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APII Digestion
Question | Answer |
Function of the digestive system include ingest food, ____ingested material, digest the material into smaller usable components, ____the necessary digested nutrients into the____, expel waste. | transport, absorb, bloodstream |
Chewed food mixed with saliva. | Bolus |
Bolus processed by the stomach. | Chyme |
The digestive system is composed of two separate categories of organs: ____organs, ____digestive organs | Digestive, Accessory |
Digestive organs collectively make up the GI tract, also called the digestive tract or the____ ____. | alimentary canal |
Oral cavity, ____, esophagus, stomach, ____ ____and large intestine are all digestive organs. | pharynx, small intestine |
Accessory digestive organs ____the GI tract with digestion. | assist |
Accessory organs: Teeth, ____, salivary glands, ____, gallbladder and ____. | tongue, liver, pancreas |
Accessory digestive organs are not part of the long GI tube, but often develop as ____of that tube. | outgrowths |
Digestive System Functions are ingestion, digestion, ____, peristalsis, ____, absorption, elimination of waste | propulsion, secretion |
Ingestion is the introduction of solid and liquid material into the ____ ____. | oral cavity |
1st step in digesting is ____. | ingestion |
Digestion is the breakdown of large food items into ____structures and____. | smaller, molecules |
Mechanical digestion ____breaks down pieces. | physically |
Chemical digestion is breaking down of food using____. | enzymes |
____is the movement of materials through the GI tract. | Propulsion |
Peristalsis is muscular ____. | contraction |
GI tract function ____is the production and releasing of mucin or fluids like acid, bile and digestive enzymes. | secretion |
_____ is Passive or active movement of electrolytes, digestion products, vitamins and water across the epithelium into GI tract blood vessels and lymphatics. | Absorption |
____ is wasting of undigested products as feces by defecation. | Elimination of waste |
Propulsion of food along the GI tube involves two types of movement_____ and ____ | peristalsis, segmentation |
____ is the ripple-like wave of muscular contraction that forces material to move further along the GI tract. | Peristalsis |
____ is the churning and mixing of material helping to disperse the material and mix it and combine it with digestive organ secretions. | Segmentation |
____ ____ is the initial site of mechanical and chemical digestion. | Oral Cavity |
Oral cavity is made of ____ ____ squamous epithelium lining for abrasive activities. | Nonkeratinized stratified |
Oral cavity ____ space is between the cheeks or lips and gums. | vestibule |
Oral cavity proper is central to the alveolar processes of____ and _____. | mandibule, maxillae |
Oral cavity contains the following structural features: cheeks, ____, and palate, tongue, ____ ____, teeth | lips, salivary glands |
Cheeks form the ____wall of the oral cavity and are comprised mainly of the ____ muscles. | lateral, buccinator |
The cheeks end ____ as the lips. | anteriorly |
Lips are lined with ____ ____ squamous epith. | keratinized stratified |
The gingivae (gums) cover the ____ ___ of the teeth. | alveolar processes |
The internal surface of the upper and lower lips are attached to the gingivae by a thin, midline mucosa fold called the____ ____ . | labial frenulum |
The ____ forms the roof of the oral cavity. | palate |
The ____ ___- ____ of the palate is called the hard palate because it is comprised of bone. The ____ ___-___ of the palate is soft and muscular and is called the soft palate. | anterior two-thirds, posterior one-third |
Extending from the soft palate posteriorly is the____, which elevates during swallowing and closes off the posterior entrance to the nasopharynx. | uvula |
The ____ represent the opening from the oral cavity to the oropharynx. | fauces |
The fauces are bounded laterally by paired muscular folds: ____ arch, ____ arch | palatoglossal, palatopharyngeal |
The superior surface of the tongue is covered by ____. | papillae |
The tongue manipulates and mixes ingested materials during chewing and helps compress the partially digested materials into a____. | bolus |
A ____is a globular mass of ingested materials that can be more easily swallowed. | bolus |
