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Embryology development of nervous system NWHSU

Besides ganglia, Schwann cells, and the cartilages of the branchial arches, list 4 derivative of the neural crest. melanocytes, odontoblasts (that's dentin!), small contribution to pia and arachnoid, chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla
The thalamus and hypothalamus develop from what embryonic components? Include secondary brain vesicle and plate(s). alar plate of diencephalon
Component that forms astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, but not ependymal cells. gliablast
Primordium for the cerebellum rhombic lips of the metencephalon
Functional classification (use 3 letters) of the columns in the basal plate of the myelencephalon. GSE, SVE, GVE
Functional classification of the columns in the basal plate of the metencephalon. GSE, SVE, GVE
Functional classification of the columns in the basal plate of the mesencephalon. GSE, GVE
Brain vesicle which forms only the pons and crebellum. metencephalon
Briefly discuss how the dorsal roots of spinal nerves develop. from neural crest
What develops form the corpus striatum? future caudate and lenticular nuclei
The primordium of the cerebral cortex. pallium
The epithalamus develops from what embryonic components? roof plate of diencephalon
The bilateral longitudinal groove in the developing spinal cord used to separate basal and alar plates. sulcus limitans
Briefly discuss the differentiation of the microglia. from mesenchyme
Myelination in the spinal cord begins about ____ month of fetal development. Additional at birth, the cord ends at the ____ vertebral level. 4th; L3
Anomaly produced when any area of the neural tube fails to close; nervous tissue remains flattened and exposed to surface. rachischisis
Anomaly usually due to aqueductal stenosis. hydrocephalus
Neurulation occurs mainly during the 5th week. False
The anterior neuropore closes about day 25. True
The posterior neuropore closes about day 25. False
Lack of brain tissue is ______. anencephaly
The mantle layer gives rise to the ____. neuroblasts and gliablasts (gray matter)
What forms the white matter? Marginal layer - axons of neuroblasts and gliablasts
The last neuroepithelial layer to form. ependymal layer
What functional classifications are found in the basal plates of the spinal cord? GSE
What functional classifications are found in the alar plates of the spinal cord? GSA, GVA
Where does the lateral horn of spinal cord form? junction of basal and alar plates
Cranial nerves found in mesencephalon. CN 3 and 4
Cranial nerves found in metencephalon. CN 5, 6, 7
Cranial nerves found in myelencephalon. CN 9 and 10
How is the 4th ventricle created? Myelencephalon lateral walls rotatate during development to form the cavity or lumen.
Functional classification of the columns in the alar plate of the myelencephalon. GVA, SVA(gustatory), GSA and SSA on lateral position
What forms from cells migrating from alar plate to the basal plate of the myelencephalon. olivary nuclei
Describe how pontine nuclei are formed. Cells from alar plates in metencephalon migrate ventrally inter basal plates.
What forms from the axons growing from pontine nuclei to the cerebellum? middle cerebellar peduncles
Functional classification of the columns in the alar plate of the metencephalon. GVA, SVA, GSA and SSA (lateral column)
Do the cells of substantia nigra and red nucleus arise from alar plate of mesencephalon? No, the basal plate (according to Wallace not Langman)
What components comprise the epithalamus? habenular nuclei, epiphysis, havenular commissure, and posterior commissure
Describe the structure of the diencephalon. A roof plate and two alar plates; lacks floor and basal plates.
What are the hypothalamic derivatives of the diencephalon? mammillary bodies and neurohypophysis
Components of telencephalon? cerebral hemispheres including basal nuclei, lateral ventricles, interventricular foramina, lamina terminalis
How do cerebral hemispheres begin? During the 5th week a bilateral evagination of the lateral wall of the prosencephalon.
What arises from increase of axons of cerebral cortex? internal capsule
The internal capsule splits the corpus striatum into ____. caudate and lenticular nuclei
The putamen and globus pallidus arise from ____. lenticular/lentiform nucleus
When is the insula formed? 7 months
Created by: sdschwartz
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