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Senses, SC Bio 5

general senses touch, pain and temp
Special senses hearing, taste, vision
Nocicpetors sense receptor of pain
Thermoreceptors temperature
mechanoreceptors stretch, pressure, etc
chemoreceptors body fluids- ions, glucose etc
tarsal glands modifies sebacious glands, inside eyelids
Conjunctiva transparent mucous membrane
Lacrimal apparatus Lacrimal gland, lacrimal sac, lacrimal punctum and duct
Sclera avascular, protects and shapes eye (fibrous tunic of the eye)
Cornea light bending apparatus (fibrous tunic of the eye)
Choroid (vascular tunic of the eye)Melanocytes absorb light to prevent reflection
Ciliary body (vascular tunic of the eye) smooth muscle, controls shape of lens
Iris (vascular tunic of the eye) smooth muscle ,controls diameter of pupil
retina (sensory tunic: inner layer) pigmented layer with phagocytes, absorb light and neural layer with photoreceptors with cones and rods. Contains the macula lute and fovea centralis
fovea centralis part of retina, has highest concentration of cones
Optic disc where optic nerve meets
vitreous humor in posterior segment transmits light, holds neural retina against pigmented retina, contributes to intraocular pressure
Aqueous humor in Anterior segment provides nutrient and O_2 to cornea and lens, takes out metabolic waste
receptors for hearing and balance... respond to separate stimuli, are activate independently
Outer ear structures 1)Auricle-outside of ear.2)External auditory meatus-contains ceruminous glans that produce ear wax. 3)tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Middle Ear structures (tympanic Cavity) a small air-filled cavity. 1)Auditory tube-links middle ear to nasopharynx. 2) Ossicles-malleus, incus and stapes
Inner Ear structures 1)Bony labyrinth (cavity in the bone) filled with perilymph, which contains cochlea, vestibule, and semicircular canals. 2)Membranous labyrinth- filled with endolymph.contains cochlear duct, utricle, saccule, and semicircular ducts
Vestibule suspended in its perilymph are two sacs; saccule and utricle which house maculae (receptors)
Anatomy and Activation of Maculae Maculae are sensory receptors detecting linear movement, sends nerve impulse to cerebellum, medulla, cerebrum, eyes and skeletal muscle to maintain balance.
Semicircular Canals Membranous semicircular ducts line each canal and communicate with the utricle, house equilibrium receptors called the crista ampullaris.
Anatomy and activation of crista ampullaris receptor for detecting angular movement, located in ampulla of each semicircular canal. Endolymph in the semicircular ducts move briefly in opposite direction of body's rotation, bending crista ampullaris.
Cochlea (3 canals rolled up like a snail) 1) Vestibular duct 2) Tympanic duct and 3) Cochlear duct
Vestibular duct begins at oval window (where stapes meets vestibular duct) contains perilymph
Tympanic duct continuous with vestibular ducts, and ends at the round window; contains perilymph
Cochlear duct includes organ of Corti (sound receptors); contain endolymph
Sound and mechanisms of hearing (how it works) Sound vibration beat against tympanic membrane>displaces ossicles>movement of stapes at oval window>waves perilymph of vest. duct> vibration causes bailer membrane to push hair cells against tectorial membrane, cochlear nerve sends impulses to the brain.
Auditory pathway Impulses from cochlea to spiral gangion, to medulla, to inferior colliculi, to thalamus to auditor cortex
Organ of smell olfactory epithelium, olfactory receptors cells are bipolar neurons with olfactory cilia
Gustation (taste) most taste buds are found on the papillae (bumps on tongue) of tongue mucosa. respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva
Taste sensations Sweet-sugar. Sour-acid. Salty-Sodium. Bitter-Base. Umami (savory, responds to amino acids). Water receptors.
Created by: holt.gracea
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