The inferior surface of the tongue attaches to the floor of the oral cavity by a thin, midline mucous membrane called the____ ____. | lingual frenulum |
____glands produce and secrete saliva into the oral cavity. | Salivary |
Saliva’s functions: ____ingested materials, moistens, cleanses, and lubricates the structures of the____ ____, chemical digestion, ____action containing lysozyme, dissolves materials so that ____ ____can be stimulated. | moistens, oral cavity, antibacterial, taste receptors |
Three pairs of salivary glands are located external to the oral cavity:____, submandibular, sublingual glands | parotid |
Salivary Glands produce ____/day, slightly acidic, ___% water and 0.5% solutes, contains Ions, ___, lysosome, mucin, salivary amylase | 1-1.5L, 99.5, ImG A |
Parotid Salivary Glands, Largest of the three salivary glands, Located anterior and inferior to the ear, Secrete ___% of total saliva, Parotid duct runs parallel to the zygomatic arch and pierces the ____muscle just opposite. | 25–30, buccinator |
Submandibular Salivary Glands: Reside inferior to the body of the mandible, Produce the majority of the saliva ____ % | 60–70% |
A submandibular duct transports saliva from each gland through a papilla in the floor of the mouth on the lateral sides of the____ ____ | lingual frenulum |
Sublingual Salivary Glands: ____to the tongue and internal to the oral cavity, Contribute only 3–5% of total saliva | Inferior |
Two types of secretory cells are found in salivary glands, ____ and ____ cells | Serous cells, Mucous cells |
Mucous cells in salivary glands secrete mucin, which forms ___upon hydration | mucus |
Serous cells in salivary glands secrete a watery fluid containing___, ____, and salivary amylase | ions, lysozyme |
Submandibular and sublingual glands innervated by CN ____. | VII |
Paroid gland innervated by CN ___ | IX |
Parasympathetic stimulates ____in the GI tract. | secretion |
The teeth are collectively known as the ____. | dentition |
A tooth has an exposed crown, a constricted neck, and one or more roots that fit into dental ____. | alveoli |
____ligaments bind roots to the alveolar process to form the gomphosis joint. | Periodontal |
____forms the primary mass of the tooth. It is harder than bone. | Dentin |
Each tooth root is covered with _____. | cementum |
The external surface of the dentin is covered with a layer of ____that forms the crown of the tooth. | enamel |
The center of the tooth is a pulp cavity that contains ____ ____called pulp. | connective tissue |
A root canal opens into the connective tissue through an opening called the____ ____. Blood vessels and nerves pass through this opening and are housed in the pulp. | apical foramen |
Mesial tooth surface is ____to the midline. | closest |
Distal tooth surface is farthest from the____. | midline |
____tooth surface is adjacent to the cheek. | Buccal |
Labial tooth surface is adjacent to the ___. | lip |
____tooth surface is facing the tongue. | Lingual |
Occlusal tooth surface is where superior and inferior surfaces ____. | meet |
Two sets of teeth develop and erupt in a normal lifetime _____ and _____ teeth | deciduous and permanent teeth |
Deciduous teeth erupt between ____months, 20 in number, and are often called ____teeth | 6–30, milk |
Permanent teeth replace the deciduous teeth and are ___in number. ____placed teeth tend to appear first. | 32, Anteriorly |
The _____ teeth are most anteriorly placed, shaped like chisels, and have a single root | Incisors |
Canines are posterolateral to the incisors, pointed tips for ____ and ____ | puncturing and tearing |
Premolars are posterolateral to canines, have flat crowns with prominent ridges called ____for crushing and grinding. | cusps |
____are the thickest and most posterior teeth, also adapted for crushing and grinding. | molars |
____is shared by the respiratory and digestive systems. | Pharynx |
Three skeletal muscle pairs of pharyngeal constrictors (____, ____, and _____) form the wall of the pharynx and participate in ____. | superior, middle, and inferior; swallowing |
Pharyngeal constrictors constrict and then the epiglottis ____. | closes |
CN __ innervates most pharyngeal muscles | X |
Branches of external ____arteries supply the pharynx | carotid |
