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SGU: Upper Limb 1

Axilla, Brachial Plexus, Shoulder, Arm

serratus anterior innervation long thoracic
serratus anterior blood supply lateral thoracic
serratus anterior action aBduction of arms above 90 degrees, protraction and rotation of scapula, keeps medial border and inferior angle of scapula opposed to thoracic wall
Loss of serratus anterior UNABLE to aBduct above 90 degrees
Latissimus dorsi innervation Thoracodorsal nerve
Latissiums dorsi blood supply Thoracodorsal artery
Latissimus dorsi action aDduction of humerous, extend and rotate humerous medial
Loss of Latissimus dorsi Unable to pull body upward when climbing or doing a pull-up ie. loss of humerous aDduction
Teres Major innervation lower/inferior subscapular nerve
Teres Major blood supply Scapular circumflex artery
Teres Major Action Medial rotation and extension of arm at glenohumeral joint
Subscapularis Action medially rotates humerous
Subscapularis Innervation upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5,6)
Subscapularis blood supply subscapular artery
Pectoralis major action flexes and aDducts the arm, medially rotates the arm
Pectoralis major innervation medial and lateral pectoral nerve
Pectoralis major blood supply pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery
Pectoralis minor action pulls tip of shoulder down and protracts scapula
Pectoralis minor innervation medial pectoral nerves
Pectoralis minor blood supply pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery
Subclavius action pulls tip of shoulder down; pulls clavicle medialy to stabilize sterno clavicular joint
Subclavius innervation Nerve to subclavius
Subclavius blood supply Clavicular branches of the thoracoacromial trunk
Serratus anterior loss of action winged scapula and UNABLE to lift arm above 90 degrees
Describe the location of the three parts of the axillary artery part 1: begins at subclavius artery and ends before pectoralis minor part 2: under pectoralis minor part 3: after pectoralis minor and before brachial artery
What artery branches off of the 1st part of the axillary artery? superior thoracic artery
What arteries branch off of the 2nd part of the axillary artery? thoracoacromial artery and the lateral thoracic artery
What muscle is supplied by the lateral thoracic artery? serratus anterior
What muscles are supplied by the thoracoacromial arteries? pectoralis major and minor, subclavius
arteries involved in anastomosis around the scapula scapular artery anastomose with deep branch of the transverse cervical and the suprascapular artery. The posterior circumflex humeral artery anastomose with the suprascapular artery
What arteries branch off of the 3rd part of the axillary artery? Subscapular, posterior and anterior humeral circumflex artery
What arteries branch off of the subscapular arter? thoracodorsal and scapular circumflex artery
What muscle does the posterior humeral circumflex artery supply? deltoid
What muscles does the scapular circumflex artery supply? teres major and minor
Describe the extent of the axillary vein axillary vein begins at the lower margin of teres major and is a continuation of the basilica vein. It branches off into the cephalic vein after teres minor and ends at the subclavian vein
clinical significance of the axillary sheath in local anaesthesia Axillary sheath contains the axillary artery, vein and the brachial plexus. Anaesthesia in this sheath can lead to nerve block of the brachial plexus
anatomical relationships that are important for successful insertion of a catheter for central venous access should be punctured in the midclavicular line or lateral to this line
At what point of the brachial plexus does the dorsal scapular nerve come off? C5 root
At what point of the brachial plexus does the long thoracic nerve come off? C5-7 root
At what point of the brachial plexus does the suprascapular nerve come off? upper trunk
At what point of the brachial plexus does the nerve to subclavius come off? upper trunk
What nerves come off of the lateral cord? Lateral pectoral, musclocutaneous and contribution to the median
What nerves come off of the posterior cord? (STARS): subscapular (upper), thoracodorsal, axillary, radial and subscapular
What nerves come off of the Medial cord? Contributes to the median, Ulnar, (MP) medial pectoral, (MBC) medial brachial cutaneous, (MABC) medial anti-brachial (forearm) cutaneous
What is a pre-fixed brachial artery? occurs when the C4 ventral ramus contributes to the brachial plexus
What is a post-fixed brachial artery? when the T2 ventral ramus contributes to the brachial plexus
What syndrome can be caused by an upper brachial plexus injury? Erb's Palsy
syndrome can be caused by a lower brachial plexus injury? Klumpke's paralysis
Which lymphatic nodes in the axilla drain the upper limb? lateral/humeral
List the axillary lymph nodes posterior, anterior, lateral, central, apical
