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arch design to let water flow around the eyes rather than letting the rain enter them. provide degree of shade eyebrows
extrnal; visible funnel-shpaed cartilage part we see as our "ear", serves to collect and funnel sound waves into the ear structure pinna
bleeding between ear cartilage and skin that results in swelling cauliflower
narrow, 1" long channel that condenses sound waves and carries them onto the eardrum Meatus Canal
hairs and special sweat glands; secrete protective ear wax that contains anti-bacterial chemicals to fight ear infections Ceruminous
size of your "pinkie" fingernail, and is the "dividing wall" between the external and middle ear sections eardrum
3 minute bones and two passageway openings, one into the temporal bone & the other into pharynx throat Middle Ear Anatomy (tympanic cavity)
small channel-tube passage that allows air to enter the middle ear, making it a "air pressure relief-value" Eustachain tube
3 bones in the body that do not grow after birth Malleus, Incus, Staples
maze of tunnel chambers deep within the temporal bones structure filled with fluid and concerned with both hearing and balance/equilibruim inner ear labyrinth
actual organ of hearing cochlea
interpretation, thus we hear. experience sounds of low or high frequencies based on how far up the nerve hairs are "tickled" by fluid auditory nerve
center of human balance semicircular canals
sense of smell and taste are tied together known as chemical
when atmoshperic odors enter each nostril, they travel to the upper back portion where 6-8 smell patches are located which contain neuron dendrite receptors olfactory hairs
facial bone ethmoid
smell center attached to the under surface of the brain's cerebrum hemishere olfactory bulb
complete loss of smell anosmia
taste buds papillae
delicate, light-touch receptors found abundantly in sensitve body areas such as fingertips, lips, eyelids, nipples, and gender sex organs meissner's corpuscles
larger receptors located deep in joints, muscles, that respond to vibration and pressure changes and elict a more crude, gross "heavy" touch sensation Pacinian Corpuscles
interpret heat, hot, or burning sensations ruffini's corpuscles
interpret cold, freezing sensations krause corpuscles
messages along bain fibers to the brain where it's registered as pain and the brain sounds two alarms Prostaglandins
Created by: jrb022
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