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Anatomy Human Muscle
Question | Answer |
Sternocleidomastoid (O,I,A,N) | O: manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle I: mastoid process of temporal bone A: Bi(cervical flexion) u(rotates head towards shoulder on opposite side with face tilted upward) N: accessory nerve |
Transeversus Abdominis (A,N) | A: compresses abdominal contents N: intercostal nerves (T7-12), L1 |
Internal Intercostals (A,N) | A: aid in force expiration N: intercostal nerves |
Scalenes (A,N) | A: elevates ribs 1,2, flex and rotate neck N: cervical spinal nerves |
Erector Spinae (A,N) | A: extends vertebral column N: spinal nerves |
Diaphragm (A,N) | A: prime mover of inspiration N: phrenic nerve |
Rectus Abdominis (O,I,A,N) | O: pubic crest and symphysis I: xiphoid process and costal cartilage of ribs 5-7 A: flex and rotate lumbar spine, stabilizes pelvis during walking N: intercostal nerves (T6, T7-12) |
Temporalis (O,I,A,N) | O: temporal fossa I: coronoid process of mandible A: elevates and retracts mandible N: trigeminal nerve |
Platysma (A,N) | A: tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible N: facial nerve |
Risorius (A,N) | A: draws corners of lips laterally N: facial nerve |
Semispinalis (A,N) | A: extends vertebral column, rotates to opposite side N: spinal nerves |
Serrateus Anterior (A,N) | A: protracts shoulder girdle N: long thoracic nerve |
Pectoralis Minor (A,N) | A: draws rib cage superiorly N: medial and lateral pectoral nerves |
Zygomaticus (minor, major) (A,N) | A: smiling N: facial nerve |
Mentalis (A,N) | A: protrudes lower lip, wrinkles chin N: facial nerve |
Orbicularis Oris (A,N) | A: pursues and protrudes lips N: facial nerve |
Occipital Belly (occipitalis) (O,I,A,N) | O: occipital and temporal bones I: galea aponeurotica A: pulls scalp posteriorly N: facial nerve |
Buccinator (A,N) | A: draws corners of lips laterally, holds food between teeth during chewing N: facial nerve |
Masseter (O,I,A,N) | O: zygomatic arch and maxilla I: angle and ramus of mandible A: prime mover of jaw closure, elevates mandible N: trigeminal nerve |
Orbicularis Oculi (A,N) | A: blinking, squinting N: facial nerve |
Frontal Belly (Frontalis) (O,I,A,N) | O: galea aponeurotica I: skin of eyebrows, root of nose A: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin horizontally N: facial nerve |
Subclavius (A) | A: stabilize and depress pectoral girdle |
Quadratus Lumborum (A,N) | A: uni (lateral flexion) bi (extension of lumbar spine - forced inspiration) N: T12 and upper lumbar nerves |
External Oblique (A,N) | A: bi- trunk flexion, rotation, lateral flexion N: intercostal nerves (T7-12) |
Internal Oblique (A,N) | A: bi- trunk flexion, rotation, lateral flexion N: intercostal nerves (T7-12), L1 |
External Intercostals (A,N) | A: aid in inspiration N: intercostal nerves |
Pectoralis Major (O,I,A,N) | O: clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-7, external oblique I: greater tubercle of humerus A: prime mover of shoulder flex, med rot, add N: lateral and medial pectoral nerves |
Subscapularis (O,I,A,N) | O: subscapular fossa of scapula I: lesser tubercle of humerus A: shoulder med rot N: subscapular nerves |
Teres Minor (O,I,A,N) | O: lateral border of dorsal scapular surface I: greater tubercle of humerus inferior to infraspinatus A: lat rot of shoulder N: axillary nerve |
Infraspinatus (O,I,A,N) | O: infraspinous fossa I: greater tubercle of humerus posterior to insertion of supraspinatus A: shoulder lat rot N: suprascapular nerve |
Levator Scapulae (O,I,A,N) | O: transverse process of C1-C4 I: medial border of scapula A: elevates, adducts scapula N: cervical spinal nerves, dorsal scapular nerve |
Trapezius (A,N) | A: shrug (elevate) shoulders and extend head N: accessory nerve |
Rhomboids (O,I,A,N) | O: spinous process of C7-T5 I: medial border of scapula A: retraction of scapula (squaring shoulders) N: dorsal scapular nerve |
Supraspinatus (O,I,A,N) | O: supraspinous fossa I: superior part of greater tubercle of humerus A: prevents inferior dislocation of humerus N: suprascapular nerve |
Latissimus Dorsi (O,I,A,N) | O: lumbodorsal fascia into T6-L5, lower 4 ribs, iliac crest I: intertubercular sulcus of humerus A: prime mover of shoulder ext, add, med rot N: thoracodorsal nerve |
Deltoid (I,A,N) | I: deltoid tuberosity A: prime mover of shoulder add (fibers), flex, ext, med and lat rot N: axillary nerve |
Teres Major (O,I,A,N) | O: posterior of inferior angle of scapula I: intertubercular sulcus of humerus A: ext, med rot, add of shoulder N: lower subscapular nerve |
Anconeus (A,N) | A: elbow ext N: radial nerve |
Triceps brachii (I,A,N) | I: olecranon process A: elbow ext N: radial nerve |
