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Endocrine, cardio
Question | Answer |
aneurysm/o | aneurysm |
angi/o | vessel |
aort/o | aorta |
arteri/o | artery |
arteriol/o | arteriole |
ather/o | fatty substance, plaque |
atri/o | atrium |
brady- | slow |
cardi/o | heart |
cine- | movement |
-clysis | irrigation, washing |
coron/o | heart |
embol/o | embolus |
isch/o | suppress, retain |
-megaly | enlargement |
mi/o | less, smaller |
-motor | movement, motion |
palpit/o, palpitat/o | flutter, throbbing |
phleb/o | vein |
presby- | aging, elderly |
rhe/o | flow, current, stream |
-spasm | involuntary contraction |
sphygm/o | pulse |
-sphyxia | pulse |
-stenosis | narrowed, constricted |
tachy- | fast |
tel/e | end, distant |
-tension | stretched, strained |
valv/o, valvul/o | valve |
varic/o | varicose veins |
vas/o | vessel, vas deferens |
vascul/o | vessel |
ven/o | vein |
ventricul/o | ventricle of the heart or brain |
venul/o | venule |
acr/o | extremities |
aden/o | gland |
adren/o | adrenal glands |
cortic/o | cortex |
crin/o | secrete, separate |
hirsut/o | hairy |
hormon/o | hormone |
medull/o | medulla, marrow |
myx/o | mucus |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
parathyroid/o | parathyroid |
phe/o | dusky |
pineal/o | pineal gland |
pituitar/o | pituitary gland |
thym/o | thymus gland |
thyr/o | thyroid gland |
tox/o, toxic/o | poison |
-trophy, troph/o | nourishment, growth |