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Ortho/Surgical Words


Ortho TermDefinition
digital ray a digit of the hand or foot and the corresponding portion of metacarpus or metatarsus, considered as one unit.
matricectomy (matrix) removal of the intracellular substance of a tissue.
geniculate fascia fascia of the knee joint.
vastus lateralis thigh muscle that extends the leg.
nubbin a small nub.
piriformis muscle in the pelvis.
calcar (femora) the plate of strong tissue which strengthens the neck of the femur.
quadratus any of several muscles taht are squared, four-sided.
haversian gland a minute gland projecting from the surface of the synovial tissue into the joint space that secretes synovial fluid.
haversian canal canals within bone that contain blood vessels and connective tissue.
fasciodesis surgical attachment of a fascia to another fascia or tendon.
obex a point on the surface of the medulla oblongata.
hemopneumopericardium occurrence of blood and air in the pericardium.
acantha the spinous process of the vertebra.
rachischisis a congenital deformity of the spine.
ochronosis pigmentation of the cartilage and other tissues of the body; can cause dark urine.
reticular formation small thick clusters of neurons nestled within the brainstem.
stroma supporting tissue of an organ.
squamocolumnar junction the site of transition from stratified squamous epithelium to columnar epithelium.
apophysis a marked prominence or process on any part of a bone.
torus fracture a deformity in children consisting of a local bulging of the soft bone (usually in the radius or ulna).
tenaculum a surgical instrument used mainly for taking up arteries.
sustentaculum a structure that serves as a support to another.
syndesmosis (syndesmotic) an articulation formed by means of ligaments.
orthosis apparatus used to correct deformities.
skid a supportive or protective structure.
olive an oval prominence.
hydrocolloid a substance that forms a gel with water.
alginate a type of salt used in many swabs.
arthrodia (arthrodial) a condition in which the articular surfaces are nearly flat, creating an irregular-shaped socket.
spica a type of bandage with successive turns and crosses.
tenodesis stabilizing a joint by anchoring the tendons.
profundus situated at a deeper level in relation to a specific point.
dyscrasia (dyscrasic) a disease or patholigic condition.
dentate having toothlike projections in the margin.
detritus the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up.
tectum (tectal) any rooflike covering or structure.
bregma (bregmatic) the point on the skull corresponding to the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures.
trephine a surgical instrument used to remove sections of bone from the skull.
sequestrim a piece of dead bone that has become separated during the process of necrosis.
neuropraxia a temporary nerve dysfunction.
iliotibial band a fibrous reinforcement of the fascia lata; extends from the ilium to the tibia.
arcuate complex refers to the arched part of the knee.
physis refers to the epiphyseal part of a bone.
coarctate pressed together.
rasp to rub with something rough.
aponeurosis sheet of fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone.
epiphysiodesis immature union of the epiphysis with the diaphysis resulting in cessation of growth.
decortication removal of the outer covering of an organ or part.
annulus fibrosus fibrous ring of the heart.
rongeur an instrument for removing small rough portions of bone.
proximal situated nearest to the point of attachment or origin.
fulguration destruction of tissue by electric sparks
tenon the cutting away so as to create an insert that fits into a mortise.
condyloid resembling a condyle.
cruciform (cruciate) shaped like a cross.
planum (pl: plana) a plane or flat surface.
triquetral fracture fracture of the triquetrum (wrist bone)
greenstick fracture a partial fracture of a bone (on one side only).
contrecoup a concussion or shock at a point opposite from where the blow was received (skull).
convoluted highly intricate; rolled or twisted together.
infraction fracture a fracture, especially one without displacement.
bone reamer a drill that is used to shape or enlarge holes within a bone.
lavage a flushing with water.
autogenous originating within the body.
tubercle a small knobby prominence.
tenotomy the cutting of a tendon.
osteophyte (osteophytosis) new bone growth.
acetylcholine neurotransmitter that initiates muscle contraction.
supination turning the palm of the hand upward.
bursa fluid-filled sac where a tendon rubs against a bone.
insertion where a muscle ends on a bone that moves.
muscle fiber one muscle cell.
myofibril muscle fibers composed of actin and myosin that are needed to contract muscles.
origin where a muscle begins.
pronation turning the palm of the hand down.
cryptotic hiddenor without apparent cause.
phenol a disinfectant, antiseptic.
caseation a type of tissue necrosis typical of tuberculosis.
hydrops swelling from excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue.
hydrocelectomy excision of a hydrocele.
hydrocele a sac containing serous fluid in the testicular region.
ablation removal of a body part or destruction of its function.
acinus (pl: acini) 1) any small saclike structure, particularly one found in a gland; or 2) a subdivision of the lung.
diastasis separation of the epiphysis from the long bone without fracture of the bone.
Created by: SallyBlick
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