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HA Ch. 10
The Muscular System II: Major Muscles of the Axial Skeleton
Question | Answer |
muscles of the scalp | epicranius |
epicranius is made up of the | galea aponeurotica, frontalis, occipitalis |
galea aponeurotica is a | bipartite muscle consisting of 2 muscles connected by a cranial aponeurosis |
the alternate actions of the two galea aponeurotica muscles pull the | scalp forward and backward |
frontalis muscle (frontal belly) covers the | forehead and dome of skull |
frontalis muscle has no | bony attachments |
origin of the frontalis | galea aponeurotica |
insertion of frontalis | skin of eyebrows/root of nose |
action of frontalis | pulls scalp forward and raises eyebrows |
occipitalis (occipital belly) overlies the | posterior occiput |
origin of occipitalis | occipital/temporal bones |
insertion of occipitalis | galea aponeurotica |
action of occipitalis | pulls scalp posteriorly |
orbicularis oculi | thin, flat sphincter muscles of the eyelid and surrounds orbits |
origin of orbicularis oculi | frontal/maxilla bones of medial orbits |
insertion of orbicularis oculi | skin of eyelids |
action of orbicularis oculi | closes eyelids and protects eyes from intense light and injury (blinking/squinting/draws eyebrows inferiorly) |
zygomaticus: muscle pair extending | diagonally from cheekbone to corner of mouth |
origin of zygomaticus | zygomatic bone |
insertion of zygomaticus | skin at corners of mouth |
action of zygomaticus | raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smiling muscle) |
risorius: slender muscle that is | inferior and lateral to zygomaticus |
origin of risorius | fascia of masseter muscle |
insertion of risorius | skin at angle of mouth |
action of risorius | draws corners of lip laterally (tense lips) |
risorius is a the... | synergist...zygomaticus muscle |
orbicularis oris: complicated, multi... | layered muscle of the lips with fibers that run in different directions, mostly circularly |
origin of orb. oris | fascia of facial muscles surrounding the mouth |
insertion of orb. oris | skin of lips |
action of orb. oris | close mouth, purses and protrudes lips, kissing/whistling |
mentalis: one of the muscle pair forming a | v-shaped muscle mass on chin |
mentalis originates | anterior mandible |
mentalis insertion | below the lower lip |
mentalis action | protudes lower lip/wrinkles chin |
buccinator: thin | horizontal cheek muscle, deep to the masseter |
origin of buccinator | maxilla and mandible near molars |
insertion of buccinator | orbicularis oris |
action of buccinator | compresses cheek and draws corner of mouth laterally (holds food between teeth during chewing) |
buccinator is well developed in | nursing babies |
masseter: powerful muscle that covers the | lateral aspect of the mandibular ramus |
origin of masseter | zygomatic arch and zygomatic bone |
insertion of the masseter | angle and ramus of mandible |
action of masseter | closes mouth and elevates mandible |
temporalis: fan-shaped muscle that covers the | temporal, frontal, and parietal bones |
origin of temporalis | temporal fossa |
insertion of temporalis | coronoid process and ramus of mandible |
action of temporalis | closes mouth, retracts mandible, maintains position of mandible at rest |
muscles of the anterior neckand throat are for | swallowing and speaking |
the muscles of the neck are divided into the | anterior and posterior triangles by the sternocleidomastoid muscle |
the anterior triangle is divided into the | suprahyoid muscle and the infrahyoid muscle |
suprahyoid muscles are muscles that help form the...anchor the...elevate the...and move the...during swallowing; lies superior to the hyoid bone | floor of the oral cavity...tongue...hyoid...larynx |
digastric: consists of | 2 bellies united by an intermediate tendon forming a v shape under the chin |
origin of digastric | lower margin of mandible and mastoid process of temporal bone |
insertion of digastric | hyoid bone |
action of digastric | open mouth and depress mandible |
infrahyoid muscles are ...muscles that... | straplike...depress the hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speaking |
digastric: consists of | 2 bellies united by an intermediate tendon forming a v shape under the chin |
sternohyoid is the most | medial muscle of the neck |
sternohyoid is a | thin, superficial muscle except inferiorly, where it is covered by the sternocleidomastoid muscle |
sternohyoid originates | on the manubrium and medial clavicle |
insertion of sternohyoid | hyoid |
action of sternohyoid | depress larynx and hyoid bone |
origin of sternothyroid | posterior surface of manubrium |
insertion of sternothyroid | thyroid cartilage of larynx |
omohyoid: ...muscle with | straplike...2 bellies united by an intermediate tendon; lateral to sternohyoid |
sternothyroid | lateral and deep to sternohyoid |
origin of omohyoid | superior surface of scapula |
action of sternothyroid | depresses thyroid cartilage; pulls larynx and hyoid bone inferiorly |
muscles of the neck and vertebral column perform | head movements and trunk extension |
insertion of omohyoid | hyoid bone |
sternocleidomastoid: two.. | headed muscle located deep to platysma; key muscular landmark in the neck |
