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Question | Answer |
acapnia | a/capnia - p/s - condition of without, absence of carbon dioxide |
anoxia | an/oxia - p/s - condition of without, absence of oxygen |
aphonia | a phonia - p/s - condition of without, absence of sound or voice |
apnea | a/pnea - p/s - condition of without, absence of breathing |
bradypnea | brady/pnea - p/s - slow breathing |
dysphonia | dys/phonia - p/s - condition of difficult, painful sound or voice |
dyspnea | dys/pnea - p/s - difficult breathing |
eupnea | eu/pnea - p/s - nomal breathing |
hemoptysis | hem/o/ptysis - r/cv/s - to cough up blood |
hemothorax | hem/o/thorax - r/cv/r - blood in the chest |
hypercapnia | hyper/capnia - p/s - condition of abnormally high or excessive carbon dioxide |
hyperpnea | hyper/pnea - p/s - abnormally high or excessive breathing |
hypopnea | hypo/pnea - p/s - below nomal breathing |
rhinorrhagia | rhin/o/rrhagia - r/cv/s - hemorrhage or rapid flow of blood from the nose |
rhinorrhea | rhin/o/rrhea - r/cv/s - excessive discharge from the nose |
tachypnea | tachy/pnea - p/s - fast or rapid breathing |
thoracalgia | thorac/algia - r/s - chest pain |
atelectasis | atel/ectasis - r/s - incomplete expansion, dilation |
insomnia | in/somn/ia - p/r/s - condition of without sleep |
pneumoconiosis | pneum/o/coni/osis - r/cv/r/s - abnormal condition of dust in the lungs |
pneumothorax | pneum/o/thorax - r/cv/r - air in the chest |
pyothorax | py/o/thorax - r/cv/r - pus in the chest |
rhinomycosis | rhin/o/myc/osis - r/cv/r/s - abnormal condition of fungus in the nose |
tracheostenosis | trache/o/sten/osis - r/cv/r/s - abnormal condition of constriction or narrowness of the trachea |
endoscopy | endo/scopy - p/s - process of viewing within |
lobectomy | lob/ectomy - r/s - surgical removal or excision of a lobe |
oximetry | ox/i/metry - r/cv/s - process of measuring oxygen |
oximeter | ox/i/meter - r/cv/s - instrument used to measure oxygen |
pleurocentesis | pleur/o/centesis - r/cv/s - surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the pleura |
septotomy | sept/o/tomy - r/cv/s - cutting into the septum (partition) |
spirometer | spir/o/meter - r/cv/s - instrument used to measure breathing |
tracheostomy | trache/o/stomy - r/cv/s - surgical creation of an opening into trachea/windpipe |