Internal ____veins drain the pharynx | jugular |
Abdominopelvic cavity is covered with moist serous membranes called parietal and visceral _____. | peritoneum |
Organs that are completely surrounded by visceral peritoneum are called ____organs. They include the stomach and most of the small intestines. | intraperitoneal |
Organs that are only covered on their anterolateral surfaces with visceral peritoneum are called ____organs. Examples are the pancreas, ascending and descending colon of the large intestines, and the rectum. | retroperitoneal |
____are folds of peritoneum that support and stabilize intraperitoneal GI tract organs. | Mesenteries |
Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves are sandwiched between the two ____ ____and supply the digestive organs. | mesentery folds |
____ ____extends inferiorly like an apron from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers most of the abdominal organs. | Greater omentum |
The lesser omentum connects the lesser curvature of the stomach and the proximal end of the ____to the liver. | duodenum |
The mesentery proper suspends most of the ___ ____from the posterior abdominal wall. | small intestines |
The ____is a peritoneal fold that attaches parts of the large intestine to the posterior abdominal wall. | mesocolon |
____ligament is a fold that attaches one organ to another or an organ to the anterior or lateral abd. wall. | Peritoneal |
____peritoneal ligament attaches the superior surface of liver to the diaphragm. | Coronary |
Falciform peritoneal ligament attaches ____to anterior internal abdominal wall. | liver |
The wall of the GI tract is composed of four concentric layers called tunics. From deep to superficial they are ____, _____, mucularis, _____ or _____. | mucosa, submucosa, adventitia or serosa |
3 parts to the mucosa layer of the GI tract: Superficial epithelium, An underlying ____connective tissue, called the lamina propria, and a thin layer of___ ____ , called the muscularis mucosae | areolar, smooth muscle |
Submucosa is composed of ___ ____ connective tissue and includes: lymphatic ducts, mucin-secreting glands, blood vessels, and nerves | dense irregular |
The nerves and their associated ganglia in the submucosa are referred to as the submucosal nerve plexus or ____ ____ | Meissner plexus |
Muscularis consists of two layers of smooth muscle____ ____ , ____ ____ layers | outer longitudinal, inner circular |
inner circular layer of the muscularis ____the lumen and forms sphincters when thickened. | constricts |
outer longitudinal layer of the muscularis ____the tube | shorten |
Two exceptions to the muscularis tunic of the GI tract are the____ and ____. | esophagus and stomach |
Nerve fibers and associated ganglia in the muscularis tunic between the two layers of muscles is called the myenteric nerve plexus or ______ plexus | Auerbach |
Adventitia or Serosa is the ____tunic layer. | outermost |
Adventitia tunic consists of areolar connective tissue with dispersed ____ and ____fibers. Retroperitoneal organs. | collagen and elastic |
Serosa tunic is the same as adventitia but covered by ____peritoneum. Intraperitoneal organs. | visceral |
Three unpaired arteries supply the abdominal GI tract: ____trunk, Superior, and Inferior ____arteries | celiac, mesenteric |
The branches travel within the tunics and mucosa of the GI tract contain capillaries with fenestrates ____cells. | endothelial |
Lacteals are present in villi of the ____ ____. | small intestines |
Lymph ducts transport lymph to the cisterna chyli, which drains into the ____ ____. | thoracic duct |
Lymphatic structures called MALT are found in the small intestine and appendix. These aggregate nodules are called ____ _____. | Peyer patches |
____nerve plexus: Sympathetic axons (T5-T9), parasympathetic axons (vagus). | Celiac |
Superior mesenteric nerve plexus: SA (T8-T12), PA (____). | vagus |
Inferior mesenteric nerve plexus: SA (L_-L_), PA (pelvic splanchnic nerves). | L1-L2 |
____ innervation in the GI tract promotes activity, gland secretion, peristalsis, and relaxes sphincters, and vasodilation | Parasympathetic |
Sympathetic innervation in the GI tract ___ activity. | Inhibits |
A tubular passageway that conducts ingested materials from the pharynx to the stomach. | Esophagus |
