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Trapezius Orgin Occipital Bone and Vertebraetr
Trapezius Insertion Scapula and Clavicle
Deltoid Orgin Clavicle and Scapula
Deltoid Insertion Deltoid tuberosity of Humerus
Rectus Abdominus Orgin Pelvis
Rectus Abdominus Insertion Xiphoid process and Costal cartilages of Ribs
Latissimus Dorsi Orgin Vertebrae, Ribs, and Pelvis
Latissimus Dorsi Insertion Proximal Humerus
Triceps Brachii Orgin Scapula and Humerus
Triceps Brachii Insertion Olecranon process of Ulna
Biceps Brachii Orgin Scapula
Biceps Btachii Insertion Radial Tuberosity
Quadriceps Femoris Orgin Pelvis and Femur
Quadriceps Femoris Insertion Tibial tuberosity
Hamstrings Orgin Pelvis
Hamstrings Insertion Fibula and Tibia
Gracilis Orgin Pelvis
Gracilis Insertion Tibia
Gastrocnemius Orgin Medial and lateral condyles of Femur
Gastrocnemius Insertion Calcaneus
Soleus Orgin Proximal Tibia and Fiula
Sloeus Insertion Calcaneus
Gluteus Maximus Orgin Dorsal Ilium, Sacrum, and Coccyx
Gluteus Maximus Insertion Gluteal tuberosity of Femur and Iliotiboal tract
Purely sensory-carries afferent impulses associated with sense of smell Olfactory
Purely sensory-carries afferent impulses associated with vision. Optic
Primarily motor-somatic motor fibers to inferior oblique and superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles, which direct eyeball, and to levator palpebrae muscles of the superior eyelid; parasympathetic fibers to iris and smooth muscle for lens shape Oculomotor
Primarily motor-provides somatic motor fibers to superior oblique muscle that moves eyeball Trochlear
Major sensory nerve of face; conducts sensory impulses from skin of face and anterior scalp, from mucosae of mouth and nose, and from surface of eyes Trigeminal
Carries somatic motor fibers to lateral rectus muscle that moves the eyeball Abducens
Supplies somatic motor fibers to muscles of facial expression and parasympathetic motor fibers to lacrimal and salivary glands; carries sensory fibers from taste receptors of anterior portion of tounge Facial
Somatic motor fibers serve pharyngeal muscles, and parasympathetic motor fibers serve salivary glands; sensory fibers carry impulses from pharynx, tonsils, taste buds, and chemoreceptors of carotid artery Glossopharyngeal
Fibers carry somatic motor impulses to pharynx and larynx and sensory fibers from same structures; very large portion is composed of parasympathetic motor fibers which supply heart and smooth muscles of abdominal visceral organs Vagus
Provides somatic motor fibers to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles Accessory
Carries somatic motor fibers to muscles of tongue Hypoglossal
Articulating cranial and facial bones Skull Joint
Articulating temporal bone of skull and mandible Temporo-mandibular Joint
Articulating occipital bone of skull and atlas Atlanto-occipital Joint
Articulating atlas (C1) and axis (C2) Atlantoaxial Joint
Articulating between adjacent vertebral bodies Intervertebral Joint
Articulating between articular process Intervertebral Joint
Articulating vertebrae (transverse processes or bodies) and ribs Vertebrocostal Joint
Articulating sternum and clavicle Sternoclavicular Joint
Articulating sternum and rib 1 Sternocostal (first) Joint
Articulating sternum and ribs 2-7 Sternocostal Joint
Articulating acromion of scapula and clavicle Acromioclavicular Joint
Articulating scapula and humerus Shoulder (glenohumeral) Joint
Articulating ulna (and radius) with humerus Elbow Joint
Articulating radius and ulna Radioulnar (proximal) Joint
Articulating radius and proximal carpals Wrist (radiocarpal) Joint
Articulating adjacent carpals Intercarpal Joint
Articulating carpal (trapezium) and metacarpal 1 Carpometacarpal of digit 1 (thumb) Joint
Articulating carpal(s) and metacarpal(s) Carpometacarpal of digits 2-5 Joint
Articulating metacarpal and proximal phalanx Knuckle (metacarpophalangeal) Joint
Articulating adjacent phalanges Finger (interphalangeal) Joint
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