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Nervous System/Special Senses/Health Records Mgmt with Abbreves
Question | Answer |
-acusia | Hearing |
-algesia -algia | Pain |
-anacusia | Condition of not hearing; deafness |
-ary | Pertaining to |
-asthenia | Weakness or loss of strength |
-cele | Swelling; hernia |
-cusis | Hearing |
-dynia | Pain |
-ectomy | Surgical excision |
-esthesia | Feeling; sensation |
-iasis | Abnormal condition of with specific cause |
-ic | Like; about; pertaining to |
-ism | Condition |
-itis | Inflammation |
-kinesia | Movement |
-lepsy | Seizure |
-malacia | Softening |
-ologist | Specialist in |
-ology | Study of |
-oma | Tumor |
-opia -opsia | Vision |
-osis | Abnormal condition; increase of |
-paresis | Partial paralysis |
-pathy | Disease of |
-pexy | Put in place; fixation |
-phasia | Speech |
-plegia | Paralysis |
-plexy | Stroke |
-ptosis | Prolapse, downward placement, drooping, sagging |
-rrhagia | Bursting forth |
-rrhaphy | Suture |
-rrhea | Discharge; flow |
-scope | Instrument for visual examination |
-scopy | Visual examination |
-spasm | Involuntary contraction; twitching |
-taxia | Order, coordination |
-tomy | Incision |
-tropia | Turning; condition of |
a- an- | Not; without |
ABLB | Alternate biaural loudness balance |
ABR | Auditory brainstem response |
AC | Air conduction |
Acc | Accommodation |
Acous/o Acoust/o | Hearing |
Acoust/o | Hearing |
AD | Alzheimer's Disease |
AD | Right ear |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ALS | Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease) |
Ambly/o | Dull; dim |
Ambul/o Ambulat/o | Walk |
Ametro/o | Out of proportion |
Anis/o | Unequal |
ANS | Autonomic nervous system |
Aque/o | Water |
ARMD AMD | Age Related Macular Degeneration |
AS | Left ear |
As Ast astig | Astigmatism |
Athet/o | Uncontrolled |
AU | Both ears |
Audi/o Audit/o Aur/o | Ear; hearing |
AVMs | Arteriovenous malformations |
Ax/o | Axis; mainstream |
BC | Bone conduction |
BEAM | Brain electrical activity mapping |
bi- | Two |
Blephar/o | Eyelid |
Brady- | Slow |
Canth/o | Corner of the eye |
CAT scan | Computed Axial Tomography scan |
Caus/o Caust/o | Burning |
Cephal/o | Head |
Cerebell/o | Cerebellum |
Cerebr/o | Cerebrum |
Choroid/o | Choroids |
Chrom/o Chromat/o | Colour |
CK | Conductive keratoplasty; creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) |
Cochle/o | Cochlea; snail; spiral |
Concuss/o | Shaken together |
Conjunctiv/o | Conjunctiva |
Contra- | Against; opposite |
Contus/o | Bruise |
Contuss/o | Bruise |
Convolut/o | Coiled and twisted |
Core/o | Pupil |
Corne/o | Cornea |
Cortic/o | Cortex; outer region |
Crani/o | Cranium; skull |
CNS | Central nervous system |
CP | Cerebral palsy |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
CT Scan | Computed Tomography scan |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident |
CVD | Cardiovascular disease |
Cycl/o | Ciliary body; circular, cycle |
D | diopter |
Dacry/o | Tear; tear duct |
Dacryocyst/o | Tear bladder; lacrimal sac |
Dendr/o | Branching |
di- | Double |
Diplo- | Double |
Dur/o | Dura mater |
Dura- | Tough; hard |
Dys- | Bad; painful; difficult |
ECT | Electroconvulsive Therapy |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
Em | emmetropia |
EMG | electromyography |
Encephal/o | Brain |
Endo- | Inside; inward |
ENG | electronystagmography |
ENT | Ears Nose & Throat |
EOM | Extraocular movement |
Epi- | Above; upon |
Eso- | Inside; inward |
Esthesi/o | Feeling |
Exo- | Outside; outward |
Extra- | Outside of; beyond |
Fove/o | Pit |
Gangli/o Ganglion/o | Nerves; Ganglion |
Glauc/o | Gray |
Gli/o | Neuroglia; glue |
Goni/o | Angle |
Gyr/o | Turning; folding |
Hemat/o | Blood |
Hemi- | Half |
HNP | Herniated nucleus pulposus (herniated disc) |
Hydro- | Water |
Hyper- | Excessive; above |
Hypo- | Below; deficient |
ICP | Intracranial pressure |
