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Final Anatomy Exam

All things Anatomy Chapter 1-6

The visible part of the nail Nail Body
Causes the hair to "stand on end" or produce "goose bumps" Arrector Pili
Brown to black pigment responsible for skin color Melanin
First seven pairs of ribs that attach to directly to the sternum True Ribs
Middle part of the sternum Body
Eleventh and twelfth ribs, which have no attachment to the sternum Floating Ribs
Structure in the skull that surrounds and protects the eye Orbits
Bone cells Osteocytes
Openings that run parallel to the long axis of the bone and contain blood vessels. Haversion Canals
Gland that produces a thick, organic secretion that is broken down by bacteria to produce body odor. Aprocrine Gland
4 Basic types of tissue Epithelial, connective, Muscle, and Nervous
The study of the body by systems Systemic Anatomy
The scientific discipline that investigates the body's structure. Anatomy
The scientific discipline that deals with the process or functions of living things. Physiology
2 Types of feedback Negative and Positive
A plane that runs parallel to the ground Transverse or Horizontal
The bridge of the nose is ________ to the the eye. Medial
Name the structures that make up the lower limb from proximal to distal. Thigh, Leg, Ankle, and Foot
The upper limb is attached to the body by the ________ girdle. Pectoral
______ peritoneum covers the kidneys. Parietal
Systems of the Body Skeletal Articular,Muscular,Cardiovascular, Lyphatic,Nervous,Endocrine,Integumentary,Respiratory,Digestive,Urinary,Immune,and Reproductive
The ability of skeletal muscle to shorten with force Contractility
The basic structural and functional unity of the muscle made up of actin and myosin myofilaments Sacromere
Gluteus Maximus Buttocks
Interior thigh muscle Quadriceps Femoris
The amount of tension produced by the muscle during contraction Isotonic
Constant tension produced by the muscle of the body for long periods of time Muscle Tone
Act of chewing Mastication
Muscles that change the shape of the tongue Intrinsic
Muscle cells Muscle Fibers
A bundle of nerve or muscle fibers bound together by connective tissue Fascicle
The sheath of fiberous connective tissue surrounding the muscle Epimysium
Bone Shapes Long, Short, Flat, and Irregular
Makes up the length of the bone and is composed of compact bone Diaphysis
Functions of the Bone Support, Protection, Movement, Storage, and Blood cell formation
The cranium is composed of __ flat bones 8
The axial is divided into 3 parts: Skull, Vertebral Column, and the bony Thorax
The bones that form the bridge of the nose Nasal Bones
Fuse to form the upper jaw Maxillae
The first cervical vertebrae that allows you to nod "yes" Atlas
Arm bone Humerus
Bones that make up the forearm Radius and Ulna
The most posterior bone of the skull Occipital Bone
Hip Bones Coxal Bone
Knee bone Patella
Hand bones Metracarpals
Fingers Phalanges
Joints are also called: Articulations
Stratified Squamous Epidermis
During movement of cells the shape and chemical composition change Keratinization.
Deeper layer of the dermis Reticular Layer
Tension lines in the skin Cleavage
Hair protrudes above the surface Hair shaft
Bluish color- decreased blood oxygen content Cyanosis
3 Types of skin cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, and Malignant Melanoma
The strata of the epidermis that produces new cells by mitosis Stratum Basale
The study of tissue Histology
Not in contact with other cells Free Surface
Single layer of flat cells found in places where diffusion takes place Simple Squamous
Located along the ducts of sweat glands Stratified Cuboidal
Single layer of cube-like cells Simple cuboidal
Created by: Brandi_Boltz
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