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E spring chp. 6

Alzheimer's Disease SENILE, confusion, loss of recognition
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis MUSCLE ATROPHY, hardening nerve tissue (lou Gehrigs disease)
Palsy PARALYSIS of localized areas, common in Bell's palsy (facia muscles paralyzed on one side)
sciatica inflammation of SCIATIC NERVE, pain from thigh to toe
concussion jarring, shaking resulting in injury, caused by slight or severe HEAD INJURY resuling in vertigo and loss of consciousness
cerebrovascular accident stroke, BRAIN ATTACK, interuption of blood supply, cerebral: thrombosis, embolism, paralysis
seizures sudden attack,contractions,CONVULSIONS
multiple sclerosis "degenerative" SCLEROTIC PATCHES along brain and spin cord
parkinson's disease "chronic" degenerative disease of the central nervous system, muscular tremors, rigidity, EXPRESSIONLESS FACE, shuffling gait, usually after 50
syncope fainting due to lack of blood supply to the CEREBRUM
transient ischemic attach sudden dificient supply of blood to BRAIN lasting a short time
shingles viral infection of the peripheral nerves. erupts as painful blisters along nerve tract (herpes zoster)
epilepsy main symptom is RECURRING SEIZURES
evoked potential studies tests to see if the brain is in PRESENCE OF PARTICULAR STIMULI like (sight/hearing)
lumbar puncture (spinal tap) when they stick the needle into SUBARACHNOID space, usually between 3rd an 4th lumbar vertabrae to remove CSF
obsessive compulsive disorder intrusive, unwanted thoughts causing REPETATIVE ACTS/RITUALS
cerebral aneurysm cerebral vascular disease where BLOOD VESSELS to the brain become dilated due to a weakening of its walls
Created by: ethan182
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