Question | Answer |
Nuisance | in law, an act that, without legal justification, interferes with safety, comfort, or the use of property |
Crinimal Law | the branch of law that defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment. |
Negligence | negligence, in law, especially tort law, the breach of an obligation (duty) to act with care, or the failure to act as a reasonable and prudent person would under similar circumstances. |
Beliefs | To make something seem important, she hurt their feelings when she bellitled their work. |
Fedual Systum | having to do with a way of life in which ordinary people lived on and used the land of a nobel man, giving him military & other servicein return. |
Defamation | In law, issuance of false statements about a person that injure his reputation or that deter others from associating with him. |
Precedent | A legal decision or a authorative rule. |
Law | a rule or a set of rules, especially those made by the govermentor ruler |
Democracy | a way of goverment a country, is which the people elect repesentatives to govern the country on their behalf. |
Democracy | a way of goverment a country, is which the people elect repesentatives to govern the country on their behalf. |
Jury | a group of people chosen to hear and try to decide the outcome of a case |
Trail by order | A hearing of the facts or a trying of someone quilt or innecence in a law court. |
Cival Law | The body of law established by a state or nation for it's owen rights. |
Trespass | In law, unlawful entry onto land. |
Trail by order | A hearing of the facts or a trying of someone quilt or innecence in a law court. |
Oral Law | someone who speaks and makes them the law. (spoken instead of written) |
Magistrate | A magistrate is a judicial officer. In common law systems a magistrate usually has limited authority to administer and enforce the law. |
Nuisance | in law, an act that, without legal justification, interferes with safety, comfort, or the use of property |
Sue | Damages - legal term referring to the financial compensation recoverable by reason of another's breach of duty; the money paid or awarded to a plaintiff |
Judge | A judge, or justice, is an official who presides over a court of law. |
Common Law | The unwrittens laws, especially those of England, based on customons or court decision |
Negligence | negligence, in law, especially tort law, the breach of an obligation (duty) to act with care, or the failure to act as a reasonable and prudent person would under similar circumstances. |
Defendant | A defendant or defender (Δ in legal shorthand) is any party who is required to answer the complaint of a plaintiff or pursuer in a civil lawsuit before a court, or any party who has been formally charged or accused of violating a criminal statute. |
Jury | a group of people chosen to hear and try to decide the outcome of a case |
Fedual Systum | having to do with a way of life in which ordinary people lived on and used the land of a nobel man, giving him military & other servicein return. |
Cival Law | The body of law established by a state or nation for it's owen rights. |
Negligence | negligence, in law, especially tort law, the breach of an obligation (duty) to act with care, or the failure to act as a reasonable and prudent person would under similar circumstances. |
Oral Law | someone who speaks and makes them the law. (spoken instead of written) |
Sue | the action of filing a lawsuit before a court of law |
Law | a rule or a set of rules, especially those made by the govermentor ruler |
Crinimal Law | the branch of law that defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment. |
Defamation | In law, issuance of false statements about a person that injure his reputation or that deter others from associating with him. |
Oral Law | someone who speaks and makes them the law. (spoken instead of written) |
Compensation | |
Law | a rule or a set of rules, especially those made by the govermentor ruler |
Prosecute | The prosecutor is the chief legal representative of the prosecution in countries with either the common law adversarial system, or the civil law inquisitorial system. |
Trespass | In law, unlawful entry onto land. |
Sue | A plaintiff (Π in legal shorthand), also known as a claimant or complainant, is the party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an action) before a court. |
Beliefs | To make something seem important, she hurt their feelings when she bellitled their work. |
Compensation | Damages - legal term referring to the financial compensation recoverable by reason of another's breach of duty; the money paid or awarded to a plaintiff |
Nuisance | in law, an act that, without legal justification, interferes with safety, comfort, or the use of property |
Precedent | A legal decision or a authorative rule. |
Common Law | The unwrittens laws, especially those of England, based on customons or court decision |
Murder | murder, criminal homicide, usually distinguished from manslaughter by the element of malice aforethought. |
Common Law | The unwrittens laws, especially those of England, based on customons or court decision |
Homicide | homicide, in law, the taking of human life. Homicides that are neither justifiable nor excusable are considered crimes. |
Defamation | In law, issuance of false statements about a person that injure his reputation or that deter others from associating with him. |
Cival Law | The body of law established by a state or nation for it's owen rights. |
Crinimal Law | the branch of law that defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment. |
Democracy | a way of goverment a country, is which the people elect repesentatives to govern the country on their behalf. |
Compensation | Damages - legal term referring to the financial compensation recoverable by reason of another's breach of duty; the money paid or awarded to a plaintiff |
Trail by order | A hearing of the facts or a trying of someone quilt or innecence in a law court. |
Beliefs | To make something seem important, she hurt their feelings when she bellitled their work. |
Fedual Systum | having to do with a way of life in which ordinary people lived on and used the land of a nobel man, giving him military & other servicein return. |
fine | fine. 1 In criminal law, sum of money exacted by a lawful tribunal as punishment for a crime. |
Jury | a group of people chosen to hear and try to decide the outcome of a case |
Crimes | In the sociological field, crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. |
Precedent | A legal decision or a authorative rule. |
Trespass | In law, unlawful entry onto land. |
Manslaughter | manslaughter, homicide committed without justification or excuse but distinguished from murder by the absence of the element of malice aforethought. |