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Midterm- A&P
topic for anatomy midterm
Question | Answer |
Location/position | used to explain exactly where one body structure is in relation to another. |
• Superior | Above toward the head end or upper part of a structure. |
• Inferior | below; away from the head end or toward the lower part of a structure. |
• Anterior (ventral) | toward or at the front of the body; in front of. |
• Posterior (dorsal) | Toward or at the backside of the body; behind. |
• Medial | Toward or at the midline of the body; on the inner side of. |
• Lateral | Away from the midline of the body; on the outer side of. |
• Intermediate | Between a more medial and a more lateral structure. |
• Proximal | Close to the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk. |
• Distal | Farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk. |
• Superficial (external) | Toward or at the body surface. |
• Deep (internal) | Away from the body surface; more internal. |
• Sagittal | divides the body into left and right. |
• Midsaggital (median) | the cut is made down the median plane of the body and the right and left parts are equal in size. |
• Frontal (coronal) | a cut made along a lengthwise plane that divides the body (or an organ) into anterior and posterior parts. |
• Transverse (cross section) | cut made along a horizontal plane, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts. |
• Dorsal body cavity | 2 subdivisions; continuous. |
• Cranial cavity | space inside the bony skull. |
• Spinal cavity | extends from the cranial cavity nearly to the end of the vertebral column. |
• Ventral body cavity | contains all structures within the chest and the abdomen. |
• Thoracic cavity | separated from the rest of the ventral cavity by a dome-shaped muscle, the diaphragm. |
• Mediastinum | separates the lungs into right and left cavities in the thoracic cavity. It houses the heart, trachea and other visceral organs. |
• Abdominopelvic cavity | inferior to the diaphragm. |
• Abdominal cavity | contains stomach, liver intestines and other organs. |
• Pelvic cavity | reproductive organs, bladder and rectum. |
• Nucleus | control center of the cell. |
• Cytoplasm | the site of most cellular activities. |
• Plasma membrane | fragile, transparent barrier that contains the cell contents and separates them from the surrounding environment. |
• Osmosis | Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. |
• Diffusion | Facilitated diffusion provides passage for certain needed substances (notably glucose) that are both lipid-insoluble and too large to pass through membrane pores. |
Division | Time in which the cell reproduces itself. |
• Meiosis | produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms |
• Mitosis | division of the nucleus, results in formation of 2 daughter nuclei with exactly the same genes as the mother nucleus. |
• Pigmentation-melanocytes | cells that produce melanin |
• First-degree burns | only the epidermis is damaged. Red and Swollen. |
• Second-degree burns | involve injury to the epidermis and the upper region of the dermis. Red and painful and blisters. |
• Third-degree burns | destroys the entire thickness of the skin. Blanched (gray-white) or blackened, no pain. |
• Pacinian | deep pressure receptors. |
• Meissner's | pain receptors (free nerve endings) and touch receptors. |
• Epidermis | made up of stratified squamous epithelium capable of keratinizing or becoming hard and tough. |
o Stratum basale/ germinativum | deepest cell layer. Constantly undergoing cell division. |
o Stratum spinosum and Stratum granulosum | superficial layers. |
o Stratum lucidum | occurs only when the skin is hairless and extra thick. Palms of hands and soles of feet. |
o Stratum corneum | outermost layer. Double “overcoat” for the body. |
• Dermis | dense connective tissue. |
o Subcutaneous tissue/ hypodermis | adipose tissue. Shock absorber and insulation. |
o Papillary layer | upper dermal region. Furnishes nutrients to the epidermis. |
o Reticular layer | deepest skin layer. Contains blood vessels, sweat, oil glands and Pacinian corpuscles. |
• Long bones | longer than they are wide. |
o Diaphysis | shaft, makes up length of bone. |
o Epiphyses | ends of bones. |
Articular cartilage | covers is external surface. |
o Periosteum | fibrous connective tissue. |
o Epiphyseal line | a remnant of the plate, seen in young growing bone. |
o Yellow marrow/ medullary cavity | storage area for adipose. |
o Red marrow | confined to the cavities of spongy bone of flat bones and the epiphyses of some long bones. |
• Short bones | cubed shaped, mostly spongy bone. |
• Flat bones | thin, flattened and usually curved. |
• Irregular bones | bones that do not fit into the other categories |
• Ossification | hyaline cartilage model is completely covered with bone matrix by bone-forming cells called osteoblasts. Then, the enclosed hyaline cartilage model is digested away, opening up a medullary cavity within the newly formed bone. |
Axial skeleton | the bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body. |
Appendicular skeleton | the bones of the limbs and girdles. |
• Thorax | That portion of the body trunk above the diaphragm and below the neck. |
o Tarsus | posterior half of the foot. |
o Talus | Ankle. |
o Metatarsals | forms the sole. |
o Phalanges | toes. |
o Coxal bones/ ossae coxae | hip bones |
o Ilium | connects posteriorly with the sacrum. |
o Iliac crest | the upper edge of the alae. |
o Ischium | “sit-down” bone. |
o Pubis/pubic bone | most anterior part of a coxal bone. |
o False pelvis | superior to the true pelvis; the area medial to the flaring portions of the illia. |
o True pelvis | surrounded by bone and lies inferior to the flaring parts of the illia and pelvic brim. |
• Vertebra | spinal column |
• humerus | the arm |
• Radius | lateral bone, the thumb side of the forearm. |
• Ulna | medial bone, pinky side. |
• Tibia | shin bone. |
• Calcaneus | heel bone. |
• Clavicle | collarbone. |
• Scapula | Shoulder blade. |
• Sternum | breast bone. |