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Anatomical Position =
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Frontal or Cornal plane divides the body
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Anatomical Positions

Anatomical Position = Standing erect, toes forward, palm forward
Frontal or Cornal plane divides the body front to back
Sagittal plane divides the body side to side
MidSagittal plane divides the body side to side into equal parts
Transverse plane divides the body top to bottom
Anterior or Ventral anatomic position toward the front or the belly side
Posterior or Dorsal anatomic position toward the back
Medial anatomic position toward the mid-line
Lateral anatomic position toward the side away from the mid line
Proximal anatomic position toward the orgin of attachment to
Distal anatomic position away from the orgin of attachment to
Superior up toward the head, upper part of body
Inferior away from the head, lower part of the body
Cranial or Cephalad head
Caudal tail
Superficial externally, toward the body surface
deep internally, inward of the surface of the body
What are the areas of the Dorsal cavity? Cranial cavity and spinal cavity
What are the areas of the ventral cavity? thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity
How many regions are in the abdomen? 9
How many quadrants are in the abdomen? 4
What is the dividing point for the ventral cavity? Diaphragm
What are the four quadrants in the abdomen? RLQ - right lower quadrant RUQ - right upper quadrant LUQ - Left upper quadrant LLQ - left lower quadrant
Patella = knee cap
Genu = knee
Popliteal = structures located in back of the back of the knee
Occipital = base of the skull, back and lower part of the cranium
Cervical = neck
Sural = calf of the leg
Antecubital = bend of the elbow
Tarsal = ankle
Carpal = wrist
Fowler position bed is raised 18-20" above w knees elevated
Knee-chest position resting on knees and upper chest
Lithotomy position on back, thighs apart, legs elevated
Prone position lying w front or face downward
Sims position left side and legs elevated
Supine position face up
Trendelenburg position on back head lower than feet
What is the main muscle for breathing? Diaphragm
Periitoneum = serous membrane covering the abdominal organs
Cephal/o = head
Cervic/o = neck
Celi/o = abdomen
Lapar/o = abdominal wall
Acro = extremities
Brachi/o = arm
Dactyl/o = fingers and toes
Ped/o or pod/o = foot
Circum = around
Peri = around
Intra = within
Infra = below
Inter = between
Juxta = near
Retro = behind
Supra = above
Digit fingers and toes
Fundus rounded portion of a hollow organ
Lumen opening
Meatus opening to outside
Os mouth
Septum wall dividing 2 body parts
Sinus cavity within a bone
Sphincter muscular ring that regulates n opening
Created by: jhowe2323
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