The esophagus passes through an opening in the diaphragm called the esophageal ____as it connects to the stomach. | hiatus |
The esophagus is approximately __cm long coursing anterior to the vertebral bodies | 25 |
The esophagus is about 1.5 cm is in ____prior to changing into the stomach | abdomen |
Esophagus is a thick ____ ____squamous epith. | nonkeratinized stratified |
The esophagus has thick____, abundant elastic fibers and abundant mucus glands. | submucosa |
The esophagus’ muscularis tunic has an inner ____layer and outer ____layer and contains a blend of skeletal and smooth fibers. | circular, longitudinal |
Outer wall of the esophagus is ____. | adventitia |
The esophagus has two sphincters: ____ and ____ esophageal sphincters | Inferior and superior |
____ ____ sphincter is at the junction of the pharynx and the esophagus; closes during inhalation preventing air from entering the GI tract. | Superior esophageal |
Inferior esophageal sphincter is at the junction of the esophagus and the____; along with the esophageal opening of the____, prevents materials from regurgitating from the stomach into the esophagus | stomach, diaphragm |
During the ____phase of swallowing bolus is formed and pushed superiorly against the hard palate by the tongue and projected towards the oropharynx. | voluntary |
During the ____phase of swallowing bolus in the oropharynx, swallowing reflex begins. Soft palate and uvula elevate to block airway passage and the larynx elevates towards epiglottis. | pharyngeal |
During the esophageal phase swallowing is____. Bolus passes through esophagus (5-8sec) into the stomach. | involuntary |
Pancreatic juice is excreted by ___ cells organized into large clusters or ___, along with mucin. ___ is also secreted by the pancreas. | acinar, acini, bicarbonate |
Most ducts travel and merge in the pancreatic duct that drains into the ___ of the duodenum. | papilla |
___ is secreted by enteroendocrine cells in intestinal glands to promote secretion of juices. | Cholecystokinin |
Pancreatic juice secretion is stimulated by the ___ nerve. | vagus (PNS) |
The ___ ___ is a network of thin ducts that transport bile from liver and gall bladder to duodenum. | biliary apparatus |
Function of the gall bladder is ___, not ___ of bile. | storage, production |
Left and right lobes of the liver drain bile into the left and right ___ ___. | hepatic ducts. |
Left and right hepatic ducts merge to form the ___ ___ ___. | common hepatic duct. |
The cystic duct and the common hepatic duct merge to form the ___ ___ ___. | common bile duct. |
The common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct enter the duodenum through the ___ ___. | hepatopancreatic ampulla. |
The structural components of a portal triad are the branches of the ___ ___ vein, ___ artery and ___ ___. | hepatic portal, hepatic, bile duct |
What is the function of the gallbladder? To ___ and ___ bile. | concentrate, store |
The function of the pancreatic acini is to secrete ___ and ___ ___ of the pancreatic juice. | mucin, digestive enzymes |
The ___ produces bile. | liver |
A function of the ___ is detoxification of drugs, metabolites and poisons. | liver |
The liver stores excess ___ and ___. | nutrients, vitamins. |
____ in the ___ synthesize blood plasma proteins like albumins, globulins and proteins for blood clotting. | Hepatocytes, liver |
The liver contains ___ cells for break down of debris and aged erythrocytes or formed elements. | phagocytic |
The gall bladder is embedded on the ___ surface of the liver. | inferior |
The ___ ___ functions to collect and concentrate bile. | gall bladder |
The ___ ___ connects the gall bladder to the common bile duct. | cystic duct |
The gall bladder can hold ___ to ___ mL of concentrated bile. | 40-60 |
The gall bladder has three regions: the neck, with a sphincter valve to control flow, the body and the ___. | fundus |
The pancreas has both ___ and ___ functions. | endocrine, exocrine |
The pancreas has exocrine functions that involve secreting digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, collectively called ___ ___, into the duodenum via the ___ ___ duct. | pancreatic juices, main pancreatic |
The head of the pancreas is wide and adjacent to the ___. | duodenum. |
The body of the pancreas is elongated and projects toward the left lateral ___ ___. | abdominal wall |
