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HS1- midterm

study guide

pathogen infectious agent
non-pathogen non infectious agent
swine flue name H1N1 Flue Virus
epidemic affecting many persons at the same time
pandemic epodemic of infectious disease that spreads over large areas
what makes a system an organ system
centrosome mocrotubules are produced during seperation
lysosome has digestive enzymes to break down protiens
golgie apparatus packages protiens to be shipped on the enodplasmic reticulum
cytoplasm fluid in which the cell is made up of; organelles found here
nucleus brain of the cell; controls all of its activites
mitochondria powerhouse of the cell; produces energy for cell processes
nucleolus produces robosomes
pinocytic vesicle allows larg objects to enter the cell
empathy sharing emotion with a patient
PATIENCE be able to deal with patients with time and care
honesty always be honest with patients and co-workers
dependability be able to depend on and trusted
enthusiasm be happy for work and perform it with vigor
responsibilty be responsible in your own actions
competence be able to perform jobs properly
disrection do not tell anyone about a patients result
tact skills in dealing with difficult or delicate situations
self-motivation motivation for yourself to do the job properly
team player accepting team's ideas and work
invasion of privacy never invade privacy of a patient or another co-worker
autocratic all rulling
laissez faire free
team work to learn to act as one
who developed Public health and sanitation systems? the romans
father of medicine hippocrates
who invented bifocal glasses? benjamin franklin
who developed smallpox? edward jenner
who discovered penicillin? sir alexander fleming
who discovered polio? karl landsteiner
the founder of the american red cross clara barton
HIV identified as a disease in what year ? 1983
anatomy study of the structure of living things
physiology study of the functions of living things
4 main groups of tissue, their action, where they are found -nerve: control & communicate -empithelium: secrete & protect -muscle: move & protect -connective tissue: support & connect
midsagittal plane dividing right from left
tranverse divides body into top and bottom
coronal(frontal) divides front and back
lateral away from midline
inferior body parts below transverse plane
superior body parts above transverse plane
proximal close to
distal away from
pelvic urinary bladder, reproductive organs, rectum
cranial brain
orbital eyes
spinal spinal cord
dorsal cranial to spinal
ventral thoracic to abdominal pelvic
abdominal liver, stomach, pancreas, colon, bladder, rectum, anus
thoracic esophagus, trachea, bronchi lungs, heart , large blood vessels
buccal teeth and tongue
preffix end of word
suffix first part of word
ectomy removal of
itis infection
derm/o skin
cyan/o blue
erythr/o red
leuk/o white
root word for nerve, skin derm/o
NPO nothing by mouth
AU noth ears
gtts drops
PO by mouth
HS bedtime
ac before meals
pc after meals
tid 3 times a day
tab therapetic abortion
Rx prescription
q every
Created by: vane2796
Popular Anatomy sets




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