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Ch.15/MED 127

The Respiratory System

The nasal mucosa is made of __________ tissue? Ciliated epithelial
Goblet cells secrete? Mucus
Two functions of the nasal mucosa? Warm incoming air; add moisture
Inhaled air is first warmed by the? Nasal mucosa
The bones that increase the surface of the nasal mucosa are the? Conchae
The nasopharynx is located behind the? Nasal cavaties
The nasopharynx is lined with? Ciliated epithelium
The oropharynx is located behind the? Mouth
The oropharynx is lined with? Stratified squamous
The laryngopharynx opens into the? Larynx and esophagus
The part of the pharynx that is an air passageway only is? Nasopharynx
The parts of the pharynx that are passageways for both air and food are the? Oropharynx and laryngopharynx
During swallowing, the nasopharynx is covered by the? Soft palate
The function of the soft palate is? Cover the nasopharynx during swallowing
During swallowing, the larynx is covered by the? Epiglottis
The function of the epiglottis is? Cover the larynx during swallowing
The palatine tonsils are ________ tissue? Lymphatic
The palatine tonsils are on the lateral walls of the? Oropharynx
The adenoid is _______ tissue? Lymphatic
The adenoid is on the wall of the? Nasopharynx
The general purpose of the tonsils is to? Destroy pathogens
Coming from the middle ear cavities, the ___________ open into the nasopharynx? Eustachian tubes
The airway of the larynx is lined with _________ tissue? Ciliated epithelial
The trachea is lined with? Ciliated epithelial tissue
Mucus and pathogens are swept out of the larynx and trachea by? Ciliated epithelial tissue
The larynx is an air passage between the? Laryngopharynx and trachea
The larynx contains vocal cords, folds that vibrate when air is? Exhaled
The speech areas are located in the left hemisphere of the? Cerebrum
The airway of the larynx is kept open by? Cartilage
The trachea is kept open by? Cartilage
Cartilage is in the shape of a? C
The trachea extends from the? Larynx to primary bronchi
The trachea and all of the respiratory passages are called the? Bronchial tree
The bronchioles differ from the bronchi in that there is no? Cartilage
The bronchioles can constrict and dilate because of the? Smooth muscle tissue
The right primary bronchus branches into ______ secondary bronchi? 3
The left primary bronchus branches into? 2
The serous membrane that lines the chest cavity is the? Parietal pleura
The serous membrane that covers the lungs is the? Visceral pleura
During breathing, friction between the pleural membranes is reduced by? Serous fluid
The alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries are all made of? Simple squamos epithelial tissue
Exchange of gases is possible in the lungs because the alveoli are lined with? Tissue fluid
Normal inflation of alveoli is possible because? Pulmonary surfactant decreases the surface tension within alveoli
All of the structures and substance through which gases diffuse in the lungs are called the? Respiratory membrane
The diaphragm is made of? Skeletal muscle
During inhalation, the diaphragm moves? Downward
The diaphragm contracts during? Inhalation
The diaphragm relaxes during? Exhalation
During exhalation, the diaphragm moves? Upward
The external intercostal muscles contribute to inhalation by? Pulling the ribs up and out
The internal intercostal muscles contribute to a forced exhalation by? Pulling the ribs down and in
The elastic connective tissue of the lungs contribute to? Exhalation
The air pressure outside the body is called? Atmospheric pressure
The air pressure within the bronchial tree is called? Intrapulmonic pressure
During inhalation, intrapulmonic pressure? Decreases
During exhalation, intrapulmonic pressure? Increases
During breathing, the pleural membranes are kept together by the presence of? Serous fluid
In external respiration, oxygen diffuses from the? Alveoli air to the blood
In external respiration, carbon dioxide diffuses from the? Blood to the alveoli air
The partial pressure of a gas in air or a body fluid is a measure of the? Concentration amount of gas
In internal respiration, oxygen diffuses from the? Blood to the tissues
In internal respiration, carbon dioxide diffuses from the? Tissues to the blood
Most oxygen is transported to tissues bonded to the? Hemoglobin in RBC's
The mineral that is essential for oxygen transport is? Iron, because it is part of the hemoglobin
Most carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in the form of? Bicarbonate ions in the plasma
Bicarbonate ions in the plasma are the form of blood transport of? Carbon dioxide
The CNS respiratory centers are located in the? Medulla and pons
The inspiration and expiration centers are located in the? Medulla
The apneustic and pneumotaxic centers are located in the? Pons
The phrenic nerves carry motor impulses to the? Diaphragm
The function of the apneustic center is to? Prolong inhalation
The function of the pneumotaxic center is to help bring about? Exhalation
The chemoreceptors that detect a decrease in the blood oxygen level are located in the? Carotid body and aortic body
The chemoreceptors that detect an increase in the blood CO2 level are located in the? Medulla
Hypoxia is a stimulus for the breathing rate to? Increase
The cause of respiratory acidosis is? A decrease in breathing rate or more CO2 in the body
The cause of respiratory alkalosis is? An increase in breathing or less CO2 in the body
Created by: laceylake
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