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BIO201 - Ch 10 - Muscular System Face & Head - Marieb/Hoehn - Rio Salado - AZ

Another name for the "facial nerve" is? Cranial Nerve VII
Name 2 muscles of the epicranius (scalp). 1. Frontal belly (frontalis) raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead, (2) Ocipital belly (ocipitalis) pulls scalp posteriorly.
Which scalp muscle raises eyebrows? Frontal Belly - Frontalis - Facial nerve
Which facial muscle draws eyebrows together & wrinkles forehead in frowning? corrugator Supercilii - Faical nerve
Which facial muscle for blinking, squintin, & inserts tissue of eyelid Orbicularis Oculi - Facial Nerve
Which muscle raises lateral corners of mouth up into smile? Zygomaticus - cheekbone to corner of mouth - o=zygomatic, I=corner of mouth
Which muscle tenses lips? Risorius - "laughter" - I=skin@angle of mouth, N=Facial Nerve
Which muscle opens lips? Levator labii superior, "raise" "lip" "superior - I=Skin & muscle of upper lip, N=Facial Nerve
Which muscle to pout lips? Depressor labii inferioris-"lower" "lip" "inferior" - I=skin & muscle @angle of mouth, N=Facial Nerve.
Which muscle to close lips, kiss, & whistle? Orbicularis oris - circular muscle around mouth - N=Facial Nerve.
Which muscle protrudes lower lip & wrinkles chin? Mentalis - forms V-shped musc. on chin-I=Skin@chin, N=Facial Nerve
The 4 pairs of muscles for mastication are all innervated by? Trigeminal nerve-Cranial Nerve V
Intrinsic tongue muscles Do not move tongue, but curls, squeeze & folds tongue for speaking & chewing.
Extrinsic tongue muscles Anchor & move tongue - Innervated by Hypoglossal Nerve.
Masseter Prime mover of jaw closure: elevates mandible. N=Trigeminal Nerve.
Role of temporalis muscle Closes jaw - elevates mandible - Fan-shaped, maintains position of mandible @ rest - synergist of pterygoids, N=Trigeminal Nerve.
Which 2 muscles help synergist to move mandible to grinding - side-to-side movement? Medial & lateral pteryoid muscles - both 2 headed - O=shenoid bone, N=Trigeminal Nerve.
Name 3 extrinsic muscles of tongue. Genioglossus, hyoglossus & styloglossus - each N=Hypoglossal Nerve.
Neck is divided into 2 triangles by what? Sternocleidomastoid muscle - anterior/posterior triange.
The anterior triangle of neck divided into which 2 muscles? Suprahyoid & infrahyoid muscles.
Which 2 muscles begin swallowing? Tongue & buccinator
The widening of pharynx to receive food & closing of larynx to prevent choking done by? Suprahyoid muscles that pull hyoid bone.
Food is propelled through pharynx into esophagus by? Pharyngeal constrictor muscles - 3 paired muscles - Peristalsis.
Name the 4 suprahyoid muscles. Diagastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, & geniohyoid.
Which muscle promotes tongue movement? Hyoglossus muscle
Name the 5 infrahyoid muscles sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid, thyrohyoid, & pharyngeal constrictor muscles.
The head is moved by muscles originating from? Axial skeleton
The major head flexors are the __. Sternocleidomastoid muscles - also tilts laterally. N=Accessory nerve & c2,c3 Nerves.
Which muscles bear most responsibility for head extension? Splenius - bandage muscle (capitus portion), N=cervical spinal nerves.
Created by: Ladystorm
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