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Pelvic & Lower Extre
Question | Answer |
Where is the Tensor fasciae latae? | Anterior supieror ilic spine and anterior iliac crest. |
Where is the distal attachments of the Tensor fasciae latae? | Illiotibal tract that attaches to lateral condyle of tibia. |
What is the Tensor fascia latae's main actions? | Abducts, medially rotates and flexes thigh hip; helps keep knee extended. |
Where is the Sartorius muscle? | Anterior superior iliac spine and superior part of notch inferior to it. |
What is the distal attachment to the Sartorius muscle? | Superior part of medial surface of tibia. |
What is the Sartorius main actions? | Flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint; flexes knee joint. |
Where is the Rectus frmoris muscle? | Anterior inferior iliac spine and illium and superior to actebellum. |
Where is the distal attachmen to the Rectus femoris? | Base of patella and by pateller ligament to tibial tuberosity. |
What is the main actions of the Rectus femoris? | Extends leg at knee joint; rectus femoris also stedies hip joint and helps iliopsoas flex thigh at hip. |
Is the Rectus femoris a quadicep femoris? | yes it is. |
Where is the Vastus lateralis? | Greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera of femur. |
Where is the distal attachment located at? | Base of patella and by pateller ligament to tibial tuberosity. |
What is the main actions of the Vastus lateralis? | Extends leg at knee joint. |
Quadicepes Femoris? | Yes |
Where is the Vastus medialis muscle located at? | Intertrochanter line and medal lip of linea aspera of femur. |
Where is the distal ends of the Vastus medialis muscle? | Base of petella and by pateller ligament to tibial tuberosity. |
What is the main actions of the Vastus medialis muscle? | Extends leg at the knee joint. |
Where is the proximal ends of Vastus intermedius muscle? | Anterior and lateral surfaces of femoral shaft. |
Where are the distal attachments of Vastus intermedius muscle? | Base of patella and by pateller ligament to tibal tuberosity. |
What is are the main actions of the Vastus intermedius muscle? | Extends the leg at knee joint. |