Intra- | Within |
IOL | Intraocular lens |
IOP | Intraocular pressure |
IQ | Intelligence quotient |
Ir/o Irid/o Irit/o | Iris |
Kerat/o | Cornea; hard; horny tissue |
Kinesi/o | Movement |
Labyrinth/o | Labyrinth; maze; inner ear |
Lacrim/o | Tear; tear duct |
LASIK | Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis |
Lept/o | Thin; slender |
Lex/o | Word; phrase |
LOC | Loss of consciousness |
LP | Lumbar puncture |
Lute/o | Yellow |
Macul/o | Spot |
Mastoid/o | Mastoid process |
MEG | magnetoencephalography |
Medull/o | Medulla; inner region |
Mening/o Meningi/o | Meninges |
Mixed Astig | Mixed astigmatism |
Mono- | One |
MRA | Magnetic resonance angiography |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
MS | Multiple sclerosis; musculoskeletal; mitral stenosis |
My/o | Muscle |
Myc/o | Fungus |
Myel/o | Spinal cord; bone marrow |
Myop | myopia |
Myring/o | Tympanic membrane; ear drum |
Narc/o | Numbness or stupor |
NCV | Nerve conduction velocity |
Necro- | Dead; necrosis |
Neur/i | Nerve; nervous system |
Neur/o | Nerve; nervous system; neuron |
NIHL | Noise-induced hearing loss |
Noct/o Nyct/o Nyctal/o | Night |
OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder |
Ocul/o | Eye |
OD | Right eye |
O.D. | Doctor of Optometry |
OE | Otitis externa |
OM | Otitis media |
Ophthalm/o | Eye |
Opt/o Optic/o | Eye; vision |
OS | Left eye |
Ot/o | Ear; hearing |
OU | Both eyes |
Pachy- | Thick |
Para- | Near; beside; beyond |
Peri- | Around |
PERRLA | Pupils equal; round; responsive to light and accomodation |
PET | Positron emission tomography |
PE tube | Pressure-equalizing tube |
Phag/o | Eat |
Phac/o | Lens of eye |
Phot/o | Light |
Pinn/o | External ear |
Plex/o | Plexus, network |
PNS | Peripheral nervous system |
Poli/o | Gray matter of the brain and spinal cord |
Presby/o | Old age |
Pseud/o | FALSE |
Pseudo/o | False; fake |
PTS | Permanent threshold shift |
Pupill/o | Pupil |
Py/o | Pus |
Radicul/o | Nerve root |
REM | Rapid eye movement |
Retin/o | Retina; net |
RK | Radial keratomy |
SAH | Subarchnoid hemorrhage |
Salping/o | Eustachian tube; fallopian tube |
Scot/o | Darkness |
SICS | Small incision cataract surgery |
SLE | Slit lamp examination; systemic lupus erythematosis |
SNS | Somatic nervous system; sympathetic nervous system |
Somn/o | Sleep |
ST | esotropia |
Staped/o | Stapes |
Sthen/o | Strength |
Strab/o | Squint-eyed |
Sub- | Below |
Sulc/o | Groove |
Sympath/o | Sympathetic nerve |
Syn- | Union; together; joined |
Synaps/o Synapt/o | Point of contact |
Tars/o | Edge of eyelid |
Thalam/o | Thalamus, chamber |
Thec/o | Sheath (usually meninges) |
TIA | Transient Ischemic Attack |
Ton/o | Tone; tension; pressure |
TTS | Temporary threshold shift |
Tympan/o | Tympanic membrane; ear drum |
Uni- | One |
URI | Upper respiratory infection |
US | ultrasonography |
VA | Visual acuity |
Ventricul/o | Ventricle |
VF | Visual field |
Vitr/o | Vitreous body (of eye) |
Vitre/o | Vitreous humor; glassy |
XT | Exotropia |
juxta- | beside |
retro- | backward; behind |
poly- | many; much |
poli- | gray matter |
per- | through |
dia- | through; across |
-meter | instrument to measure |
-graphy | process of recording |
adl | activities of daily living |
bp | Blood Pressure |
CC | Chief Complaint |
C.N.S. | Central Nervous System |
CPE/PE | Complete Physical Exam / Physical Exam |
DOB | Date of Birth |
Dx, diag | Diagnosis |
F.Hx. | Family History |
N.A.D. | No Appreciable Disease |
N.Y.D. | Not Yet Diagnosed |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record |
S/S | Signs and Symptoms |
CPP | Cumulative Patient Profile |
P.I. | Present Illness |
prog. | prognosis |
pt. | patient |
R/O | Rule Out |
Rx | Therapy; prescription |
Shx | Social History |
T.P.R.; TPR | Temperature, Pulse, Respirations |
Tx | Treatment |
wt. | weight |
POMR | Problem Oriented Medical Record |
SOAP | Subjective Objective Assessment Plan |