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Week 6


Q In which mediastinum is the Thymus found? Where does it lay in relation to the manubrium? A In sup. just pos. to manubrium
Q The brachiocephalic vv. are formed by the internal jugular and subclavian. Which is longer? A The L brachiocephalic v.
Q The brachiocephalic vv. are formed by the internal jugular and subclavian. Which passes in front of the scalene mm, and over the first rib? A The R brachiocephalic v.
Q Q The brachiocephalic vv. are formed by the internal jugular and subclavian. Which brachiocephalic v. corsses ANT to branches of the aorta? A The L
The SVC starts deep to #1 costal cartilage, and end where? A It ends deep to #3 costal cartilage when it enters the RA
Q Which way does the aorta arch? A the aorta arches posterosuperiorly and LEFT
Q The arch of the aorta starts on the R side at #2 costosternal joint. Where does it start it's descent? A at the LEFT body of T4. Notice it switches sides as it arches.
Q There are two brachiocephalic VV., how many brachiocephalic AA. are there? A just one-the "brachioc. Trunk".
Q The L common carotid, and L subclavian both branch directly off of the aorta. Where do the R sublcavian/common carotid branch off? A The brachiocephalic trunk.
Q *** Is the L subclavian a. in front/behind the scalene mm.? What about the L subclavian v.? A *** Artery is BEHIND the scalenes, and vein is in FRONT of them
Q Which of the R/L vagus nn. pass pos. to the root of the lung? A BOTH
Q Does the R or L recurrent laryngeal (branch off vagus) ascend between the trachea and esophagus? A the R
Q Does the R/L recurrent laryngeal n pass under the arch of the aorta? A The L
Q The R vagus n. forms the pos. vagal trunk. What does the L vagus n. form? A The ant. vagal trunk
Q What n. is found just lat. to the ligamentum arteriosum? A The L vagus n.
Q The heart twists counter-clockwise as seen from the top. Which way do the nn. twist? A Opposite, or clockwise
Q Do the phrenic nn. enter the thorax lat/med to the vagus n? Do they pass ant/pos to root of lung? A Phrenic n. passes into thorax lat. to vagus, and passes ANT to root of lung.
Q How much of the phrenic n. supply is motor to the diaphragm? A 2/3, so 1/3 is sensory
Q Is the trachea ant/pos to the esophagus? At what level does the trachea end? A Ant, deviates slightly R, and end at the sternal angle, where it first divides
Q *** At what level does the esophagus peirce the diaphragm? A *** T10, through the "esophageal hiatus" of R crus.
Q This is a flat, fibromuscular tube, that can't seem to run a straight course A the esophagus, which is constantly getting pushed side to side by the aorta
Q The thoracic aorta is fron T4-12. Where is the aortic knob found? A T4
Q The thoracic lymphatic duct drains everything into the L. subclavian v., except.... A head, neck, and R arm
Q What the thoracic lymphatic duct doesn't drain, the _______ takes care of? A R. Lymphatic duct, into the R subclavian v.
Q The thoracic duct is the largest lymphatic channel, and is ant to T2-6. What is found to the R and L? A The "cisterna chyli" on the R, and the subclavian v. on the L. Check the pictures on this one.
Q how many vv. are involved in the azygos system of vv.? A 3. Azygos, hemiA, and accessory hemiA
Q The azygos v. runs from the pos. IVC to the SVC, but it can't be short. Where precisely does it extend? A From the pos IVC in the abdomen, loops over the root of R lung, and into the SVC above the heart
Q At approx what level does the hemiA v. crossover to drain into the azygos v.? A T9 The accessory hemiA v. also crosses over around this area, but this whole crossover thing tends to vary a LOT.
Q What drains intercostal vv. on the R side? A Azygos v.
Q What drains the intercostal vv. on the L? A T4-8 is accessory hemiA v. Below that is the hemiA, and T1-3 is actually the "sup intercostal v."
Q Large branches off of the symp ganglia form splanchnic nn. which go to abdominal viscera. What vert. levels for the Greater splanchnic? A T5-9. lesser = T10-11, and least = T12
Q Is the trachea attached to the esophagus? A Yup.
Q What is another name for secondary bronchi? A Lobar bronchi. Think: 3 lobes on R, 2 on L
Q secondary bronchi branch into tertiary, then into bronchopulmonary segments in each lung, then into bronchioles. What is another name for tertiary bronchi? A segmental bronchi
Q You just swallowed me and i took a wrong turn into your bronchioles. Which do i hit first, terminal or respiratory bronchioles? A terminal. This is the END of cartilage.
Q I just jumped down your throat and into your lungs, looking for alveoli. Where is the first place i find them? A Respiratory bonchioles
Q *** The diaphragm is convex toward the thorax. Where does it attach circumferentially? A ***lower 6 ribs, xiphoid, and vert up to L4.
Q*** Where does the diaphragm attach in it's middle? A ***to the "central tendon", and forming a "trifoliate aponeurosis", w/ 3 leaves. Check your picture-it's not that scary.
Q *** The diaphragm has 3 parts to it's muscular portion. 2 slips go to the xiphoid (called sternal part) w/ spaces for nn. Where is the costal part? A *** The costal part extends from the the inf 6 costal cartilages anteriorly w/ their ribs, forming the R/L domes. Check your plate, or pictures, or whatever. Put some clouds and stars around the diaphragm.
Q*** The costal part of the diaphragm extends from the ant. inf. costal cartilages w/ their ribs. Where does the lumbar part of the diaphragm extend? A *** From 2 arches bilaterally, and 1 centrally, and the upper 3 or 4 vertebrae. No seriously, it's not that bad....check netters or grays.
Q In the lumbar part of the muscular portions of the diaphragm, 2 arches are formed bilaterally. We call the medial ones the medial arcuate ligament, and the lateral the lateral arcuate ligament. What mm. do these wrap over/around? A The medial arcuate ligament passes around the psoas, and the lateral the quadratus lumborum.
Q What does "crura" mean? A leg
Q ***There are various "apertures" or holes in the diaphragm for structures to pass through. Does the vena caval foramen get bigger/smaller on inspiration? A ***The vena caval foramen is surrounded by tendons, so it gets BIGGER with inspiration. This is at the T8 level
Q ***There are various "apertures" or holes in the diaphragm for structures to pass through. Which hiatus is at the T10 level, and pinches on inspiration? A ***The esophageal hiatus. It pinches b/c it is surrounded by mm. IT does this to help keep food down.
Q ***There are various "apertures" or holes in the diaphragm for structures to pass through. At what level is the aortic hiatus, and what happens to it w/ insp/expiration? A *** T12 level, and there is NO respiratory effect
Q Aside from the vena caval foramen, the esophageal hiatus, and the aortic hiatus.....what hiatus am i forgetting? A The sternocostal hiatus....if you want to NOT bother with one of these, this is the one.
Created by: GrossAnatomy1
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