The tail of the pancreas tapers as it approaches the ___. | spleen. |
In the liver, there are several ___ ___ around the central vein. | portal triads |
The portal triads in the liver that are located around the central vein are called ___ ___. | hepatic sinusoids |
Hepatic sinusoids are lined with ___ cells (kupffer cells) which are phagocytic cells. | reticuloendothelial |
Hepatocytes absorb ___ and form ___ that assists with the chemical digestion of fats. | nutrients, bile |
Bile is released through ___ ___ to the bile duct in the portal triad. | bile canaliculus |
The liver is located in the ___ ___ of the abdomen. | right quadrant |
The liver weighs about ___ to ___kg. | 1 to 2 |
The liver is comprised of four incompletely separated lobes: right, left, ___ and ___ | caudate, quadrate |
The right lobe of the liver is separated from the left lobe by the ___ ___ that secures the liver to the abdomen wall. | falciform ligament |
The round ligament in the liver is the remnant of the ___ ___ vein. | fetal umbilical |
The caudate lobe of the liver is adjacent to the ___ ___ ___. | inferior vena cava |
The quadrate lobe of the liver is adjacent to the ___. | gallbladder |
A connective tissue capsule forms septa that partition the liver into ___ ___. | hepatic lobules |
___ ___ are the functional units of the liver. | Hepatic lobules |
Hepatic lobules contain cells called ___. | hepatocytes |
At the periphery of each lobule of the liver there are several ___ ___. | portal triads |
The liver has dual blood supply. True or false | true |
The ___ ___vein carries blood to the liver from the GI tract, spleen and pancreas. It is rich in nutrients but poor in ___. | hepatic portal, oxygen |
The ___ ___ ___ splits into left and right hepatic arteries and is well oxygenated. | hepatic artery proper |
The hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery proper mix in the ___ ___. | hepatic lobules |
Numerous hepatic veins drain into the ___ ___ ___. | inferior vena cava |
The descending colon originates at the left ___ ___. It is found along the ___ side of the abdomen. | colic flexure, left |
The descending colon makes contact with the iliac fossa and terminates into the ___ ___. | sigmoid colon |
The shape of the sigmoid colon resembles the letter S. It originates at the ___ ___ and enters the pelvic cavity. Then it turns inferomedially and is suspended by the ___ ___. | sigmoid flexure, sigmoid mesentery |
The ___ ___ terminates as the rectum. | sigmoid colon |
Muscular tube that readily expands to store accumulated fecal material prior to defecation is the ___. | rectum |
Three thick, transverse folds of the rectum, called ___ ___ , ensure that fecal material is retained during the passage of gas. | rectal valves |
The ___ terminates at the anal canal. | rectum |
The ___ ___ is the terminal few centimeters of the large intestine. | anal canal |
The anal canal passes through an opening in the ___ ___ muscles of the pelvic floor. | levator ani |
Anal ___ line the internal surface of the anal canal. | columns |
Anal sinuses secrete ___ for lubrication during defecation by the pressure exerted by feces. | mucin |
Internal and external anal sphincters open and close the anal canal during ___. | defecation |
The large intestine is lined with ___ ___epithelium and goblet cells, which secrete ___ to lubricate the fecal material. | simple columnar, mucin |
Longitudinal muscle of the large intestine wall is incomplete, forming bundles called ___ ___. | teniae coli |
The teniae coli bunch up the large intestines into many sacs, collectively called ___. | haustra |
In the large intestine, extending off the external surface of the haustra, are lobules of fat called ___ appendices or ___ appendages. | omental, epiploic |
The ingestion of food increases peristaltic movements in the ileum, opening the ileocecal valve, called ___ reflex. | gastroileal |
The gastroileal reflex produces more: ___ movements, ___ churning and ___ movements. | peristaltic, haustral, mass |
Peristaltic movements are weak and ___. | sluggish. |
Haustral churning: Distention with feces produces contraction for passage to the next ___ by relfex. | haustra |
Mass movements are powerful, peristaltic contractions involving the ___ ___ to propel feces to the rectum. They occur 2-3 times a day after a meal and are called ___ reflex. | teniae coli, gastrocolic |
