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hand is ______ to the elbow
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eyes are _____ to the nose
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important vocabulary from lecture one

hand is ______ to the elbow distal
eyes are _____ to the nose lateral
bones are ______ too the muscle deep
What is the membrane in the cranial cavity? meninges
What viscera is contained in the pelvic cavity? bladder, rectum, reproductive organs
The Thoracic Cavity contains the ____&_____ heart & lungs
Name the 6 major body cavities Cranial, Vertebral, Pleural, Pericardial, Abdominal, Pelvic
Name the Anatomical Planes frontal, sagittal, transverse
median divides into equal right and left parts
spinal cord is ____ to the brain caudal
heart is _____ to the diaphragm superior
frontal plane divides anterior (front) and posterior (back)
What is the membrane of the lungs? pleurae
What viscera is contained in teh vertebral cavity? spinal cord
caudal toward the tail or inferior end
superior above / upper
Anatomical Plane implies an imaginary flat surface passing through the body
pronated forearm palms facing rearward or downward; radius and ulna are crossed
digits fingers and toes
viscera organs contained in body cavities
heart is ____ to the spine ventral
What is the proper anatomical position? feet flat on the floor and close together, arms held downward and supine with face forward
Name the lower limbs thigh, leg, ankle, foot, toes
arms are _____ to legs superior
skin is _____ to muscle superficial
Cavities are lined with ______ membrane
The standard frame for reference for antomical descriptions & dissection anatomical position
What are the positions of the forearm? supinated (forward) & pronated (rearward)
What is the appendicular region? upper and lower limbs
What are the thoracic membranes and cavity of the heart? parietal pericarium, pericardial cavity, visceral pericardium
anterior front
transverse plane divides into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions
ventral front
superficial towards the surface
distal farther from the point of attachment or origin
manual hand
inferior lower / below
Axial region head, neck, trunk
pedal foot
antebrachial forearm
carpal wrist
Abdominal cavity contains what organs? most digestive organs, kidneys, ureters
posterior back
cephalic toward the head or superior end
medial toward the middle
proximal close to the point of attachment or origin
tarsal ankle
brachial arm
femoral thigh
What are examples of retroperitoneal organs? kidney, ereters, adrenal glands, most of the pancreas
Where is the thoracic region located? the trunk area above the diaphragm
rostral toward the forehead or nose
lateral away from the middle
What is the membrane in the cranial cavity? meminges
What are the membrane in the heart? pericardium
dorsal back
supinated forearm position palms face forward or upward, the radius and ulna are parallel
crural leg
The Pelvic Cavity contains _____ rectum, urinary bladder, eretha, reproductive organs
cubital elbow
deep farther from the surface
Abdominal Region the trunk below the diaphragm; divided into quadrants and into 9 regions by a tic-tac-toe grid
What are the thoracic membranes & cavities of the lungs? parietal pleura, pleural cavity, visceral pleura
Everything is lined with_____ membrane
What are organs that lieagainst posterior wall and are covered by peritoneum only on the side facing the peritoneal cavity? retroperitoneal organs
Name an example of potential spaces Uterus. in a nonpregnant uterus, the mucous membranes of walls are in contact
greater omentum "fatty apron" inferolateral border of stomach-overlies intestines
What type of membrane line the Thoracic and Abdomino-pelvic cavities? serous
found between two membranes normally pressed firmly together potential spaces
What is the skeletal systems main function? support, movement, enclosure of viscera
CT scan is an example of what sectional plane? transverse
The ______end of the nueral tube develops the brain cephalic
Created by: mandym111
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