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Tucker A&P

Chapter 4

Function of white blood cells Destroy pathogens - fight of infection
Function of schwann cells Electricaly insulated neurons
Functio of axon Cary impulses away from the cell
Dendrites Carry impulses towards the cell
Smooth muscle and example Cells are tapered located in wall of arteries and veins and maintain BP...Located in the iris of the eye to regulate the size of the pupil
Squamous Cells are flat
CuboidalSingle Layer Cells are cube shaped
Columnar Cells are tall and narrow
Simple Single Layer
Stratified Layers of cells
Location of Nerve tissue found only in the nervous system
Cardiac muscle - Organ involved - Function Pump blood, heart, regulate only the rate of contraction
Simple squamous epithelium - Characteristics - Functions One layer of flat cells, very thin and very smooth, permit diffusion of gases, prevent abnormal blood clotting
Stratified squamous - example - function Many layers of flat cells, Keratinizing = dead, in the epidermis... Non Karatinizing = living, in the mouth
Transitional epithelium - location - shape lining of the bladder and ureters , shape is rounded when empty flat when full
Cubodial epithelium function secretes thyroxine to thyroid , secretes saliva, permit reabsorption of usedful material back to blood
Parietal pleura lines the chest wall
visceral pleura covers the lungs
red blood cells - functions- effects of low RBC Carry oxygen, effects of low RBC is anemia
Why are platelets important Prevent blood loss , blood clotting process
Plasma Function Transport nutrients , gases, and waste products
Endocrine gland function ductless glands, function is to secrete hormones
Difference between exocrine glands and endocrine glands and examples Exo has ducts - salivary glands Endo - Ductless - secrete hormones
Extra Energy is stored where Adipose tissue
What doe endocrine glands secrete and where secrete hormones in capillaries
Muscle tissue involved with eye Smoot tissue
Mucous Membranes Line body cavities that open to the environment
Connective tissue related to the eye Adipose tissue
Treachea lining in relation to epithelial tissue ciliated epithelium sweeps mucus with trapped dust and bacteria from inhaled air
Function of mucus in the respiratory tract Traps dust and bacteria
Organs lined with mucus membrane Respiratory , digestive, urinary, reproductive
Fibrous connective tissue is what, in relation to strength Flexible
Osteocyles and their matrix Bone - Made of calcium salts and collagen
WHere are RBC's produced Stem Cells
Function of red bone morrow Primary site of stem cells that produce blood cells
Treachea in relation to connective tissue keeps airway open
where are digestive enzymes found Columnar epithelial tissue
joint capsule fiberous connective tissue ...enclosed joint
ossification production of bone matic and begins in the center of each bone
epiphyses end of long bones...made of spongy bone covered w thin layer of compact bone
diaphysis shaft of long bones...made of compact bone and is hollow forming a canal withint the shaft canal contains yellow bone morrow mainly adipose tissue
Estrogen and testosterone promotes closure of the epiphyses of long bones... helps retain calcium in bones to maintain a strong bone matrix
appendicular skeleton supports the appendages or limbs
tendon connects bone to muscle
where is red bone marrow found in long bones epiphusis of the long bone
Child bone growth begins where growth plate
osteoblast bone producing up of bone
Axial skeleton skull vertebrea
appendicular skeleton arms, legs, shoulder, pelvis
Strongest and larget bones in the back lumbar
Ribs corilate with what organ Lungs
Synthrosis Immovable joints
Calcetonin decrease reabsorbtion of calcium
Insulin produced in the pancrease and helps with glucose
Thyroxine Increase rate of protein synthasis
Created by: jennygirl1022
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