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chapter 7 8

What are the five special senses smell, taste, sight, hearing, equilibrium
smell location of receptor cells, path of impulse to brain, solution required fo rsensing
taste location of receptor cells, path of impulse to brain, solution requried for sensing, 5 taste sentionsation
what is teh structure of the spinal cord 2 enlargements on the cord where nerves for limbs are attatched (cervical & lumbar enlargement The collection of these nerves inferior to the spinal cord is called the cuada equina (looks like a horses tail)
composition of the spinal cord 1.gray matter (no myelin) surrounds a central canal full of cerebralspinal fluid (shaped like a butterfly) 2.white matter (with myelin) surrounds the gray matter
nerves bundles of neruon fibers found outside the CNS transmit messages to (afferent nerve) and from (efferent nerves) the CNS we hae 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves
nerve structure neuron processes are covered in myelin sheaths (schwann cells) to make nerve fibers which are protected by 3 connective tissue coverings
connective tissue coverings Schwan cells (fibers) are wrapped by an endoneunum (sp) groups of fibers are wrapped by a perineurium (sp) to make fascicles. Fascicles are wwrapped by an epineurium to make a nerve
cranial nerves service the head and neck (p. 250-251) *one exception the vagus (ragus?) nerve extends to the thoracic and abdominal cavities most cranial nerves are involved in motor and sensory funtions exept 3 (optic, olfactory, vetibulocochlear)
spinal nerves service the rest of the body below (below the head & neck) (p255) they are involved in motor an dsensory funtion and are named by where they attatch to the spinal cord (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral nerves)
NS functional classification afferent (toward CNS) efferent (away from the CNS)
Efferent division somatic and aotonomic
Somatic NS conscious movement requires only 1 efferent neuron to carry out action
Autonomic NS involuntary movement requires 2 efferent neuron to carry out action has 2 parts (parasympathetic, sympathetic)
Parasympathetic (part of autonomic NS) housekeeping duties of the body *maintains homeostasis *maintains normal digestion *conserves energy
Created by: Hootlc2005
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