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Blood & Lymphatic Sy
Blood & Lymphatic System Ch. 9
Question | Answer |
Agglutination | clumping of cells |
Allergen | substance that can produce a hypersensitive reaction in the body |
Anaphylaxis | exaggerated life threatening hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen |
Antibodies | substances produced by the body in response to bacteria, viruses, or other foreign substances |
Antigens | causes the formatnion of an antibody and reacts specificaly with that antibody |
Coagulation | process of transforming a liquid into a solid, especially of the blodd |
Dyscrasia | adnormal condition of the blood or bone marrow- leukemia |
Edema | adnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces of tissues |
Erythrocyte | mature red blood cell |
erythropoietin | hormone synthesized mainly in the kidneys released into bloodstream. stimulate & regulates the production of erythrocytes |
Hematologist | a medical specialist in the field of hematology |
Hemoglobin | complex protein-iron compound in the blood that carries oxygen to the cells from lungs & carbon dioxide away from cells to the lungs |
hemorrhage | loss of large amount of blood in a short period of time |
hyperalbuminemia | increase level of albumin in the blood |
Hyperlipemia | excessive level of blood fats - hyperlipidemia |
Leukocyte | White blood cell |
Leukocytopenia | abnormal decrease in number of white blood cells |
Pancytopenia | reduction in the number of the red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets |
Plasma | watery, straw-colored, fluid portion of the lymph |
Platelet | clotting cell; thrombocyte |
Septicemia | systemic infection, present in the circulating bloodstream |
serology | branch of laboratory medicine that studies blood serum |
Serum | blood serum: clear, thin, & sticky fluid portion of the blood that remains aftre coagulation. contains no blood cells, platelets, or fibrinogen |
Thrombocyte | clotting cell; platelet |
Thrombus | clot |
Anemia | condition in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin |
Hemophilia | involves different hereditary inadequacies of coagulation factors |
Leukemia | excessive uncontrolled increase of immautre WBC's in the blood |
Polycythemia Vera | abnormal increase in the number of RBC's, granulocytes, & thrombocytes- leading to an increase in blood volume & viscosity |
Purpura | pinpoint hemorrhages appearing as red-purple skin discolorations |
Thalassemia | hereditary form of hemolytic anemia, hemoglobin is deficient |
Bleeding Time | measurement of the time required for bleeding to stop. |
Blood transfusion | administration of blood or a blood component to an individual to replace blood lost through surgery, trauma, or disease |
Complete Blood Cell count | series of tests performed on peripheral blood, which inexpensively screens for problems |
Erythocyte Sedimentation rate (ESR) | test performed on the blood, which measures the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of unclotted blood |
Hematocrit | RBC percentage in the total blood volume |
Hemoglobin Test | concentration measurement of the hemoglobin in the peripheral blood |
Lipid Profile | measures the lipids in the blood |
Platelet Count | count of platelets per cubic millimeter of blood |
Prothrombin Time (PT) | blood test used to evalute system of clot formation |
Red Blood Cell count (RBC) | measurement of circulating number of RBC's |
Red Blood Cell Morphology | examination of the RBC on a stained blood smear that enables the examiner to identify the form & shape of the RBC's |
Reticulocyte | measurement of the number of circulating reticulocytes |
Schilling Test | diagnostic analysis for pernicious anemia |
White Blood Cell Count | measurement of the circulating number of WBC's |
White Blood Cell Differential | measurement of the percentage of each specific type of circulating WBCS |
Acquried Immunity | result of the body developing the ability to defend itself |
Edema | accumulation of fluid within the tissue space |
Hypersensitivity | abnormal condition characterized by an excessive reaction to a particular stimulus |
Immunity | state of being resistant to or protected from a disease "immune" |
Local Reaction | reaction to treatment that occurs at the site it was administered |
Lymphocyte | small, agranulocytic leukocytes originating from fetal stem cells and developing in the bone marrow |
Natural Immunity | immunity with which we are born; genetic immunity |
Pathogens | disease-producing microorganisms |
Susceptible | state of having a lack resistance to pathogens & other harmful agents |
Kaposi's Sarcoma | malignant neoplasm of the blood vessels associated with AIDS |
Lymphoma | lymphoid tissue neoplasm that is typically malignant |
Mononucleosis | Epstein-Barr virus |
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA) | a blood test used for screening for an antibody to the AIDS virus |
lymphangiogram | x-ray assessment of the lymphatic system following injection of a contrast medium into the lymph vessels |