Brachialis (I,A,N) | I: coronoid process of ulna A: elbow flex N: musculocutaneous nerve |
Biceps brachii (I,A,N) | I: radial tuberosity A: elbow flex, forearm supination N: musculocutaneous nerve |
Coracobrachialis (O,I,A,N) | O: coracoid process of scapula I: medial surface of humerus shaft A: shoulder flex, add N: musculocutaneous nerve |
Brachioradialis (O,I,A,N) | O: lateral supracondylar ridge of distal humerus I: styloid process of radius A: elbow flexion N: radial nerve |
Pronator Teres (A,N) | A: pronates forearm N: median nerve |
Flexor Carpi Radialis (A,N) | A: wrist flex, abd N: median nerve |
Palmaris Longus (A,N) | A: wrist flex N: median nerve |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (A,N) | A: wrist flex, add N: ulnar nerve |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (A,N) | A: flex wrist, fingers 2-5 N: median nerve |
Flexor pollicis longus (A,N) | A: flexes thumb N: median nerve |
Flexor digitorum profundus (A,N) | A: flexes wrist, all fingers N: ulnar, median nerves |
Pronator Quadratus (A,N) | A: prime mover forearm pronation N: median nerve |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (A,N) | A: extends wrist, adb N: radial nerve |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (A,N) | A: extends wrist, abd N: radial nerve |
Extensor Digitorum (A,N) | A: prime mover ext fingers, wrist N: radial nerve |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (A,N) | A: extends wrist, add N: posterior interosseous nerve |
Supinator (A,N) | A: supinates forearm N: posterior interosseous nerve |
Adductor Pollicis Longus (A,N) | A: abd, extends thumb, abd wrist N: posterior interosseous nerve |
Extensor Pollicis Longus, Brevis (A,N) | A: extends thumb N: posterior interosseous nerve |
Extensor Indicis (A,N) | A: ext index figer, wrist N: posterior interosseous nerve |
Iliposoas: Iliacus (A,N) | A: flexion of thigh or trunk N: femoral nerve |
Ilipsoas: Psoas Major (A,N) | A: bi(flex thigh trunk), uni(lat flex vertebral column) N: ventral rami |
Sartorius (O,I,A,N) | O: anterior superior iliac spine I: medial proximal tibia A: flex, abd, lat rot thigh; knee flex N: femoral nerve |
Adductor Magnus (A,N) | A: add, med rot, ext hip N: obturator nerve |
Adductor Longus (O,I,A,N) | O: pubis I:linea aspera A: add, flex, lat rot hip N: obturator nerve |
Adductor Brevis (A,N) | A: add, med rot hip N: obturator nerve |
Pectineus (A,N) | A: add, flex, med rot thigh N: femoral, obturator nerve |
Gracilis (A,N) | A: add, flex, med rot hip N: obturator nerve |
Rectus Femoris (O,I,A,N) | O: anterior inferior iliac spine I: tibial tuberosity A: extends knee, flex hip N: femoral nerve |
Vastus Lateralis (O,I,A,N) | O: intertrochanteric line I: tibial tuberosity A: extends knee N: femoral nerve |
Vastus Medialis (O,I,A,N) | O: intertrochanteric line I: tibial tuberosity A: extends knee N: femoral nerve |
Vastus Intermedius (O,I,A,N) | O: anterior proximal shaft of femur I: tibial tuberosity A: extends knee N: femoral nerve |
Tensor Fascia Latae (O,I,A,N) | O: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) I: iliotibial tract A: flex, abd hip N: superior gluteal nerve |
Glueteus Maximus (O,I,A,N) | O: dorsal ilium, sacrum, coccyx I; gluteal tuberosity, iliotibial tract A: ext, lat rot, abd hip N: inferior gluteal nerve |
Glueteus Medius (A,N) | A: adb, med rot hip N: superior gluteal nerve |
Gluteus Minimus (A,N) | A: abd, med rot hip N: superior gluteal nerve |
Piriformis (A) | A: lat rot hip when extended |
Obturator Externus (A) | A: lat rot hip when extended |
Obturator Internus (A) | A: lat rot hip when extended |
Superior, inferior Gemellus (A) | A: lat rot hip when extended |
Biceps Femoris (O,I,A,N) | O: ischial tuberosity I: lateral condyle of tibia A: ext, lat rot hip; flex knee N: sciatic nerve |
Semitendinosus (O,I,A,N) | O: ischial tuberosity I: medial proximal tibia A: ext, med rot hip; flex knee N: sciatic nerve |
Semimembranosus (O,I,A,N) | O: ischial tuberosity I: medial condyle of tibia A: ext, med rot hip; flex knee N: sciatic nerve |
Tibialis Anterior (A,N) | A: dorsi flexion, inversion N: deep fibular nerve |
Extensor Digitorum Longus (A,N) | A: extend toes, dorsiflex N: deep fibular nerve |
Extensor Hallucis Longus (A,N) | A: ext great toe, dorsiflex N: deep fibular nerve |
Gastrocnemius (O,I,A,N) | O: medial, lateral condyles of femur I: posterior calcaneus A: plantar flex, knee flex N: tibial nerve |
Soleus (O,I,A,N) | O: superior tibia I: posterior calcaneus A: plantar flexion N: tibial nerve |
Flexor Digitorum Longus (A,N) | A: plantar flex; inverts, flex toes N: tibial nerve |
Flexor Hallucis Longus (A,N) | A: plantar flex; inverts, flex toes N: tibial nerve |
Tibial Posterior (A,N) | A: plantar flex, inverts N: tibial nerve |