action of omohyoid | depresses and retracts hyoid bone |
origin of sternocleidomastoid | manubrium of sternum and clavicle |
muscles of the neck and vertebral column perform | head movements and trunk extension |
action of sternocleidmastoid | flexes and laterally rotates the head |
insertion of scalenes | ribs 1 and 2 |
scalenes: located more | laterally than anteriorly on the neck; deep to the platysma and sternocleidomastoid |
origin of scalenes | transverse process of cervical vertebrae |
action of scalenes | flexes and rotates neck, elevates ribs 1+2 |
erector spinae (intrinsic): ...mover of... | prime...back extension |
erector spinae consists of | 3 muscles whose subset muscles are named according to their location on the vertebral column |
3 muscles of erector spinae | iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis |
origin of iliocostalis | iliac crest, ribs (last 6-thoracis) and ribs 3-6 cervicis |
insertion of iliocostalis | angles of ribs, transverse process of c6-4 |
action of iliocostalis | extend and laterally flex the vertebral column, maintain erect posture |
iliocostalis group is the most | lateral muscle group of erector spinae, extending from pelvis to neck |
longissimus group is the | intermediate tripartite muscle group which extends from lumbar to skull |
origin of longissimus | transverse process of lumbar through cervical vertebrae |
insertion of longissimus | transverse process of thoracic or cervical vertebrae and to ribs superior to origin as indicated by name |
action of longissimus | extend and laterally flex vertebral column (lateral flexion) and extends head and turns face toward same side |
spinalis group is the most | medial group; poorly defined |
origin of spinalis | spines of ubber lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae |
insertion of spinalis | spines of upper thoracic and cervical vertebrae |
action of spinalis | extend vertebral column |
deep muscles of the thorax are for | breathing |
the thoracic muscles are very | short |
the thoracic muscles mostly run | from one rib to the next |
the thoracic muscles form | three layers in the wall of the thorax |
external intercostals are | 11 pairs that lie between ribs, fibers run obliquely from each rib to rib below |
origin of external intercostals | inferior border of rib above |
insertion of external intercostals | superior border of rib below |
action of external intercostals | pull ribs twoard one another to ELEVATE rib cage |
external intercostals are the ... of the... | synergists of the diaphragm |
internal intercostals are the | 11 pairs that lie between ribs, fibers run deep to and at right angles to those of external intercostals (downward and posteriorly) |
origin of internal intercostals | superior border of rib below |
insertion of internal intercostals | inferior border of rib above |
action of internal intercostals | draws ribs together and depresses the rib cage |
muscles of the abdominal wall controls | trunk movements and compression of abdominal viscera |
rectus abdominis is the ...muscle pair of the... wall | medial...anterior...whose fibers extend vertically from pubis to rib cage |
the rectus abdominis is ensheathed by | aponeuroses of the lateral muscles of abdominal wall |
rectus abdominis is segmented by | 3 tendinous inscriptions |
rectus abdominis extends | medially to insert on the linea alba which is a tendinous raphe/seam that extends from sternum to pubic symphysis |
rectus abdominis extends | medially to insert on the linea alba which is a tendinous raphe/seam that extends from sternum to pubic symphysis |
insertion of sternocleidomastoid | mastoid process of temporal bone and nuchal line of occipital bone |
origin of rectus abdominis | pubic crest and pubic symphysis |
insertion of rects abdominis | xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 |
action of rectus abdominis | flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column; fix and depress ribs, stabilize pelivs during walking, increase intra-abdominal pressure, used in sit ups and curls |
lateral abdominal walls are comprised of | 3 layers of broad, flat muscle sheets |
external oblique is the | largest of the 3 layers and the most superficial; fibers run inferiorly and medially |
the aponeurosis of the external oblique turns under inferiorly, forming the | inguinal ligament |
origin of external oblique | ribs 5-12 |
insertion of external oblique | linea alba, iliac crest, pubis |
action of external oblique | flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall; aid muscles of the back in TRUNK ROTATION and LATERAL FLEXION |
internal oblique: most fibers run | superiorly and medially |
origin of internal oblique | lumbar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament |
insertion of internal oblique | linea alba and ribs 10-12 |
action of internal oblique | same as ext. obl. |
transversus abdominis is the most | deep muscle layer of abdominal wall, fibers run horizontally |
origin or transversus abdominis | inguinal ligament, iliac crest, lumbar fascia, cartilages of ribs 7-12 |
insertion of transversus abdominis | linea alba, crest of pubis |
action of transversus abdominis | compress abdominal contents and laterally rotates trunk |