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a+p blood vessels

blood vessels

blood vessels arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veinules, veins
arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veinules, veins, heart are a closed system
capillaries exchange happens in capillaries
arteries + arterioles 4 functions, 1)carry blood away from heart. 2)carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary arteries. 3)contain blood under highest pressure. 4)have thick muscular elastic walls.
lumen hollow part of artery
arteriosclerosis hardening of artery, if the walls of the artery harden
atherosclerosis lumen fills up with fatty material (plague) - repaired by bypass surgery
veins + veinules 5 functions. 1)carry blood toward the heart. 2)carry unoxygenated blood except pulmonary vein. 3)contain blood under low pressure. 4)have thin walls,little muscle. 5)veins have oneway valve that prevents back flow of blood
capillaries 1)smallest vessels, 2)place where gas exchange takes place. 3)thinnest walls 1cell thick.4)form extensive networks(capillary beds
exchange law of diffusion makes the change happen. body of cells o2 out of cap.+ co2 into. lungs o2 into cap co2 out of cap.
common coratid carry blood to head
brachial artery bring blood to arm
aortic arch aortic foms loops run down next to spine
phrenic artery diaphram
hepatic artery liver
gastric artery stomach
mesentreric artery stomach
splenic artery spleen
pancreatic artery pancreas
removal artery kidneys
lumbar spine, muscles of lower back
pulmanary artery lungs
iliac artery legs
femoral artery thigh
coronary arteries nourishes the heart muscles
dorsal or descending aorta main then branch off
vein's all the same eccept the ones in the neck
neck jugular vein, drains, head region, superior vena cavae, inferior vena cavae
phrenic vein diaphram
gastric vein stomach
messentenic vein messentary
coronary veins nourishes heart
pulse heart rate, felt in artery
heart rate systole+ diastole. 120/80 is average= mm of mercury
systole heart contraction top # systolic pressure
diastole heart contraction bottom # diastolic pressure
high blood pressure hyper tension
low blood pressure hypotension
fast heart rate brady cardia
MI myo/cardio/infarction= death of heart muscles
coronary thrombosis blockage(clot) in coronary artery
black out blood collects in lower part of the body= faint
red out blood gets forced into head region =faint
muscle bound heart idiopathic/hypertrophic/cardio/myopathy
sinus arrythmia irregular heart beat
heart murmur leaky heart valve
foramen ovale hole in heart septum
wenckebach phenomenon heart skips a beat
circus movement enlarged heart, several small beats
stroke (cva) broke or block vessels in brain
aneurysm weak spot in wall of an artery
phlebitis inflammation of vein
TIA transischemic attacks "little strokes"
tetrology of fallot heart displaced toward the right side of your chest
congestive heart failure (CHF) pulmanary edema, failure of the left side of heart, blood backs up into lung, fluid leaves the blood, enters the lung =drown
angina chest pain- partial blockage constriction of coronary arteries
Created by: ktheobald11
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