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A and P chapter-6

Apocrine Sweat Gland Located in the axilla and genital regions; these glands enlarge and begin to function at puberty
Appendage The hair, nails, and skin glands
Areola Small space; the pigmented ring around the nipple
Arrector Pili Smooth muscles of the skin, which are attached to hair follicles; when contraction occur, the hair stands up resulting in “goose flesh”
Basement Membrane The connective tissue layer of the serious membrane that holds and supports the epithelial cells
Blister Fluid filled skin legion
Bursa Small cushion-like sacs found between moving body parts, which make movement easier
Cutaneous Membrane Skin; Primary organ of the integumentary system
Cuticle Skinfold covering the root of the nail
Dermal-epidermal Junction Junction between the thin epidermal layer of the skin and the dermal layer providing support support for the epidermis
Dermal Papilla Upper region of the dermis that forms part of the dermal-epidermal junction and forms the ridges and grooves of fingernails
Dermis The deeper of the two major layers of the skin, composed of dense fibrous connective tissue interspersed with glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels; called “true skin”
Eccrine Sweat Gland Small glands distributed over the total body surface
Epidermis False skin; outermost layer of the skin
Follicle Specialized structures required for hair growth
Freckle Small brown or red macules that are a common genetic variant of normal skin pigmentation
Hair Follicle Small tube where hair growth occurs
Hypodermis The loose ordinary tissue just underneath the skin and superficial to the muscles
Integument Another name for skin
Integumentary System Hair, nails, and skin glands as an organ system; the skin
Keratin Protein substance found in hair, nails, outer skin cells, and horny tissues
Lanugo The extremely fine and soft hair found on a newborn infant
Lunula Crescent-shaped white area found under the proximal nail bed
Meissner's Corpuscle A sensory receptor located in the skin close to the surface that detects light touch
Melanin Brown skin pigment
Melanocyte Specialized cells in the pigment layer that produce melanin
Membrane Thin sheetlike structure with an important function in the body
Mucocutaneous junction The transitional area where the skin and mucous membrane meet
Mucous Membrane Epithelial membrane that lines the body surfaces opening directly to the exterior and secrete a thick, slippery material called mucus
Mucus Thick, slippery material that is secreted by the mucous membrane and keeps the membrane moist
Pacinian Corpuscle A receptor found deep in the dermis that detects pressure on the skin surface
Papilla Small, nipple shaped elevations
Parietal The walls of an organ or cavity
Perietal Peritoneum Serious membrane that lines and is adherent to the wall of the abdominal cavity
Parietal Pleura Serous membrane that lines and is adherent to the wall of the thoracic cavity
Peritoneum Large, moist, slippery sheet of serious membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity
Perspiration Transparent, watery liquid released by glands in the skin that eliminates ammonia and uric acid and helps maintain body temperature; also commonly known as sweat
Pigment Layer The layer of the epidermis that contains the melanocytes that produce melanin to give skin its color
Pleura The serious membrane in the thoracic cavity
Pore Pinpoint-size openings on the skin that are outlets of small ducts from the eccrine sweat glands
Sebaceous Gland Oil-producing glands found in the skin
Sebum Secretion of sebaceous glands
Serous Membrane Found only on surfaces with closed cavities; composed of two distinct layers of tissue
Stratum Corneum The rough outer layer of the epidermis; cells are filled with keratin
Stratum Germinativum The innermost of the tightly packed epithelial cells of the epidermis; cells here are able to reproduce themselves
Subcutaneous Tissue Tissue below the layers of the skin; made up of loose connective tissue and fat
Sudoriferous Gland Glands that secrete sweat
Synovial Membrane Connective tissue membrane lining the spaces between bones and joints that secretes synovial fluid
Visceral Pertaining to the viscera or internal organs
Visceral peritoneum Serous membrane that covers and is adherent to the abdominal viscera
Visceral Pleura Serous membrane that covers and is adherent to the lungs
Created by: Akile6
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