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Orientation Med-Term


adeno gland
arthro joint
bleph eyelid
cardio heart
centisis surgical puncture to remove fluid
chole bile/gall
colo colon
colpo vagina
crani skull
cryo cold
cysto urinary bladder, cyst, sac of fluid
ectomy surgical
endo in or within
entero small intestine
fimbri fringe
hepa liver
hyper excessive
hypo deficient
hyster uterus
lith stone
myelitis spinal cord inflammation
myo muscle
neph kidney
oculo eye
ooph ovary
opathy disease
opexy surgical fixation
oplasty surgical repair
orchie testicles
oorhapy suture
orrhea abnormal flow
oscopy visual exam
osteo bone
ostomy create opening surgically
otomy surgical incision
path disease
pexy fixation
pnea breathing
recto rectum
renal kidney
salpingo tubes, fallopian, eustachian
sarcoma flesh
uretheral urethra
vascular blood vessel
halix rigidus stiff toe
halix falgus bunion
delorosa flat foot
Created by: kachapma
Popular Anatomy sets




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