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A physician who specializes in the diagnosis & treatment of the disorders and diseases of the eye is called? Ophthalmologist
After the outer ear collects sound waves it carries it to what structure? External auditory meatus
Another word for a person's voice box is ? Larynx.
At what point do sound waves change from vibration to movement? With the movement of the ossicles.
Auditory Canal Carries sound waves to the tympanic membrane.
Cochlea Coiled tube within the inner ear that receives sound waves and converts them into nerve impulses.
Does sound travel more slowly or faster at higher temperatures? Faster.
Does sound travel more slowly or faster at lower temperatures? Slowly.
Eustachian Tube Air-filled tube of the middle ear that equalizes pressure between the outer and middle ear.
How is volume measured? Decibels
If the tympanic membrane is dull it is a sign of what? Fluid behind the ear.
If the tympanic membrane is pink or red it is a sign of what? Infection
In what forms can a medium exist? A gas, liquid or solid
In what part of the brain does hearing occur? Temporal Lopes
Loudness is measured by a waves what? Intensity.
Loudness is measured in what unit? Decibels (dB).
Ossicles Tiny bones that amplify and carry sound in the middle ear.
Oval Window Receives sound waves from the ossicles.
Pinna Outer part of the external ear. It amplifies sound by funneling it from a large area into the narrower auditory canal.
Pitch is measured by a waves what? Frequency.
Semicircular Canals Fluid-filled structures that provide information concerning dynamic equilibrium.
Sound is a disturbance that travels through a medium as what kind of a wave? Longitudinal wave.
Sound is created when a medium Vibrates.
Sound waves travel faster in which medium, liquid or solid? Solid
The ability of a material to bounce back after being disturbed is called what? Elasticity.
The last part of the inner ear is called what? Cochlea
The mass of a given space or volume is called what? Density.
The meatus is the opening into what part of the ear? Auditory canal
The movement of nerve cells that generates eletrical impulses travels where? Inside the organ of Corti than the impulse travels to cochlear nerve then Temporal lope.
The movement of the Ossicles causes the in and out fluctuation of what structure? Oval window
The outer part of the ear is sometimes called the auricle, but usually called what? Pinna
The speed of sound depends on three different things of the medium. What are they? Elasticity, density, and temperature.
The stimulation of 'cilia-like' strutures by movement of the auditory fluids causes what? The wave like motion of the auditory fluids is converted into the nerve impulse.
Trace sound waves from the pinna to the temporal lobe. Pinna, Ext Aud. Meatus, Aud. canal, Tympanic, ossicles, oval window, cochlea, organ of corti, nerve with four names (Cochlear, 8th cranial, auditory, acoustic nerve), temporal lope
Tympanic Membrane (eardrum) Receives sound waves.
Vestibule Chamber at the base of the semicircular canals. Also associated with static equilibrium.
What does the malleus do? The malleus increases the loudness of sound that enters the ear.
What are the Individual names for the ossicle bones Malleus (hammer), Incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup)
What are the structures of the inner ear? Oval window, Vestibule, Round Window and Cochlea
What are the structures of the middle ear? Tympanic membrane and ossicles
What are the structures of the outer ear? Pinna, External auditory meatus, auditory canal
What are the two medical terms that mean ear drum? Myring/o and tympanic membrane
What carries the nerve impulse to the Temporal Lopes? Cochlear, 8th cranial, auditory, acoustic nerve. (It is one nerve with four names.)
What color is a healthy, normal tympanic membrane? Shiny, almost gray or beige.
What do the hair like cila and cerumen do for hearing? Filter the air and help prevent foreign objects to protect the tympanic membrane.
What do we call the measure of sound waves with frequencies that do not sound pleasing together? Noise.
What does sound travel through to get from the vestibule to the snail-like structure? Round window
What does the cochlea do? The cochlea has the job of transforming the sound energy delivered to the cochlea fluid by the middle ear.
What does the eustachain tube do? The eustachain tube lets air go through.
