 ribs; function same as external oblique
transversus abdominis deepest muscle of the abdomen, fibers run horizontally across abdomen, from lower ribs and iliac crest inserting into the pubis; compresses the abdominal contents
trapezius form a diamond; each muscle runs from occipital bone of skull down vertebral column to end of thoracic vertebra
latissimus dorsi large flat muscles covering the lower back; originate on lower spine and ilium and insert into proximal humerus; movement such as in swimming
erector spinae prime mover of back extension; 3 muscle columns spanning the entire length of vertebral column; controls bending at the waist
quadratus lumborum form posterior of abdominal wall; flexes the spine laterally; origin at iliac crest and insert at upper lumbar vertebra
deltoid triange shaped forming the rounded shape of the shoulder; origin across shoulders, insertion into proximal humerus
muscles of the humerus biceps brachii, brachialis, brachiordialis, triceps brachii
biceps brachii originates at shoulder girdle and inserts into radial tuberosity; prime mover for flexion of the forearm; supination movement of the arm
brachialis deep to biceps and important to elbow flexion
brachioradialis fairly weak, arising on humerus and inserts into distal forearm; mainly in forearm
triceps brachii arises from shoulder girdle and proximal humerus, inserts into olecranon process of the ulna; prime mover of elbow extension; boxer's muscle
muscles of hip joint gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, ilipsoas, adductor
gluteus maximus forms most of the flesh of the buttock; most important muscle for extending the hip; originates from sacrum and iliac bones, inserts onto gluteal tuberosity of femur and into large tendonous iliotibial tract
gluteus medius runs from ilium to femur, under gluteus maximus;steadies the pelvis during walking
iliopsoas runs from iliac bone and lower vertebrae to insert on lesser trochanter of femur; prime mover of hip flexion; keeps upper body from falling backward
adductor mass at medial side of each thigh; press the thighs together; origin on pelvis and insert on proximal aspect of femur
knee joint muscles sartorius, hamstring group, quadricep group
sartorius most superficial muscle of thigh; runs from iliac crest to medial side of tibia; weak thigh flexor; AKA tailors muscle; important in crossing the legs
quadriceps group rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis; all insert into tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament; extend the knee
ankle and foot muscles tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, fibularis, gastrocnemius, soleus
tibialis anterior superficial muscle on anterior leg; arises from upper tibia and inserts at tarsal bones; flexion and dorsiflexion of the foot
extensor digitorum longus arises from the lateral tibial condyle and inserts into phalanges of toes; prime mover of toe extension and dorsiflexion of the foot
gastrcnemius forms the curved calf of posterior leg; arises from distal femur and inserts thru large calcaneal tendon onto heel of foot; toe dancers muscle
soleus arises on tibia and fiula, inserts into calcaneal tendon and plantar flexor of foot
Created by: erosok
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