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Week 2


Q The interspinalis are small mm. on either side of the interspinous ligaments. Where do they originate/insert? A Sup surface SP to Inf surface SP above.
Q The intertransversarii mm. in the cervical region run from TP to TP, both on the ant. tubercle, and pos tubercle. What is the innervation of these mm.? A Ant = ventral rami segmental nn., pos = dorsal rami segmental nn. This is the "division line" of the neurological body.
Q There are two sets of intertransversarii mm. in the lumbar region; lateral and medial. Which set is most anterior? A The laterals connect the lateral part of the TP's, and are anterior to the medials.
Q The medial intertransversarii mm. in the lumbar region connect what? A accessory processes and mamillary processes. These are the true TP's, whereas the lateral set in the lumbar region connect the would-be costal elements.
Q On a typical cervical vertebrae, what is considered the would-be costal element? A the anterior tubercle. This is where the anterior intertransversarii mm. attaches, and is similar to the lateral inter...rii in the lumbar region
Q The levator costarum elevates the ribs. What are it's origins? A TP's of C7-T11
Q The levator costarum stretches from the TP of ribs C7-T11 to ribs above or below? A they pass inferolaterally to attach on ribs inferior to their origin
Q The L. costarum brevis attaches 1 rib below, and the L costarum longus attaches 2 ribs below. What ribs serve as attachments for the longus? A only the last four ribs
Q what is the most inf. vertebra w/ an attachment for L costarum longus? A T10, which attaches to rib 12 (T12)
Q what is the most sup. vertebra w/ an attachment for the L costarum longus? A T7, which attaches to rib 9 (T9)
Q What is the innervation of the levatores costarum? A dorsal rami of spinal nn.
Q "kinesiology monitors" are found in the small mm. of the back, in the deep layers of the deep group. There is a high concentration of what two things found here? A MSC's (m. spindle cells) which measure m. tension, and GTO's (golgi tendon organs) that inhibit/prevent m. tearing
Q What are the attachments for the serratus anterior? A***from the med border of the scapula to ribs 1-10
Q Review the attachments for the SOT. Try drawing the little triangle picture from systemic on a peice of scratch paper nearby and label the m. A Seriously, stop flipping cards and do it.
Q what is the roof of the SOT? A semispinalis capitis
Q What is the floor of the SOT? A aside from the pos. arch of the atlas (which would make a bad floor) it is lined with the "pos. atlanto-occipital membrane"
Q What innervates the SOT? Where does this n. run? A The suboccipital n., which passes between the vertebral artery and the pos arch of the atlas
Q What is the key to the SOT? A The semispinalis cervicis. Following this m. to its sup attachment will lead you to the SP of C2, and allow you to hone in on the harder-to-sort-out SOT.
Q The rectus capitis pos. minor runs mostly in what direction? Think of how the body is oriented, not your paper. A horizontal
Q This m has the highest number of proprioceptors in the body? A The obliquus capitis inferioris. cool, 'eh?
Q This n. exits the _____ rami of C2 A dorsal rami greater occipital
Q What is the insertion of the obliquus capitis superioris? A on the occiput, BETWEEN the sup/inf nuchal line.
Q What is the only capitis m. not attached to the cranium? A ob. cap. inf.
Q This n. pierces both the trapezius AND the semispinalis. A greater occipital n., which is from the DORSAL rami of C2, and gives cutaneous innervation to pos. scalp/neck
Q Where is the greater occipital n. located in relation to the SOT? A it appears inf. to the inf oblique m. of the SOT
Q This n. also pierces the trapezius m., and is from the dorsal rami of C3. Where is this n. in relation to the greater occipital? A The least/3rd occipital n., found medially to the greater occ.
Q The lesser occipital n. is from the ____ rami of ____, gives cutaneous innervation to nek/scalp, and is found ______ in relation to the greater occipital. A C2-3 ventral rami, found laterally to greater occ. n.
Q How many total vertebrae are there? How many are moveable? A 33 total, 24 moveable
Q Sacralization occurs in what percent of the population? A 5%. This is where L5 becomes sacral. Lumbarization is where S1 becomes lumar
Q Where are the accessory processes on lumbar vertebrae? What about the thoracic? A On the pos. aspect of the lumbar TP's, and there aren't any in the thoracic region
Q Where are vertebral notches located? A in the pedicle, between the body and articular processes, on BOTH sup/inf sides
Q What are the costal elements in the Cervical region called, and where are they located? A The cervical vertebrae have a sort of dual tubercle TP, the pos. tubercle being the true TP, and the ant. tubercle being the "costal element". (the ant tubercle on C6 is called the "carotid tubercle"
Q What is the name of the area between the ant/pos. tubercle on a typical cervical vertebrae? A the costotransverse bar
Q On what aspect of the vertebral body are uncinate processes located? A superolateral aspect
Review what directions the articular facets face on different vertebral regions. Try doing that hand thing....guillotine the head, pat the back, karate chop? the lumbars
Where does the transverse ligament attach in the upper cervical spine? The atlas has tubercles on both sides of the articular facet for the dens where the transverse ligament will attach.
Created by: GrossAnatomy1
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