The accessory digestive organs include the following organs that facilitate chemical digestive activities of the GI tract: ___, ___ ___, ___ and ___ ___. | liver, gall bladder, pancreas, biliary apparatus |
The duodenum is c-shaped and located in the ___ ___ quadrant. | upper right |
The duodenum becomes continuous with the jejunum at the ___ ___. | duodenojejunal flexure (midline) |
The duodenum is connected to the liver by the ___ ___. | lesser omentum |
The ___ ___ ___ is the site where bile and pancreatic secretions enter the duodenum. | major duodenal papilla |
Middle portion of the small intestine is the ___. | jejunum |
Primary region for chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the ___. | jejunum |
The jejunum is suspended by the ___ ___. | mesentery proper |
The last segment of the small intestine is the ___. | ileum |
The distal end of the ileum terminates at the ileocecal valve, a sphincter that controls the entry of materials into the ___ ___. | large intestine |
The ileum is suspended by the ___ ___. | mesentery proper |
Internally, the mucosal and submucosal tunics of the small intestine are thrown into folds called the ___ folds or ___ ___. They help increase surface area of absorption and delay passage. | circular, plicae circulares |
Circular folds, or plicae circulares, are more numerous in the ___ and ___ and least numerous in the ___. | duodenum, jejunum, ileum |
Microscopic fingerlike projections called ___ can be seen on surface of circular folds and microscopic fingerlike projections called ___ can be seen on surface of the ___. | villi, microvilli, villi |
Each villi in the small intestine contains an arteriole, a ___, and ___ for absorption. | venule, capillaries |
In the small intestine, ___ at the center of the villus, are responsible for absorption of lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins, too large to be absorbed by capillaries. | lacteals |
There are three phases of swallowing: ___, ___ and ___. | voluntary, pharyngeal, esophageal |
Bolus is formed and pushed superiorly against the hard palate by the tongue. Projected towards the oropharynx. Which swallowing phase is this? | voluntary phase |
Bolus in the oropharynx, swallowing reflex begins. Soft palate and uvula elevate to block airway passage. Larynx elevates towards epiglottis. Which swallowing phase is this? | pharyngeal phase |
Involuntary. Bolus passes through esophagus (5-8sec) into the stomach. Which swallowing phase is this? | esophageal phase |
The stomach is in the upper left quadrant of abdomen, inferior to the ___. | diaphragm |
The stomach continues the mechanical and chemical digestion of the ___. | bolus |
The bolus eventually is processed into a pasty soup called ___. | chyme |
The stomach possesses how many layers of muscle? | 3 |
The stomach secretes ___ and ___. | acids, enzymes |
The stomach is composed of four regions: the ___, ___, ___ and ___. | cardia, fundus, body, pylorus |
The stomach’s cardia is the opening at the ___ ___. | cardiac orifice |
The stomach’s fundus is superior to the ___ opening and is adjacent to the ___. | esophageal, diaphrahgm |
The largest region of the stomach is it’s ___. | body |
The stomach’s pylorus is divided into the ___ ___ and the ___ ___. | pyloric antrum, pyloric canal |
The ___ ___ is the stomach’s opening with the duodenum of the small intestine. | pyloric orifice |
The ___ ___ is the thick ring of circular smooth muscle that surrounds the pyloric orifice. | pyloric sphincter. |
The inferior border of the stomach is the ___ curvature and the superior border is the ___ curvature. | greater, lesser |
The internal surface of the stomach is thrown into folds called ___ ___ or ___. | gastric folds, rugae |
The large intestine is comprised of the following structures: ___, ___ colon, ___ colon, ___ colon, ___ colon, ___ and ___ ___. | cecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum, anal canal |
First part of large intestine is the ___. | cecum |
The ___ is in the large intestine, it’s a blind sac located in lower right quadrant of abdomen. | cecum |
The cecum extends inferiorly from the ___ ___. It represents the junction between the small intestine and large intestine. | ileocecal valve |
