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Question | Answer |
Epicranius (Frontal/occipital bellies) | Frontal = forehead;raises eyebrows. Occipital= occipital bone; pulls scalp posteriorly. |
Orbicularis Oculi | Surrounds the eyes; draws eyebrows towards middle and inferiorly. |
Levatator Labii Superioris | Connects from zygomatic bone to maxilla; opens lips |
Zygomaticus | Zygomatic bone to corner of lips; Smiling muscle |
Depressor Labii Inferioris | corner of mouth to side of chin; draws lower lips inferiorly |
Depressor anguli oris | corner of mouth/lower lip to more side of the chin; frowning muscle |
Orbicularis Oris | Encircles the mouth; closes lips |
Mentalis | Middle chin; wrinkles chin |
Buccinator | Corner of mouth towards ear; compresses cheeks (whistling) |
Masseter | Zygomatic bone to jaw angle; closes jaw |
Temporalis | Temporal bone to jaw; closes jaw |
Medial pterygoid | End of maxilla and under jaw bone; aids in teeth grinding |
Lateral pterygoid | Under zygomatic bone; teeth grinding |
Platysma | Right under chin to chest; tenses neck skin |
Sternocleidomastoid | Behind ear to sternum; rotates head to opposite shoulder |
Scalenes | Raises ribs; spine to ribs |
Stylohoid | Hyoid bone to styloid process; moves hyoid bone up and down |
Mylohoid | Medial mandible to hyoid bone; base of tounge |
Sternohyoid | hyoid bone to sternum; depresses hyoid bone |
Sternothyroid | Hyoid bone to sternum; depresses hyoid bone |
Omohyoid | Hyoid bone to scapula; depresses hyoid bone |
Thyrohyoid | Thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone; depresses hyoid bone |
Pectoralis Major | Rotates arm |
Serratus Anterior | "guys rib muscles"; rotates scapula |
Deltoid | Shoulder; arm abduction |
Pectoralis Minor | Draws scapula forward & inferiorly |
External Intercoastals | Up and down striations; elevate rib cage |
Internal Intercoastals | Diagonal striations; depresses rib cage |
Diaphram | Prime mover of inspiration flattens on contractions |
Rectus Abdominus | Rotates vertebral column |
External Oblique | Compresses abdominal wall |
Internal Oblique | Compresses abdominal wall |
Transverse Abdominis | Compresses abdominal wall |
Iliopsoas | On top of iliac bone; flexes thigh |
Sartorius | Iliac bone to medial side of knee; flexes knee |
Abductor Magnus | Pubic bone to femur; medially rotate thigh |
Abductor Longus | Pubic bone to linea aspera; medially rotates thigh |
Pectineus | Most lateral muscle connected to pubic bone; medially rotates leg |
Gracilis | most medial muscle in pubic bone; medially rotates thigh |
Rectus Femoris | Connects right to patella; extends knee |
Vastus Lateralis | Lateral side of rectus femoris; extends knee |
Vastus Medialis | Medial side of rectus femoris; extends knee |
Tensor fasciae latae | Connects hip and runs laterally along quad; steadies trunk. (if you drink a latae, it goes straight to the hips) |
Gluteus Maximus | Butt; thigh extensor |
Gluteus Medius | Top of gluteus maximus and then goes underneath; Abducts thigh |
Gluteus Minimus | Abducts thigh |
Biceps Femoris | 2nd most lateral in hamstring; extends thigh |
Semitendinosus | Between biceps femoris and semimembranosus; extends thigh |
Semimembranosus | Both sides of semitendinosus (like a membrane); extends thigh |
Fibularis | Goes right behind ankle; helps keep foot flat on the ground |
Tibialis Anterior | Lateral right under patella; inverts foot |
Extensor Hallucis Longus | Extends great toe |
Gastrocnemius | Calf muscles; Plantar flexes foot |
Soleus | Underneath calf muscles; plantar flexion |
Popliteus | Back of knee to front; rotates leg medially |
Flexor Hallucis Longus | (lateral) top of fibia to big toe; flexes big toe |
Triceps Brachii | Right under deltoid that is on outside of arm; forearm extension |
Anconeus | (short) end of humerus to top on ulna; abducts ulna |
Biceps Brachii | Bulge when flexed in arm; flexion on elbow |
Brachoradialis | On top of radius; synergist in forearm flexion |
Brachialis | Medial to biceps brachii; major flexor of forearm |
Pronator Teres | Humerus to mid-radius (side elbow towards thumb); pronate forearm. (pronator = pronate) |
Flexor Carpi Radialis | humerus to metacarpals (travels down pointer finger); abducts hand |
Palmaris Longus | Humerus towards middle finger (fans out at end to 4 fingers); flexes wrist |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris | Same as Flexor Carp Radialis, but travels down pinky side; Flexor of wrist |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis | Underneath white skin under forearm |
Extensor Digitorum | Deep, underneath flexor digitorum; finger extensor |
Trapezius | Connects to deltoid, spine, and occipital bone; rotates scapula |
Latissimus Dorsi | Midback and connected to humerus; arm extension |
Infraspinatus | Top of humerus to scapula; lateral rotation of humerus |
Teres Minor | goes underneath infraspinatus; same connections and job as infraspinatus |
Teres Major | (Not under) Below Teres Minor, Rotates humerus |
Supraspinatus | above the spine of the scapula; initiates abduction of humerus |
Levatator Scapulae | Neck to scapula; elevates scapula |
Rhomboids | Spine to medial end of scapula; stabalizes scapula |
Semisinalis | Occipital bone to vertebrae; extends head |
Erector Spinae | First 3 strips on the first side; bends vertebral column |
Splenius | Occipital bone to spine; extends head |
Quadratus Lumborum | 12th rib iliac crest; flexes vertebral column laterally |