What does the incus do? The incus transmits sound vibrations from the malleus to the stapes.
What does the middle carcavity do? The middle carcavity turns the vibation into a fluid.
What does the pinna do? The pinna collects the sound and directs it torward the ear canal.
What does the semicircular canals do? Semicircular canals contrats the balance of the body.
What does the stapes do? Stapes tranmits the sound to the membrane.
What does the tympanic do? The tympanic membrane sends virbration to the middle of the ear.
What does the vestibular do? The vestibular nerve recves positionat information.
What equals pitch? Frequency (High pitch sounds do not travel as far into the cochlea as low pitch.)
What equals volume? Intensity / loud
What extends from the meatus to the tympanic membrane? Auditory canal
What extends from the middle ear to the pharyax (throat)? Eustachian Tube
What instrument is used to examine the ear? Otoscope
What is compression? Area of a medium where matter is close together.
What is needed to create sound? A vibration
What is pushed agaianst / attached to the oval window? Stapes
What is rarefaction? An area of a medium where matter is far apart.
What is the apparent change in frequency as a wave source moves in relation to the listener called? Duppler effect.
What is the Auditory Canal lined with? Ceruminous glands & cila
What is the fuction of the External Auditory Meatus? It is the opening between the Pinna and the Auditory canal.
What is the function of the Pinna? To collect sound waves.
What is the inner most part of the cochlea called? Organ of corti also called the 'organ of hearing'.
What is the main function of this tube? Equalize pressure to protect the tympanic membrane.
What is the main job of the cerumious glands? Produce a waxy substance call cerumen
What is the medical term for ear drum? Tympanic membrane
What is the medical term for the entry way between the oval and round windows? Vestibule
What is the medical term for the science of the eye and its disorders and diseases. Ophthalmology
What is the medical term for the second part of the inner ear somtimes called entry way? Vestibule
What is the medical term for the snail-like structure? Cochlea
What is the medical term for the structure often described as the 'organ of hearing'? Organ of Corti
What is the name for the tiny bones of the middle ear as group? Ossicles
What is the name of the specialist that covers treatment of the eye, ear, nose & throat? Otolaryngologist or ENT
What is the name of the upper most part of the outer ear? Helix
What is the names of the fluid inside all parts of the inner ear? Auditory Fluids - Perilymph (meaning around or inside) & Endolmph (meaning within or inside)
What is the oval window made of? A membrane that is thinner then the tympanic membrane.
What is the purpose of the inner ear? To conver the sound waves in to a form that brains can understand.
What is the purpose of the middle ear? To transmit the sound waves inward.
What is the purpose of the outer ear? To funnel sound waves.
What is the word we use when the sounds of music and noise are combined. Dissonance.
What is volume? The number of regularly occuring sound waves.
What moves to the vibrition of the tympanic membrane? The tiny bones, malleus, incus & stapes collectively known as the ossicles.
What occurs when the frequency of the sound waves and the natural frequency of the object are the same. Resonance.
What part of the ear has the main function of balance instead of hearing? Semi-circular canals
What part of the ear responds to gravity to tell us what position we are in? Otoliths
What structures of the ear have nothing to do with sound waves? Round window and Vesibule
What two bones inside the skull protect the structures of the ear? Temporal and Mastoid
What word do we use to describe the quality of the sound we hear. Timbre.
What words would you use to describe the pitch of sound? High or low.
What words would you use to describe the volume of sound? Loud or soft.
When the combination of the fundamental tone and the overtones results in a sound with a pleasing timbre and a clear pitch, the sound is considered what? Music.
When two sounds combined together result ina softer sound or one that is completely concealed, what do we have? Destructive interference.
When two sounds combined together sound louder than either of the two original sounds, what do we have? Constructive interference.
Where and what is the tympanic membrane? Thin membrane that is extended across the end of the auditory canal.
Where are the utricle and saccule located? Semi-circular canal
Which structures are responsible for maintenance of balance and equibrium? Utricle and Saccule
Created by: johncl
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