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Endocrine Syst. Ch13
Endocrine System
Question | Answer |
acromegaly | chronic metabolic condition characterized by gradual, noticeable enlargement and elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, & extremities due to oversecretion of the pituitary gland after puberty |
adenohypophysis | anterior pituitary gland |
adrenocortical | pertaining to the cortex of the adrenal gland |
androgen | steroid hormone, increases male characteristics |
cortex | pertaining to the outer region of an organ or structure |
cretinism | congenital condition. characterized by dwarfism, slowed mental development, puffy facial features, dry skin, and large tongue |
diabetes, insipidus | metabolic disorder characterized by extreme polydipsia & polyuria |
diabetes mellitus | disorder of the pancreas in which the beta cells of the islets of langerhans of the pancreas fail to produce an adequate amount of insulin |
endocrine gland | ductless gland that produces a chemical substance called a hormone, secreted directly into the bloodstream |
endocrinologist | physician who specialized in the medical practice of treating the disease and disorders of the endocrine system |
endocrinology | field of medicine that deals with the study of the endocrine system |
estrogen | female hormones that promotes the development of female secondary sex characteristics |
euthyroid | pertaining to a normally functioning thyroid gland |
exophthalmia | abnormal condition characterized by a marked outward protrusion of the eyeballs |
glucagon | hormone secreted by the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas that stimulates the liver to convert glycogen into glucose |
glucogenesis | formation of glycogen from fatty acids and proteins instead of carbohydrates |
glucose | simplest form of sugar in the body |
glycogenesis | conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver for later use as needed |
glycosuria | presence of sugar in the urine |
graves disease | hyperthyroidism |
hypercalcemia | elevated blood calcium level |
hyperglycemia | elevated blood sugar level |
hypergonadism | excessive activity of the ovaries or testes |
hyperinsulinism | excessive amount of insulin in the body |
hyperkalemia | elevated blood potassium level |
hypernatremia | elevated blood sodium level |
hyperparathyroidism | hyperactivity of any of the four parathyroid glands |
hyperthyrodism | overactivity of the thyroid gland: Graves Disease |
hypocalcemia | less than normal blood calcium level |
hypoglycemia | less than normal blood sugar level |
hypokalemai | less than normal blood potassium level |
hyponatremia | less than normal blood sodium level |
hypothyroidism | less than normal activity in the thyroid gland; extremely low body metabolism |
insulin shock | state of shock due to extremely low blood sugar level |
medulla | internal part of a structure or organ |
metabolism | sum of all physical and chemical processes that take place within the body |
myxedema | most severe form of hypothyroidism. characterized by puffiness of the hands and face |
oxytocin | hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. stimulates the contractions of the uterus during childbirth |
polydipsia | excessive thirst |
polyphagia | excessive eating |
polyuria | excretion of excessively large amounts of urine |
progesterone | female hormone secreted by the ovaries |
somatotropic hormone | hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that regulates the cellular processes necessary for normal body growth: Growth Hormone |
syndrome | group of symptoms occurring together |
tetany | severe cramping and twitching of the muscles and sharp flexion of the wrist and ankle joints |
thyroiditis | inflammation of the thyroid gland |
virilism | development of masculine physical traits in the female |
dwarfism | growth retardation of the body due to the deficiency of the human growth hormone: hypopituitarism |
gigantism | proportional overgrowth of the bodys tissue due to the hypersecretion of the human growth hormone before puberty |
goiter (simple) | hyperplasia of the thyroid gland |
thyroiditis, chronic | chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland |
thyroid storm | acute, sometimes fatal, incident of overactivity of the thyroid gland resulting in excessive secretion of thyroid hormone |
Addison's disease | life threatening disease process due to failure of the adrenal cortex to secrete adequate mineralocorticoids and glucocoricoids |
Cushing's Syndrome | cluster of symptoms occurring as a result of an excessive amount of cortisol or ACTH circulating in the blood |
diabetic retinopathy | disorder of the blood vessels of the retina of the eye, experience bulging, hemorrhages, leakage, and scarring |
pancreatic cancer | life threatening primary malignant neoplasm typically found in the head of the pancreas |
pancreatitis | acute or chronic destructive inflammatory condition of the pancreas |
fasting blood sugar (FBS) | blood glucose sample taken usually early in the morning after the person has been without food or drink since midnight |
glucose tolerance test (GTT) | test that evaluates the persons ability to tolerate a concentrated oral glucose load by measuring the glucose levels |
hemoglobin A1C Test (HgbA1C) | shows the average level of glucose in an individuals blood during the last 3 months |
serum glucose tests | measure the amount of glucose in the blood at the time of the sample was drawn |
thyroid function test | measure the blood levels of the hormones T3, T4, and TSH |
thyroid scan | determines the position, size, shape, and physiological function of the thyroid gland through the use of the radionuclear scanning |
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) | measures the concentration of TSH in the blood |