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Nursing Stack 1

Erwin A&P - Murphy notes On Chapter 1

Anatomy study of structure of body
Gross anatomy study of structures seen w/naked eye
Microscopic anatomy study of structures too small to see w/naked eye
Physiology study of the function
Pathology study of disease
Pathophysiology - science that describes consequences of improper functioning body parts
Structural Org of Body is simple to: complex
Order of structural org: cells, tissues, organs, organ/body system, organism
Cell is basic unit of life; building block of body
Tissues are groups of: cells that work together to perform a specific function
Tissues are groups of: cells that work together to perform a specific function
Organs are groups of tissues that work to perform a specific function
Organs/Body Systems are groups of organs that work to perform a specific function
Organism/Body the whole she-bang
Integumentary refers to skin, nails, hair, oil glands & sweat glands
Function of integumentary covers & protects; regulates T
Top layer of skin is epidermis
Dermis is the true skin; active layer;
Subcutaneous is layer below dermis; insulates, connects and adipose
Skeletal is the bones, cartiledge and joints
Function of skeletal system supports body; stores calcium & phosphorus
Ligaments are strong cords that connect bone to bone at joint
Muscular system includes: muscles, tendons & joints
muscular system produces heat
Function of muscular sys is movement
Tendons are strong elastic cords that connect muscles to bone
Articulations joints-areas where bones meet
Nervous system includes: neurons, neuroglia, nerves, brain & spinal cord
Function of nervous system: homeostasis via electrical impulses
Neuron nerve cell that transmits electrical impulses
CNS is the central nervous system
CNS includes the brain and spinal cord
PNS is the peripheral nervous system
Endocrine glands that secrete hormones INTO bloodstream
Pituitary is often called the master gland
Endocrine function is homestasis via hormones
Hypo thalamus is the` area of brain that controls the pituitary gland
Hormones - chemical messangers secreted by the endocrine glands
Cardio vascular includes heart, blood & blood vessels
Heart function is transportation by pumping bloodd
What is a fist sized, pump in chest? heart
Atria two upper, receiving
Ventricles two lower, pumping
Valves - structures which prevent blood from going backward
Function of blood is to transport substances thru body
Blood cells are formed elements that perform specific duties
All Blood Cells are formed in: red bone marrow from stem cells
Erythrocytes RBS's (most numerous of blood cells)
Leukocytes WBC's (protection)
Thrombocytes platelets (clotting)
Blood Vessels are pipes that blood flows thru
Aorta is the largest artery in body; carries O rich blood to supply body
Arteries are thick elastic vessels under hi pressure
Arterioles are small arteries that help control BP by slowing blood down before it hits ??
Capillaries are ??? microscopic exchange vessels that connect ???
Venuels are ???? small ????
Veins are large vessels w/valves that carry blood to the heart
Vena Cavae - ?-? ?-?
Lymphatic includes lumph, lymph capillaries, lymph vessels, spleen and thymus, tonsils & lymph nodes
Lymphatic function is transport and filter excess fluid back to bloodstream;
Lymph is excess fluid picked up by lymph capillaries;
Respiratory includes nose, pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, lungs
Respiratory function is exchange of gases by breathing
Alveoli is the microscopic air sacs at the end of the bronchioles where gas is exchanged
Digestive sys includes mouth, pharynx, esophagus, intestines, liver, GB, pancreas
Function of digestive is breakdown food into smallest molecules for absorption
Urinary sys is excretory
Urinary includes 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, 1 bladder, 1 urethera
Urinary function filter blood, regulate pH, BP, fluid & electrolyte balance
Nephrons are microscopic cells in kidneys that filter blood
Reproductive Sys function is to procreate
Gonads are sex organs/glands
Male Gonads/Female Gonads Male: testes/Female: ovaries
Gametes are Sex Cells
Male Gametes/female Gametes Male: sperm/Female: egg/ova
Male hormones testosterone
Female hormones estrogen(feminizing), progesterone(pregnancy)
Homeostasis is an internal state of balance body will try to keep
Anatomical position standing: with face, feet and palms forward; arms at side;
Superior above
Inferior below
Anterior/Posterior Front/Back
Ventral front
dorsal back
Created by: jerwin
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