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practical bones


Frontal bone
frontal sinus
parietal bone
occipital bone
foramen magnum
occipital condyles
temporal bone
mastoid process
external auditory canal ear hole
mastoid sinus inside mastoil process
styloid process looks like fang
ethmoid bone 1/2 of septum vertical bone
middle turbinates book shelves top in nose
nasal septum ethmoid bone and vomer
cribriform plate inside skull ditches has tiny holes for smelling
nasal bone nose
maxilla upper lip bone
maxillary sinus just below and outside nose
alveolar process gums
lacrimal bone
zygomatic bone cheek
mandible lower jaw
mandibular condyles where jaw and skull meet
palatine bone back upper roof of mouth
vomer horizontal bone of nasal septum
inferior turbinates bookshelves lower in nose
fetal skull fontanels soft spot
sutures where skull plates meet (stitches)
hyoid bone in throat
vertebra spinous process nose
vertebra articulating process ears
vertebra vertebral foramen hole in middle
between vertebra intervertebral disc
atlas first on column
axis second on column has 'penis'
cervical vertebra look like anteater
thoracic vertebra look like giraffe
lumbar vertebra look like moose
sacrum bottom next to lumbar vertebra
coccyx end of vertebral column 'tail'
thoracic cage ribs and cartilage and sternum
sternum parts (3) top - manubrium middle - body bottom - xiphoid process
ribs how many 1-7 true 8-12 false 11 and 12 floating
costal cartilage connects ribs to sternum
pectoral girdle clavicle and scapula
scapula right and left
scapula acromion process
scapula spine
scapula glenoid fossa cavity
scapula coracoid process
humerous right and left
head (humerous) ball
greater tubercle (humerous) on top
lesser tubercle (humerous) on top
capitulum (humerous) bottom
trochlea (humerous) bottom
olecranon fossa (humerous) back ditch
coronoid fossa (humerous) front ditch
radius lower arm
head of radius
radial tuberosity bump on front of bone top
ulna right and left
olecranan process (ulna)
trochlear notch (ulna)
triquetral carpal
lunate carpal
scaphoid carpal
hamate carpal
capitate carpal
trapezoid carpal
trapezium carpal
matacarpals I-V Thumb #1
Phalanges (3 Parts) distal, middle, proximal
pelvic girdle (os coxae) both iliac bones and sacrum
os coxae right and left
os coxae male female
iliac crest top
pubis (3 bones fused together) pubic, iliac, ischium
ischial tuberosity rough
pubic symphysis between two pubis bones
acetabulum bowl on outside of bone
obturator foramen hole
femur right and left
head (femur) ball on top always points in
greater trochanter (femor) on top
lesser trochanter (femor) on top
medial condyles (femor) bottom on inside
lateral condyles (femor) bottom on outside
patella knee bone
tibia right and left
medial condyles (tibia) top on inside
lateral condyles (tibia) top on outside
tibial tuberosity sticks out on front of bone
medial malleolus bottom on inside, pokes down
fibula skinny bone lower leg
lateral malleolus (fibula) on bottom of bone outside, pokes down
calcaneus tarsal
talus tarsal
nacicular tarsal
cuboid tarsal
medial cuneiform tarsal
intermediate cuneiform tarsal
lateral cuneiform tarsal
metatarsals I-V #1 big toe
phalanges proximal, middle, distal
Created by: mwalker1177
Popular Anatomy sets




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