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Reverse Definitions
Female Reproductive
Question | Answer |
amenorrhea | Absence of menses |
Bartholin glands | Lubricate the vaginal orifice |
Cervicitis | Inflammation of the cervix |
cervix | Neck of the uterus; also called cervix uteri |
clitoris | Located anterior to the vaginal orifice; composed of erectile tissue |
colporrhaphy | Suture of the vagina |
condyloma | Genital wart |
cystitis | Inflammation of the bladder |
dysmenorrhea | Menstrual pain |
embryo | The product of conception up to the third month |
fallopian tubes | Extend laterally from superior angles of the uterus; where fertilization or conception takes place |
fetus | The unborn offspring from the third month to the time of birth |
fimbriae | Fingerlike projections that create wavelike currents to move the ovum into the uterine tube |
galactorrhea | Flow of milk |
graafian follicles | Tiny, saclike structures that contain an ovum |
gynecologist | One who specializes in the study of the female |
hydrocephalus | Increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain |
hymen | A fold partially or completely covering the vaginal opening |
hymenectomy | Excision of the hymen |
intrauterine | Within the uterus |
kernicterus | Serious condition involving mental retardation, jaundice and brain damage |
labial | P2 the lip |
leukorrhea | White vaginal discharge |
mammary | Relating to the breast |
menopause | The end of menstruation for the remainder of a woman's life |
menorrhagia | Bursting forth of menses |
metrorrhagia | Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods |
natal | P2 birth |
nullipara | Woman who has never produced a viable offspring |
obstetrician | A physician who specializes in dealing with pregnancy, labour and puerperium |
oophoritis | Inflammation of the ovary |
osteoporosis | Porous bones |
ova | Female reproductive cells |
ovaries | Almond-shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity which produce the ovum and various hormones |
ovulation | The ripening and rupture of the mature graafian follicle and the discharge of ovum |
pruritus vilvae | Severe itching of the external female genitalia |
pseudocyesis | False pregnancy |
spontaneous abortion | A natural, spontaneous termination of pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus |
therapeutic abortion | Abortion induced legally for medical or other reasons |
uterus | Organ that contains and nourishes the embryo from the time of fertilization until birth |
vagina | Muscular tube extending from the cervixx to the exterior of the body |
vaginitis | Inflammation of the vagina |
vulvectomy | Excision of the vulva |
Adnexa | Accesory parts of a structure |
Menarche | Beginning of menstrual function |
Puberty | Age of sexual menstruation |
Fibroids | Begnign uterine tumor |
viable | capable of sustaining life |
dystocia | Difficult labour |
conization | excision of a cone-shaped piece of tissue |
lumpectomy | Excision of a small primary breast bone |
episiotomy | incision of the perineum |
dyspareunia | Occurence of pain during sexual intercourse |
Vaginismus | painful spasm of the vagina |
gestation | pregnant women |
cerclage | suturing of the cervix |
Abruption placentae | Premature separation of the placentae |
papanicolaou smear/test | study used to detect abnormal cells from the cervix and vagina |
placenta previa | The placenta is attached near the cervix and ruptures prematurely |