a way of goverment a country, is which the people elect repesentatives to govern the country on their behalf.
In law, unlawful entry onto land.
a rule or a set of rules, especially those made by the govermentor ruler
Common Law
The unwrittens laws, especially those of England, based on customons or court decision
in law, an act that, without legal justification, interferes with safety, comfort, or the use of property
manslaughter, homicide committed without justification or excuse but distinguished from murder by the absence of the element of malice aforethought.
Cival Law
The body of law established by a state or nation for it's owen rights.
Trail by order
A hearing of the facts or a trying of someone quilt or innecence in a law court.
A plaintiff (Π in legal shorthand), also known as a claimant or complainant, is the party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an action) before a court.