The vermiform appendix is lined with ___ nodules. | lymphatic |
The ascending colon originates at the ___ ___ and extends along the right side of abdomen. | ileocecal valve |
The ascending colon is retroperitoneal. true or false | true |
As the ascending colon approaches the inferior border of the liver, it makes a 90-degree turn toward the left side of the abdominal cavity; this bend in the colon is called the ___ ___ ___ or ___ ___. | right colic flexure, hepatic flexure |
The ___ ___ originates at the right colic flexure and approaches the spleen in the upper left abdominal quadrant. | transverse colon |
The transverse colon is suspended by the ___ ___. | transverse mesocolon |
The transverse colon makes a 90-degree turn inferiorly at the spleen; this bend in the colon is called the ___ ___ ___ or ___ ___. | left colic flexure, splenic flexure |
The ___ ___ ___ and ligamentum venosum form the inferior vertical parts of the liver. | inferior vena cava |
In the liver, the ___ ___ and round ligament form the superior vertical parts. | gall bladder |
The ___ ___ in the liver represents the horizontal crossbar; this is where the blood vessels (hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery proper) and lymphatic vessels, bile ducts, and nerves enter and leave the liver. | porta hepatis |
The small intestine consists of three specific segments (from proximal to distal from the stomach): ___ (___cm), ___ (___m), ___ (___m) | duodenum, 25m (10 inches), jejunum, 2.5m (7.5 feet), ileum, 3.6m (10.8 feet) |
The small intestine has intestinal glands or ___ of ___. They are enteroendocrine cells that release___, ___, gastric inhibitory peptide (prolong time of stomach emptying) and goblet cells. | crypts, Lieberkuhn, secretin, cholecystokinin |
Brunner glands in the small intestine release ___ mucus to protect ___ from acids. | alkaline, duodenum |
The large intestine forms a three-sided perimeter around the centrally located ___ ___. | small intestine |
The diameter is of the large intestine is ___ cm vs. 2.5 cm of the small intestine. | 6.5 |
The ___ intestine absorbs fluids and ions and compacts undigestible wastes and solidifies them into feces. | large |
The large intestine absorbs a large/small amount of nutrients. | very small |
The ___ ___ stores the feces until defecation (expulsion of the feces). | large intestine |
5 types of secretory cells form gastric epithelium: ___ ___ cells, ___ ___ cells, ___ cells, ___ cells, ___ cells. | surface mucous, mucous neck, parietal, chief, enteroendocrine |
Surface mucous cells secrete ___ to prevent ulceration. | mucin |
Mucous neck cells secrete ___ ___ to maintain acidic conditions. | acidic mucin |
Parietal cells, HCl secreted for chemical digestion of proteins, secretes ___ ___ to absorb B12 in the ileum. | intrinsic factor |
Chief cells secrete ___ ___ to be activated by the HCl into pepsin who digests denatured proteins. | inactive pepsinogen |
Enteroendocrine cells secrete ___ that enters blood to stimulate secretion of chief and parietal cells. | gastrin Somatostatin. |
The ___ ___ finishes the chemical digestion process and is responsible for absorbing most of the nutrients (90%). | small intestine |
Ingested materials spend at least ___ hours in the small intestine while chemical digestion and absorption are completed. | 12 |
About 6 meters (20 feet) long in an unembalmed cadaver but much shorter in a living individual due to ___ ___. | muscle tone |
The small intestine extends from the ___ to cecum of large intestine. | pylorus |
Blood supply and innervation of the small intestine in the ___ ___ artery and plexus. | superior mesenteric |
The wall of the stomach is lined by ___ ___ epithelium although little absorption occurs in the stomach. | simple columnar |
The stomach lining is indented by numerous depressions called ___ ___ which have gastric gland openings. | gastric pits |
The stomach lining does not contain goblet cells, but ___ ___ cells. | surface mucous |
The muscularis of the stomach has 3 layers: ___ ___ layer, middle circular layer and outer ___ layer. It has 3 layers ddue to the fact that they need to churn and mix ___. | inner oblique, longitudinal, bolus |
Along and at the base of the gastric pits are openings of gastric glands that secrete products into the ___. | stomach |