Which lymphatic nodes in the axilla drain the back, neck and shoulder? posterior/scapula
Which lymphatic nodes in the axilla drain the brests, chest and abdominal wall? anterior/pectoral
What are the lymph nodes of the brest? axillary, ipsilateral and contralateral parasternal
Trapezius action powerful aBductor of humerus above horizontal
Trapezius dysfunction DIFFICULTY abducting arm above horizontal
Trapizius innervation spinal accessory
Trapizius blood supply superficial transverse cervical
Deltoid action aBductor of humerous above 15 degrees
Deltoid innervations axillary nerve
Deltoid blood supply posterior circumflex artery and deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery
Levator scapulae action elevates scapula
Levator scapulae innervations dorsal scapular
Levator scapulae blood supply dorsal scapular
Rhomboid major and minor action retracts and elevates scapula
Rhomboid major and minor dysfunction lateral shift in position of scapula
Rhomboid major and minor blood supply dorsal scapular
Rhomboid major and minor innervations dorsal scapular
Supraspinatus action initiation of aBduction from 0-15 degrees
Supraspinatus innervations suprascapular nerve
Supraspinatus blood supply suprascapular
Supraspinatus dysfunction UNABLE to initiate humerus aBduction
Infraspinatus action lateral rotation of humerus
Infraspinatus innervations suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus blood supply suprascapular artery
Teres minor action lateral rotation of humerous
Teres minor innervations axillary nerve
Teres minor blood supply scapular circumflex artery
Long head of triceps brachii action extensor of forearm & accessory extensor and aDductor of arm
Long head of triceps brachii innervations radial nerve
Long head of triceps brachii blood supply deep brachial artery
Biceps brachii action flexor and supinator of forearm
Coracobrachialis action flexor and adductor of arm
Biceps brachii innervaton musculocutaneous
Biceps brachii blood supply brachial artery
Coracobrachialis innervations musculocutaneous
Coracobrachialis blood supply brachial artery
Brachialis action flexor of forearm
Brachialis innervations musculocutaneous (radial to lateral part of muscle)
Brachialis blood supply brachial artery
Anconeus action extension of forearm
Anconeus innervation radial nerve
Triceps Brachii action extension of forearm at elbow joint
Triceps brachii innervation radial nerve
triceps brachii blood supply deep brachial artery
What surrounds the quadrangular space? inferior margin of subscapularis, surgical neck of humerus, superior margin of teres major, lateral margin of long head of triceps
What passes through the quadrangular space? axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery and vein
In general, what muscles in the upper limb are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve? all muscles in anterior compartment of arm
In general, what muscles in the upper limb are innervated by the median nerve? most flexors in the forearm, thenar muscles in the hand
In general, what muscles in the upper limb are innervated by the radial nerve? all muscles in posterior compartment of arm and forearm
In general, what muscles in the upper limb are innervated by the Ulnar nerve? most intrinsic muscles in hand, flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus
What nerve innervates the skin of the posterior upper limb? radial nerve
What nerve innervates the skin of the anterior lateral part of the upper limb? musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve innervates the skin of the fifth digit and medial half of fourth? Ulnar nerve
What nerve innervates the skin of the anterior first, second, third and lateral half digits including the tips? median nerve
What nerve innervates the skin of the posterior arm and forearm, first, second, third and lateral half digits? radial nerve
What spinal root innervates the lateral dermatome of the upper limb and thumb? C6
What spinal root innervates the digits 2 and 3 AND posterior dermatome of the upper limb? C7
What spinal root innervates digits 4 and 5 AND medial upper limb dermatome? C8
What spinal roots innervate the anteriolateral and anteriomedial dermatome of the upper limb respectively? C5 and T1
What ligament are you most likely to tear if you fall on the point of your shoulder? coracoclavicular ligament
Where muscle tendon is lateral to the radial pulse? flexor carpi radialis tendon
A patient comes in with loss of feeling in the posterior forearm and arm, exhibits wrist drop and impaired grip strenght. What nerve is damaged? radial nerve
An patient sufferes an injury at or above the elbow such as a medial epicondyle fracture and has sensory loss of little and half of ring fingers. Patient exhibits claw hand. What nerve is severed? ulnar nerve
There is a flattening of the thenar eminence in a patients hand. What nerve is severed? median nerve
Created by: mnoronha
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