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Chapter 16 YTI
Question | Answer |
Outer layer of skin. Keeps shedding.These cells flatten, shrink, lose their nuclei, and die. | Stratum Corneum |
What two factors are used to assess the damage of burns? | Deepth and Area |
How do you estimate the percentage of body burned? | Rule of nine. |
Groove or crack-like sore....-"Athlete's foot" | Fissure |
Flat lesion less 1 Cm..."Freckles" | Macule |
Small solid elevation of the skin...."Pimples" | Papule |
Papule containing pus...."Varicella" | Pustule |
Open sore on the skin...."Bedsore" | Ulcer |
No pus..."blister" | Vesicle |
Localized with evanescent of the skin. | Wheal |
Medical term for blackhead... | Comedo |
1st layer of skin | Epidermis |
2nd layer of skin | Dermis |
3rd layer of skin | Subcutaneous layer |
Spreading infection in the skin, redness, pain,swelling. | Cellulitis |
Caused by staphy and strept. Acute contagious skin infection. Bacterial inflammatory skin disease. | Impetigo |
Scaly-like, silvery recurrent dermatosis, chronic. | Psoriasis |
Contagious parasitic infection. A microscope is needed to look. | Scabies |
Tinea means... | Fungus infection |
Tinea pedis means... | Athlete's foot |
Tinea capitis means... | Scalp ringworm |
Tinea cruis means.... | Jock itch |
Tinea Unguium means..... | Onychomyosis...Nail Fungus |
Large tender swollen raised lesions caused by staph infection. Skin abscess | Boils |
Cluster of boils | Carbuncle |
Head lice.. Parasiric Infection. Wingless parasites that feed on human blood. | Pediculosis |
Does disease affect the skin color? | yes |
First degree burns only effect 1st and 2nd levels of the skin. True or Flase | False |
Sunburn is what degree burn? | 1st degree |
Most sever burn is what degree? | 4th degree |
Condition associated with Aids? | Kaposi Sarcoma |
Layers of muligant growths, Removed under a microscope. | Moh's Surgery |
Head lice is also known as | Pediculosis |
Shingles is caused by? | Herpes-Varicella Zoster |
Can a blood clot become a scar? | |
Inflammation of the follicals, hair | Folliculitis |
"Warts" Epidermal growth caused by a virus. | Verruca |
Cancerous growth composed of melanocytes. Serious skin cancer. | Malignant Melanoma |
A condition associated with aids is... | Kaposi Sarcoma, caused by herpes virus #8 |
Thin layers of malignant growth are removed and examined under a microscope.. | Moh's micrographic surgery |
What are the two types of skin tests? | Patch and Scratch |
Produces melanin..Everyone has the same number of Melanocytes, color deepends on the number of melanin produced and distributed. | Melanocytes |
What is the deepest layer of skin? | Subcutaneous layer |
Contagious parasitic infection? | Scabies |
hidr/o | sweat |
Kerat/o | hard |
erythemat/o | redness |
SC | subcutaneous |
SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
cutane/o | skin |
BX | biopsy |
rhytid/o | wrinkle |
onych/o | nail |
derm/o | skin |
ichthy/0 | dry, scaly |
py/o | pus |
phyt/o | plant |
trich/o | hair |
PPD | purified protein derivative...used in skin test for TB |
ungu/o | nail |
adip/o | fat |
squam/o | scale-like |
dermat/o | skin |
melan/o | black |
myc/o | fungus,fungi |
leuk/o | white |
albin/o | white |
cauter/o | heat, burn |
diaphor/o | profuse sweating |
lip/o | fat |
cause/o | burn, burning |
pil/o | hair |
seb/o | sebum |
eryathem/o | redness |
xanth/o | yellow |
steat/o | fat |
xer/o | dry |
Tinea Unguium | onychomyosis, Nail fungus |
blackhead | comedo |
Fissure | Athlete's foot |
Macule | freckles |
Papule | pimples |
pustule | Varicella |
Ulcer | bedsore |
Wheal | Localized with evanescent of the skin |
Jaund/0 | Yellowing skin |
Cellulitis | spreading infection in the skin |
Psoriasis | Scaly-like silvery |
Contagious parasitic infection | Scabies |
Bacterial inflammation caused by staph and strept | Impetigo |
Fugus infection | Tinea |
Athlete's foot | Tinea pedis |
Scalp ringworm | Tinea capitis |
Jock itch | tinea cruis |
Vesicle | Blister |